The first year of life is a whole era in the history of family development. Parents have cares and troubles, a child has a new acquisition every day: he learned to turn, sat down for the first time, began to get up on his own, the first tooth came out, took the first step. All these points are exciting and touching. And here comes a serious date - your baby has her first birthday!
How to organize a congratulation on a 1 year old girl?
We will try to help you choose the wishes for the little birthday girl. A simple-looking case is not so easy. One-year-old children are special people, they see and perceive the world around them in their own way - they can laugh loudly, rejoicing at a new toy, or they can cry when they see a stranger.
There is a misconception that the child is still too small and does not understand anything, and therefore no congratulations are needed at the age of 1 year. In fact, the kids feel everything that concerns them, and even if they cannot fully understand the meaning of your words, they will feel the love, care and tenderness with which they are spoken. Therefore, be sure to pick up a wish for the baby and voice it on your birthday. You can independently choose the warm gentle words addressed to the birthday girl and her parents, or you can use the texts we offer.
Congratulations on 1 year old girl
The year has come to you
Sweet baby!
This day is in your destiny
Will become a bright flash.
Gifts brought with you
Say congratulations
Because today is yours
First birthday!
Do not forget to congratulate your parents!
Parents of the baby are more waiting for this touching date, because for them this day becomes a symbol of passing a certain stage. Preparing for the celebration, they invite grandparents and other guests, set the table, prepare gifts for their daughter. Is it possible not to notice and forget to prepare wishes for them? Even if the girl’s birthday is 1 year old, congratulations to the parents should be heard from the guests.
Dear, dear parents,
Your daughter is exactly one year old now,
And now you want - do you want to,
You’ll have more trouble!
Your beautiful woman will run
To climb on tables and chairs,
And although you will have more worries,
We wish you not to lose heart!
There is a radiant sun in your house,
Your daughter is beautiful and sweet.
Clean little eyes look into this world,
She’s already gone with her legs,
Your daughter - our wishes
They will sound friendly on this day,
But also to you for all your efforts
We must pay tribute now!
Let patience be enough
(A lot is needed - to raise a baby!)
We wish you a little luck
Let there be less reason to be sad.
So as not to bore you with smooth speeches
I will complete this wish:
Forever remember that the main thing is
This is a complete family.
Congratulations to parents in prose
You can prepare words for parents in prose, it may sound something like this:
Dear Parents! Today is a wonderful event in your family! Celebrates 1 year old child. Congratulations to the girl have already sounded from grandparents and friends, but we must also contact mom and dad. This holiday is first of all yours! It was you who took care of the baby for a whole year, she gave you her first smiles, you did not sleep at night, the chores of cleaning and cooking fell on your shoulders. You have courageously dealt with difficulties. Congratulations! Your little sun illuminates us all with its rays of happiness. Patience, understanding, love to you! May daughter please her with her successes, may she love you as much as you do her. And we will always help if necessary. Be happy!
On the greeting card lines
The modern industry of greeting products will be able to offer you a wide range of ready-made wishes on postcards, you can easily choose a congratulation on a 1 year old girl. This option is suitable for those who unexpectedly were invited to a birthday or do not have the opportunity and time to prepare for the holiday. But, we think, you will agree that it will be much more pleasant for parents to hear the kind words that you specially prepared for them. In addition, wishes written by hand on a card have a certain warmth, they are more attractive than letters printed in a printing house.
Well, if you are preparing to celebrate 1 year old girl, write congratulations on a homemade card or use family photos, then this can be a great addition to the gift!
Tea drinking will be with a cake:
Let's start celebrating the holiday!
Congratulations on 1 year
Tell your girl.
Let her grow smiling
Pleases mom and dad
All wishes come true
She will be well done!