List of top teams for Terraria

Game server administrators are required to know console commands. This is necessary in order to maintain the server, maintain progress, control the behavior of players. Most often, the administrator's position is attributed to the host - server holders. A newcomer to this system probably does not know how to write commands in a terrarium. Then this article will help you write and understand the commands defined through the console.

House in "Terraria"

Console application

The console is not built into the game and cannot be called up using the key. But the developers provided this problem and placed the console in the root folder with the game. The file is called TerrariaServer.exe and works in parallel with the game. Server commands are written through this application, which will be discussed below.

server selection menu

Custom Commands for Terraria

There are teams that are needed for ordinary players. Usually they are informative:

  • help - shows a set of available commands;
  • rules - displays general server rules;
  • userinfo - displays information about the player;
  • playing - displays the number of players on the server.

Admin team

Suppose the host has already created the world, set the port and password. The server owner must control the gameplay to prevent the game from wiping.

The main commands that are vital for admins (in the console line, all commands are written through the slash "/"):

  • help - shows a set of available commands;
  • playing - displays the number of players on the server;
  • save - save the game world;
  • exit (or off) - server shutdown and subsequent saving of progress;
  • exit-nosave (or off-nosave) - server shutdown without saving the game;
  • restart - restarts the server;
  • reload - reload server system settings;
  • kick [name] [reason] - kicks a player out of the world;
  • ban [name] [reason] - blocks the player’s access to the server;
  • ban [player ip] - block player by ip;
  • unban [name] - player unlocking;
  • unban [ip] - unlock player by ip;
  • password - display the current password;
  • version - displays the host client version;
  • port - display the server port;
  • maxplayers - shows the maximum number of players on the server;
  • tp [name] - teleports the administrator to the player;
  • tphere [name] - teleports the player to the administrator;
  • stats - display server statistics;
  • world - displays information about the world;
  • serverpassword - setting a new password on top of the old one;
  • time [day \ night \ midnight \ noon \ dusk] - setting the desired time in the game;
  • mute [name] - muffles the selected player in the general chat;
  • unmute [name] - cancel stub player;
  • kill [name] - kills the selected player;
  • itemdrop [item ID] - creates an item in the game;
  • hardmode - turns on hardmod mode;
  • spawnboss [ID] [amount] - spawn a boss in a certain amount;
  • spawnmob [ID] - spawn mobs in the selected amount;
  • sw [name] [point name] - teleports the player to the specified point;
  • setwarp [point name] - creates a name point;
  • delwarp [point name] - deletes the point;
  • warp list - shows a list of points;
  • warp [point name] - teleports the admin to the point;
  • antibuild - a ban on any construction.

The list of teams for “Terraria” is much longer and more diverse. Here are collected only the most necessary, which affect the performance and interaction of the players.

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