A cat on its stomach has a bump under its skin - what is it? What to treat?

Having learned that a cat has a bump under its skin on its belly, many lovers of mustachioed pets begin to worry. The mere thought that the animal has cancer causes fear and sadness. It’s sad to realize that cats are also prone to cancer.

The course of the disease and its outcome are almost no different from the human. In veterinary medicine, an oncological direction has been identified, the relevance of which is growing year by year. Why do four-legged people get cancer, how to prevent it and what to do after you have been informed of the diagnosis?

What is dangerous oncology?

Oncological diseases are mentioned more and more often every year. They got to the four-legged pets. It is sad when a bump under the skin is found in a cat on its stomach. "What is it, cancer?", Thought the owners of the mustachioed pets. This word denotes a whole "bouquet" of diseases and conditions of the body. They are characterized by uncontrolled growth and development of individual groups of cells that gradually invade surrounding tissues. In this way, the focus may increase in size.

on a cat’s stomach, a bump under the skin

Often in cats, this process goes unnoticed for a long time, which is the most dangerous. The characteristics of the oncological disease in baleen pets are similar to human ones:

  • Several stages.
  • Localized focus or not.
  • Communication with different organ systems.

With the late detection of the disease, as well as the neglected process, it is almost impossible to avoid a fatal outcome. Veterinary medicine has advanced far in the treatment of cancer; there are good results, but this does not guarantee the cat's recovery in the last stages.

Causes of cancer

Why did a bump appear under a cat’s stomach? Determining the exact cause of the appearance of cancerous tumors in animals is as problematic as in humans. The situation is complicated by the fact that these diseases are multifactorial and can be caused by different circumstances.

The greatest likelihood of developing a tumor in those animals that:

  • have genetic prerequisites;
  • born as a result of a mistake by breeders;
  • lead an unusual way of life;
  • eat poor-quality food.

The most intense influence on the likelihood of oncology is the environment.

a cat on his stomach has a bump under the skin photo

Is cancer related to modern animal living conditions?

So, you noticed that the cat has a bump on its stomach (under the skin). Is there any reason to believe that this is onco? And that animal cancer is associated with the current state of the environment or, perhaps, the disease arose much earlier? Most likely, oncology in the mustachioe-striped did not appear yesterday. The history of the disease is as old as the world, it just happened much less often before.

Today, statistics show an increasing spread of cancer in humans and animals. This gives all reasons to believe that this ailment is associated with the state of the environment:

  • gas contamination;
  • electromagnetic pollution;
  • high content of chemical additives in foods;
  • ubiquitous pollution of nature.

Oncology and viruses

Some veterinarians support the viral theory of cancer in cats. In their opinion, a virus enters the body that changes the genome of the cell and its ability to reproduce. Science knows over 100 types of oncoviruses. Once in the body of a mammal, they are able to stay in sleep mode for a long time.

If the immunity is strong, then it is able to block the spread of the pathogen and prevent the development of the disease. However, the adverse environment suppresses the defenses of the animal, "opening the gate" to viruses. Stress conditions, helminths, poor nutrition, diseases, etc. can serve as a starting push.

on a cat’s stomach, a bump burst under the skin

What contributes to the development of the disease?

In addition to the causes, it is important to deal with favorable factors for the development of cancer. The risk of an ailment is directly proportional to the duration and degree of their effect on the cat's body. The list of these factors:

  • Errors of breeding work.
  • Weakened immunity.
  • Poor quality feed from the lowest price category.
  • Hormonal malfunctions, diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Polluted environment.
  • Stressful conditions.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Radiation.

It is necessary to say one more thing that has become relevant recently - vaccines. Preventive vaccinations for pets often give complications. A lump under the skin of a cat on the stomach may be the result of a vaccination. The neoplasm must be removed at an early stage, even if it is benign.

As soon as the first symptoms appear or seals are found, the pet should be shown to the veterinarian soon. What does a cat under the skin look like in a cat on its stomach? Photos of animals with such a pathology are in the article.

on a cat’s stomach, a lump under the skin after sterilization

Cancer susceptibility

If we consider the causes of the disease, it will be easy to understand which of the cats have a greater susceptibility to it. However, the disease can occur in an animal at any year of life, regardless of predisposition and breed. But the chances of developing tumors are higher in animals aged, representatives of the rarest breeds, having a light color with white ears.

Species of Oncology in Cats

Oncological diseases of animals and humans have few differences: they affect different tissues and organs. Therefore, there are many types of cancerous tumors. You never know where and when they will appear. The classification of tumors in veterinary medicine coincides with that adopted in our medicine:

  • Benign. They are characterized by slow growth, a certain localization and the absence of pronounced discomfort for the animal.
  • Malignant. They have directly opposite features: rapid development and a strong influence on the vital activity of the organism.

In feline representatives, cancer of the thyroid gland, breast, skin and genitals is more common. Tumors of the gastrointestinal tract are less often diagnosed. What to do when the cat on the stomach has a bump (under the skin) of blue color? The first thing to go to the veterinary clinic. The doctor will diagnose and determine the stage of the disease.

a cat on his stomach has a bump under the skin than to treat

Stages of cancer

There are 4 phases of cancer in animals:

  • Initial. A barely noticeable neoplasm resembling a nodule appears.
  • The second one. The tumor grows, increasing in size. The adjacent cells are affected.
  • The third. The neoplasm practically does not change, but the disease affects almost the entire cat's body.
  • Fourth. The last stage in most cases ends in death. The disease spread throughout the body of the animal, destroying it.

How to diagnose oncology in a pet?

All animal lovers should be wary of the appearance on the pet's body of causeless neoplasms or other pathological sites. However, this is a manifestation of only those tumors that are located close to the skin. And how to recognize cancer of the internal organs and tissues?

This is extremely difficult to do, most often it is not possible to identify the initial stages of cancer. A signal can be any change in the behavior of a cat, a sharp reaction to familiar factors and other symptoms. You must immediately visit a veterinarian and pass all the prescribed tests.

in a cat on his stomach a bump under the skin what is it

If you see that a cat on his stomach has a bump under the skin after sterilization, then this is probably cancer. In cats, it is necessary to carefully monitor the testes, revealing swelling or violation of symmetry and urination. In cats, mammary glands are more susceptible to cancer. Upon reaching the age of six, the animal is recommended to be shown to the veterinarian twice a year, who will examine him and make a blood test.

If the pet has the following symptoms, it should be shown to the doctor as soon as possible:

  • Swelling of the skin and other swelling.
  • Tumors and any inflammation.
  • Skin infections.
  • Discharge from the mammary glands.
  • Drowsy and lethargic behavior, as well as the resulting aggression and caution.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Decreasing weight.
  • Any other causeless changes.

Only a full examination of the tumor (biopsy, x-ray, blood test, ultrasound) will make an accurate diagnosis.

Prevention and treatment

A good host is guarded by a bump found under a skin on a cat’s stomach. How to treat a pet? Nowadays, most cancers are treatable. Of course, these statistics concern only the initial stages of the disease. There are several types of treatment: surgical intervention and three types of therapies (chemo-, immuno- and radiation). The animal is assisted in the early stages by drugs.

If the cat has a lump under the skin on the stomach, the veterinarian will prescribe the treatment. In the case when the disease has progressed, and it is already impossible to cure it, the mustachioed patient is prescribed strong painkillers and is recommended to carry out euthanasia.

Do not rush to euthanize your pet, because there are cases of unexpected healing of animals. The right diet, care and love of the owners can help in this. For a full-fledged life, a kitty needs only a small treatment. Of course, the result depends on the stage and type of cancer.

on a cat’s stomach, a lump under the blue skin

Regarding the prevention and treatment of cancer, experts disagree. Hygiene and the exclusion of street visits help prevent skin cancer . Breast tumors are practically not diagnosed in cats sterilized before the first estrus. In the event that a lump under the skin of a cat on his stomach bursts, you should urgently take the sick animal to a veterinary clinic.

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