Mom's note: how and how to wash the clothes of a newborn baby

With the advent of the baby's home, parents will face new concerns and problems. One of them is how and how to wash the clothes of a newborn. Not all parents know that the baby’s skin is very sensitive, and residues of chemicals on his clothes can cause allergic reactions. Some moms only realize this after the baby

than washing things newborn

begins to suffer from itching and irritation. Therefore, it is very important from the first days to pay special attention to washing children's things. Of course, in recent years it has become easier to do than before, when mothers had to rub the soap on a grater and manually wash the mountains of children's underwear. But even now, this process needs to be approached separately.

Basic rules for washing clothes for newborns

1. Children's things should be clean, so you will have to wash often. Be sure to carefully stretch new things and underwear.

2. But do not take cleanliness too seriously. For example, bedding can be changed once a week, however, if the baby did not stain it. A wet sliders and diapers a couple of times you can just rinse with clean water.

3. To make things easier to wash off, badly soiled must be rinsed under the tap and soak, rubbing with soap.

washing things for a newborn

4. It is very important how to wash the clothes of the newborn. Only special powders or soap chips can be used for this.

5. In no case should you use conditioners, bleaches and rinses to wash children's clothes. Underwear for babies is also undesirable to starch.

6. All children's things must be stored and washed separately from the things of other family members, even children. And the first 2-3 months separately also erased sliders and vests.

7. It is very important for any washing method to thoroughly rinse the baby's things. They should not leave a smell or other traces of detergents.

8. To further disinfect and soften the laundry after washing, iron it with a hot steam iron.

9. It is undesirable to dry children's things on the street, so that they do not get dust and

than washing things newborn baby


10. The mother of the newborn needs to wash her things with which the baby is in contact with the same means as his.

How to wash

For the convenience of modern parents, there are automatic machines, so washing things for a newborn began to take less time. Its advantage over manual is that it is possible to set the boiling mode, which is important for the baby in the first months of life. In addition, the machine better rinses and squeezes out the laundry, so there is less powder residue left on it and it dries faster. But machine wash has its drawbacks. It is not so hygienic, because in the same machine you wash, for example, dirty daddy’s jeans, and in addition, she needs special detergents that are not always suitable for the child.

Car Wash Rules

1. Only place baby items in the drum separately.

2. The first 2-3 months of the child’s life, try not to wash the very dirty things of adults, rugs and shoes in the same machine.

3. Use only special baby powders. It is also possible to wash with soap shavings, but you must first dissolve it in water.

4. It is advisable to put the car on a special program for children's things, and if there is none, then on a delicate wash so that things do not stretch out and sit down.

5. Be sure to start the extra rinse program after washing.

6. It is advisable to wash as often as possible: it is not recommended to store dirty baby clothes for a long time, in addition, a machine that is loaded very heavily will wash worse.

Hand wash baby items

But many mothers wash the baby things in the old fashion in the first months with their hands in a basin. It is more hygienic and makes it possible to choose any detergent. After all, it is very important how to wash the clothes of the newborn so that the product does not cause an allergic reaction. But keep in mind that water should be as high as possible

the better to wash the clothes of the newborn

hot, so wear thin cotton under rubber gloves. The difficulty with handwashing is also that things need to be rinsed out very well. It is advisable several times in hot water, and then in cold.

How to wash newborn clothes

In the first months of the baby's life, it is best, of course, to use baby soap or special powders based on it. After all, even baby powders contain phosphates, flavors and bleaches. Therefore, their choice must be approached very carefully. So, what kind of powder to wash the clothes of a newborn?

1. Buy baby detergents only in large stores or a pharmacy, so as not to purchase a fake.

2. Be sure to read the composition of the powder and do not trust the advertisement. Do not use products that contain phosphates, more than 35% surfactants, optical brighteners, perfumes and conditioners.

3. Buy for the baby only those powders that say that they are suitable for newborns.

4. It is desirable that the package still had a “hypoallergenic” mark.

what kind of powder to wash things newborn

So what conclusion can be made about how it is better to wash the clothes of a newborn? Powder based on natural soap without additives or soap chips. Moreover, the soap should be taken without flavors and dyes. But many mothers do not like its smell and the fact that spots are poorly washed. There are folk methods of washing children's things.

Natural Laundry Detergents

1. The most convenient is soap nuts, which are suitable for both hand and machine wash and do not cause allergies even in children with sensitive skin.

2. To whiten children's things and remove stains from them, you can use soda, boric acid or hydrogen peroxide.

3. There are many more folk remedies for washing: soap root, mustard, ash and even potato juice, but they are all very inconvenient to use.

How to wash the clothes of a newborn baby, each mother decides for herself. But you need to know the basic recommendations so as not to harm the child.

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