Why shouldn’t pregnant women drink coffee? What is harmful coffee for pregnant women?

Coffee is considered to be perhaps the most popular drink in the world. He won mass recognition a few centuries ago and from the moment he met a person, he only expanded his circle of fans. The scale of its production also grew. As long as this fragrant drink exists, there is so much debate about its benefits and harms. It is known that it has many medical contraindications, therefore it is not surprising that pregnant women should also refuse it.

Is coffee harmful - is it a myth?

Why is coffee harmful to pregnant women?

Why shouldn’t pregnant women drink coffee and is it really so? Some consider this statement a prejudice from the field of "why you can not cut and knit women in position." Although you should not confuse folklore with really real facts, the great minds of science and the luminaries of medicine have been studying them for years. Of course, nothing bad can happen to a mom or a child from a single cup of coffee. In addition, there are many skeptics who unanimously claim that they personally consumed coffee throughout their pregnancy (or know such cases) and took out absolutely healthy children.

But after all, alcoholics and drug addicts also do not always have inferior children. If there is at least some doubt, even when you do not know exactly why pregnant women should not drink coffee, it is prudent to play it safe. It is better to tolerate without a favorite drink for only 9 months, then to enjoy your happy motherhood all your life.

How does caffeine affect the fetus?

decaffeinated coffee can be pregnant

The main reason why pregnant women should not drink coffee is, of course, its harm to the health of an unborn child. Therefore, taking risks only for the sake of one's own whim is at least selfish. Some argue that coffee is harmful only in the first trimester of pregnancy, others are of the opinion that the greatest danger awaits in the latter. But all experts, without exception, adhere to one point of view on whether coffee is harmful to pregnant women.

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why can not coffee be pregnant

Caffeine excites the nervous system, and this negatively affects the development of the fetus. In itself, such a condition can disrupt the sleep of any person. And for a pregnant woman, this can turn into insomnia, fatigue, and frequent mood swings. But there are more serious explanations of how harmful coffee is for pregnant women. Even a slight excess of the normal dose of coffee affects the nerve cells and the overall work of the mother's body. And her innocent love for the oldest drink affects the nervous system and skeleton of the child.

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how much can pregnant women drink coffee

Why can’t coffee be pregnant? Regardless of whether it is natural or soluble, for women in position, this drink is fraught even with disorders of the internal organs. So, due to excessive consumption of coffee, the work of the kidneys and the frequency of urination are significantly accelerated. The kidneys already suffer a lot of stress during pregnancy, especially in the last trimester. Because of this, swelling often occurs, there is an increase in pressure and a number of related problems. A woman should strive to minimize this process, rather than exacerbate it. The general well-being and the ease of transferring the entire gestation period depend on this. And if she had previously had problems with the kidneys, it is better to refuse coffee altogether (and not only during the period of bearing the child).

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Is coffee harmful to pregnant women?

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why pregnant women should not drink coffee

It is unlikely that even the most desperate coffee aficionados will not agree that a beloved child is still more expensive than a favorite drink. But it’s easy to say, but to do it is not always easy. People who are accustomed to starting the morning with a cup of espresso, having lunch with him, having dinner and falling asleep will not be able to endure for several days to get another fragrant charge of vivacity. Especially if your favorite drink is very close, at arm's length, how to resist the temptation?

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what is harmful to pregnant coffee

In addition to coffee, it is recommended to refuse black tea during pregnancy, it also contains caffeine. Of course, not completely, but it is better to brew weak tea or add milk to it. Cocoa, unfortunately, is also partially prohibited for pregnant women. This sweet drink belongs to allergens, like chocolate, and also does not have a very beneficial effect on the absorption of calcium. Green tea also entered this list, which even with a low percentage of caffeine is fraught with considerable danger. It is known that excessive love for him leads to a loss of calcium, joint pain, even in absolutely healthy people. And pregnant women already give a lot of resources of their own body to a growing baby. Of course, if you choose from three evils, then green tea is the least. There are a lot of vitamins and minerals in it, so you can drink it,the main thing is not to forget about a sense of proportion.


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