Colin McRae Rally is a renowned series of computer games in the now popular genre of "car simulator". This project takes its roots from the distant 1998. It was then that the game first saw the light, appearing on the PlayStation One and PC. Since then, a lot of water has flowed. A new generation of gamers has appeared who don’t even know about the legendary racing series. The guys from Codemasters (the developers of the previous parts) decided to correct the situation by releasing Colin McRae Rally on Android. Did they manage to revive the game series? You will find the answer to this question in this article.
Colin McRae Rally Game
Colin McRae . . Dirt: Rally Dirt: Showdown , . Codemasters , . . Colin McRae Rally . ( Symbian Java) "". ?
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Colin McRae Rally 2.0. . . . , , , .
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, Colin McRae Rally "" — . , . , Colin McRae — , . , Codemasters "". , , , . Colin McRae Rally .