Waiting for birth is a time of joy and excitement. While the baby grows and develops day after day, the mother undergoes numerous examinations, according to which doctors try to guess what is happening with the baby inside and whether everything is in order. The results are not always accurate and reliable, so sometimes the interpretation may be a cause for serious worries. However, calm, only calm.
There is always the opportunity to go through the analysis again or get a transcript from another specialist to compare the results. Today we’ll talk about what placental lactogen shows. This is a special peptide hormone that is produced only by the placenta. Accordingly, outside of pregnancy, it is not detected in the blood. Today we will tell you what and at what time the placental lactogen can tell a specialist.
general description
First of all, I want to say a few words about what this hormone is. Doctors, of course, have an idea about this, but they are not in a hurry to educate the expectant mother. So, placental lactogen is a chain of amino acids. In fact, the growth hormone of the pituitary gland and prolactin are very similar to it. However, at the same time they are very different from each other. Today we are talking about a hormone that simultaneously has somatotropic and prolactin-like properties. In this case, placental lactogen exhibits a significantly higher lactogenic activity.
Main functions
Our body will not do anything for nothing. This is especially true of procreation, everything should be clearly justified here. The hormone placental lactogen plays a huge role in preparing the mammary glands for feeding. It is synthesized from the very early stages of pregnancy. Gradually, the level of this hormone in the blood rises and reaches its maximum at the 37th week. Before childbirth, indicators are markedly reduced.
I would also like to say that the placental lactogen during pregnancy is studied if the doctor conducting the pregnancy has any suspicions about violations of the course of fetal maturation or the functioning of the placenta. At the same time, the concentration of the hormone in the blood is very variable. Therefore, it is very important to focus not on average indicators, but on the individual organism.
Average standards
Numerous studies have made it possible to make tentative tables that allow doctors to determine whether pregnancy is proceeding normally or if there is a suspicion of pathology. If the ultrasound shows a lag in the development of the fetus, it is recommended to take tests for placental lactogen. During pregnancy, the norm depends on the period for which the woman is now. A small table allows you to compare the results obtained in the laboratory with average indicators.
A week | 10-14 | 14-18 | 18-22 | 22-26 | 26-30 | 30-34 | 34-38 | 38-42 |
Mg / L | one | 2-3 | 1-5 | 2-6 | 2-8 | 3-10 | 4-11 | 4-11 |
However, remember that the data given is averaged, so do not panic if your results differ. You can always get advice from a doctor who will dispel your doubts. Moreover, a specialist always uses several research methods to make a diagnosis.
What the hormone shows
This is one of the most important issues. Indeed, why measure placental lactogen during pregnancy? What does this hormone show? So, the placenta is the only organ that can produce it. Therefore, it is precisely the amount of lactogen in the blood that characterizes the state of the placenta itself. In this case, if a woman suffers from renal pathologies, there is a serious increase in this hormone in the blood. With hypertension, on the contrary, the concentration in the blood is greatly reduced.
First trimester, the most important and difficult
Early pregnancy is considered the most dangerous. However, a number of studies say that if the body tries to get rid of the fetus, then there is no need to save it, there are reasons for this. But this does not eliminate the need to consult a doctor, since the most important thing is to preserve the life and health of the mother. So, in the first trimester, with the development of placental insufficiency, the level of PL is significantly reduced. Extremely low rates are detected on the eve of the death of the fetus and three days before a miscarriage.
But even at a later date, placental lactogen gives important information. The norm is given above, and if the indicators are very different in a smaller direction, then renal failure and chronic fetal hypoxia can be suspected. It should not be forgotten that the content of the hormone in the blood can fluctuate over a fairly wide range, and in most pregnant women it is much lower than normal. However, with hypoxia of the fetus, indicators sharply decrease, about three times. A doctor observing such changes is obliged to suspect something was amiss and take measures.
Indications for examination
In what cases can doctors send for analysis? Placental lactogen is checked in all pregnant women, but if the indicators are normal, then they usually do not retake it again. An exception is a worsening of the course of pregnancy and other alarming symptoms. Let's determine the main indications by which the doctor can send you to the laboratory. If you are already in late pregnancy, and also if there are complications. In the event that the doctor believes that the fetus is lagging behind in development, he can assess the condition of the placenta and the fetus by studying a number of tests for PL.
Results Analysis
The amount of hormone secreted is proportional to the size of the placenta. Therefore, the determination of the level of PL is advisable in pregnant women who belong to the risk group. Therefore, if there is a history of diabetes mellitus or arterial hypertension, then most likely the doctor will prescribe samples after an equal period of time. An additional examination is performed if there is a suspicion of a violation of the function of the placenta. It is important to consider that the level of the hormone fluctuates significantly, especially in the second half of pregnancy. Therefore, to confirm the result, it is recommended to determine it several times.
An increased level of the hormone is observed in multiple pregnancies, Rh conflicts and trophoblastic tumors. In addition, women with diabetes mellitus also often have altered indicators.
And in some cases it happens the other way around - indicators are reduced. This often occurs with cystic drift. This ailment, which is characterized by the pathological development of placental tissue. In most cases, with cystic drift, the fetus dies.
Choriocarcinoma is another pathology in which there is a serious decrease in hormone levels. This is a malignant tumor of the uterus, which can develop as a result of normal childbirth or abortion, as well as become a consequence of cystic drift. It is characterized by uterine bleeding and metastases to the liver and brain.
Hypertensive toxemia is a decrease in PL levels that precedes spontaneous abortion. And after 30 weeks when determining reduced rates, we can say that there is a risk to the fetus. This may be a sign of premature birth, as well as fetal hypoxia. In both cases, doctors must assess the situation and prescribe the necessary treatment, as well as refer to a premature birth.
Instead of a conclusion
The definition of “placental lactogen” may be completely unfamiliar to a woman who has already become a mother several times. This is easily explained by the fact that in the normal course of pregnancy, without serious fears for the development of crumbs, the doctor will not prescribe additional studies. However, if the results are slightly different from the norm, there is no reason to panic. In addition, you will need to undergo an ultrasound scan, compare all previous survey results, and repeat the analysis in a week. Then you can already make comprehensive conclusions.