If you set out to identify the rarest breed of dogs, then a chinook dog would undoubtedly take one of the first places. Not only is this one of the rarest breeds in the world, the chinook also boasts the title of a true American dog. What other features of this breed are there except for rarity? You can learn about this from our article.
Breed history
In 1917, the then famous American breeder Arthur Wallen bred a fundamentally new breed of dog - the Chinook. This breed got its name in honor of one of Wallen's dogs, which belonged to the sled breed. The key task for the breeder was the breeding of strong and very hardy animals that could be harnessed to the harness so that they could haul her for a long time. Judging by the final result of the selection, Arthur Wallen managed to achieve his goal. Currently, chinook dogs are considered one of the most hardy, strong and at the same time rare breeds of dogs.
What determines the rarity of the breed?
In addition to all the above advantages, a chinook breed dog has such qualities of character as fidelity, devotion and a fairly high level of intelligence. This, of course, is an indisputable advantage if you plan to train your favorite pet.
The number of sled dogs of this breed is more than small - only 500 copies worldwide. This, of course, is not enough when you consider that this dog cannot be found outside the United States. If you do not live in the United States and want to get a representative of this breed, then you will not be able to do this. The point is not the high cost of the dog, but the fact that the Americans at the legislative level have banned the export of their property from the country. Interestingly, this breed is not recognized outside the United States by international cynological organizations. All kinds of breed lovers who are engaged in breeding and improving this rare breed of dogs are engaged in the conservation of the species.
Calmness and stiffness of character
If you look at the photo of this beautiful sled dog, then its muscular body will be the first to catch the eye. But even despite this, the dog looks quite graceful and elegant, it moves smoothly and majestically. Representatives of this breed have incredibly developed both hearing and smell. As for the minuses, then they can be attributed primarily to slow growing. For chinook dogs, it’s quite normal to run and frolic like a puppy at the age of two years.
From the first days a puppy of this breed is in the house, it should be made clear to him who the owner is in the house. After all, this dog is a pack, it has the concept of hierarchy genetically laid down, only the owner will obey it.
Representatives of this breed are quite loyal, gentle, calm and friendly, which made them the favorites of both children and adults. If you have another dog or cat in your house, then representatives of the Chinook breed can easily find a common language with their neighbors.
What you need to know yet
If you carefully read the description of the Chinook dog breed, you should have remembered that the representatives of this breed most of all cannot stand loneliness for a long time. A necessary condition for her stay in the house is regular communication with people or their own kind. Otherwise, the animal becomes lethargic, uninitiated, and even prone to all kinds of diseases. If you are at work all day and are not ready to devote much time to your pet, then it is better to refuse to buy a puppy of this breed.
The undoubted plus of representatives of this breed is, of course, silence. Chinook barks only in exceptional cases, for example, if there is a danger or if absolutely necessary. We can conclude that the guard will not be very good from her, but if you need a dog that will protect your property, then boldly start a chinook dog, do not hesitate.
Pet care
Even though the description and cost of the chinook dog is not very interesting for our compatriots, not only the aforementioned characteristics of the dog, but also the rules for caring for it can be found in the public domain. It is pleasantly surprising that the animal is pretty neat. Unlike labradors and huskies, chinook does not need to be combed regularly; the dog copes with this task well on its own. However, you should not let the whole process drift during the molting period - it is advisable to purchase a good brush in order to rid the dog of pieces of falling out hair, which becomes an incredible amount during this period.
As for swimming, one should not bathe an animal too often, especially in winter. The thick undercoat of a chinook dog dries for a very long time. If you bathe an animal in the cold season, the risk of colds and other diseases associated with hypothermia is high. The luxurious and thick coat of a chinook dog is clearly visible even in the photo.
How to educate?
The socialization of the animal is the first thing you should pay attention to if you decide to get a dog of the American Chinook breed. The dog is smart enough and smart, which means that with socialization and with education in general, no special problems should arise. You don’t have to ask your pet many times to execute one or another command, because the chinook captures almost all the teams on the fly.
Do not forget that initially this breed was conceived as a sled. This does not mean that you need to send your pet to sledding, but physical activity and regular training are mandatory for this breed, otherwise the dog quickly loses shape and gains excess weight. To keep the pet in good shape, you can attach it to a children's sled or to an impromptu team, such as a bicycle. If you received a large parcel from the post office, but the car is not at hand, tie the box to the ammunition - your dog will be only too happy to help you! In representatives of this breed, physical indicators are remarkably combined with intelligence and ingenuity, due to which a chinook breed dog is used in search and rescue operations, as well as in sports.
Despite its endurance, chinook, like any other dog, is susceptible to various diseases. One of the most vulnerable places they considered eyes and skin. Make sure that the dog does not have an allergy in these places. Detailed information on how to prevent the occurrence of allergies and how to cure it can be found freely available in various sources.
When and who should not get such a dog?
If you want to learn more about the characteristics of chinooks, the characteristics of the breed and breeding, contact a professional dog breeder. Only they will be able to give detailed accurate information based on their personal experience, and not on assumptions. If you are lucky and find yourself in the United States of America, be sure to find a breeder and look live at these stately, friendly and beautiful dogs.
A chinook puppy should not be started by people living in an apartment. This dog is large enough, and living in an apartment will be more of a torment than a joy. This dog was created for private houses with a large yard and a sufficient place for walking, where you can frolic and play with the whole family. When choosing a place to sleep, it is worth remembering that they like warm and soft places, so the corridor and basements should not be equipped for these animals.
A pet that will make you truly happy
If by some miracle you manage to get this dog in any country except the USA, then we can safely say that you are an incredibly lucky person! The value of this dog lies not only in incredible rarity, but also in kindness, quick wits and remarkable loyalty. There are only two necessary conditions for those who want to have such an animal - the strength and confidence of the owner and a large space for the life of the pet. Be sure that your dog will thank you in full!