As you know, they are not born a personality, they become it, and the foundations of this are laid as early as childhood. A significant role in the formation of man as an intellectual individual is played by his mental abilities and ingenuity, which must be developed from an early age.
When the child is ready to unravel the puzzles
One of the most effective ways to develop a person’s logical thinking and increase his intellectual level is to solve puzzles and puzzles. Before solving puzzles with letters and pictures and devoting the child to other games of the mind, you should make sure that the little person is ready for this - he has learned to talk and identify images. You should start with the simplest picture puzzles. Complicating tasks is necessary as the baby grows up and the level of his mental abilities develops.
Types of puzzles
There are so many different puzzles. All of them can be divided into categories:
- Rebus pictures. The puzzle is hidden in the images of an object. The name of the item when decoding should be read exclusively in the nominative case. There are situations when the item in the picture has several names or meanings. For example, “bus” and “transport”, “cat” and “animal”. In this case, you need to choose the clue word that is more appropriate in meaning.
- Letter rebuses are composed entirely of letters. They can be arranged in a variety of ways, which is fundamental in the preparation of such a puzzle.
- Picture + letter. How to solve puzzles with letters and pictures? The main key to unraveling this rebus is the image, and the letters indicate that in order to get the only correct answer, you need to slightly adjust the name of the depicted object.
- The rebus "picture + number" is an analogue of the rebus "picture + letter", only here are the numbers supplementing the picture, the number of which can vary.
- Rebuses with commas. Quite often, in riddles, pictures use a comma, plain or inverted. How to solve puzzles with commas? This sign indicates that in order to get the answer you need to shorten the name of the item drawn in the picture, discarding the first or last letter.
How to teach your kid to solve puzzles: recommendations and tips
Those parents who from an early age engage their children in solving puzzles correctly approach the upbringing of children. The solution to such puzzles contributes to the development of logical and analytical thinking, creativity and originality, ingenuity, concentration, attention.
But how to make the child like this “exercise for the mind”? Here are some simple but effective tips:
- Patience, patience and again patience! This is very important, because children are characterized by eternal restlessness and haste.
- If you see that a child cannot solve puzzles - do not torture yourself or him! Wait a while, it is possible that the baby will soon show interest in this occupation.
- Rebus should be selected taking into account the age category of crumbs. So, if the child can only read, then you should choose puzzles-pictures or puzzles from letters; if the child already knows how to count - it will not be superfluous to explain to him how to solve puzzles with numbers, etc.
- At the stage of involving the baby in the "mind games", it is recommended to give preference to the simplest picture puzzles. It is very important that they are colorful.
- It is strictly forbidden to force a child to solve puzzles, since such an approach can completely discourage a child from pursuing such activities. The most effective approach to solving puzzles is considered a game.
- Do not ignore the puzzles with the answers. The kid can solve such problems independently without the help of parents. The way to solve the baby will determine himself, starting from the answer.
- You should be guided by the rules that will help you figure out how to solve puzzles with letters and pictures, as well as numbers or commas.
Learning to solve puzzles
To find out how to solve puzzles correctly, a set of special rules will help:
- Punctuation and indentation in a rebus mean nothing.
- The puzzle is read from left to right, from top to bottom.
- The name of the item drawn in the picture is read in the nominative case.
- If the picture shows several identical objects, the name of the figure should be read in the plural.
- A rebus picture can have several names (general and specific).
- The inverted image in the picture indicates that the name must be read in the reverse order - from right to left.
- How to solve puzzles with commas? If one or more commas are to the left of the picture, the first letters of the word are excluded. How many commas, so many letters, should be discarded. If there is one comma or several to the right of the picture, then the last letters in the name of the subject should be excluded.
- The presence of the crossed out letter indicates that it should be excluded from the word.
- The presence of a crossed-out number near the rebus image indicates that the letter to which this serial number belongs is excluded from the name of the image.
- The presence of a letter with a “+” sign means that the letter should be supplemented with the name of the subject in order to guess the rebus.
- The presence of numbers and letters near the image, between which there is a “=” sign, means that a letter with a certain serial number should be replaced with the specified one.
- If there is a cross-crossed letter in the rebus, the preposition “not” should be used.
- A letter-by-letter rebus is read by using the preposition "c" between letters (or words).
- The rebus in the form of an ordinary fraction should be read by adding the preposition “on”, “under” or “above”.
- If one letter (number, picture) is depicted against the background of another letter, it is appropriate to add the pretext “before” or “for”.
- If in the rebus the capital letter is next to the small one, the preposition “at” or “y” must be added to the name (it can be at the beginning, middle or at the end).
- A large letter, made up of many small letters, indicates the need to use the preposition "from".
- If there are a lot of small letters on the head letter, when decoding, the preposition “by” should be used.
- The arrow of movement indicated on the image indicates that the preposition “k” or “from” should be used.
- The presence of two identical adjacent letters indicates that when reading you need to use the word "couple".
- To encrypt a word, notes, symbols of chemical elements, Latin letters, numbers, etc. can be used.
- The numbers next to the figure indicate in which order the rebus should be read.
- If there are two letters near the image, between which the “=” sign, then to solve the problem, one letter should be replaced by another.
Rebus - DIY!
You need to not only know how to solve puzzles with letters and pictures, but also learn how to make them yourself or with your child. This will be another fascinating task in which your child will be able to prove himself.
To make a logical puzzle yourself, use the following recommendations:
- See all the rules for solving puzzles.
- You should start with the simplest puzzles. At this stage, you can clearly explain the crumbs how to encrypt a word in a puzzle. For example, write the number “7” and the letter “I” - the answer will be the word “family”.
- Explain to your child that the same word can be the answer to several different puzzles. For example, let’s take the same word “family”, it can be encrypted in the rebus “7” and “» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »».
- So that the child liked the process of training memory and logical thinking, he wanted to return to compiling and unraveling the puzzles again and again, provide him with a field for initiative.
- Take blank sheets of paper, bright felt-tip pens and colored pencils, magazines (from which you can cut out individual pieces of a future puzzle), glue. For example, we found a picture in a magazine with a picture of a cup - cut it out, glue it on a landscape sheet, and write “W = Y” with a felt-tip pen under the picture. Rebus created! The answer is a seagull.
Fascinating and useful activities for you!