Detailed instructions on how to enable spelling in Word

Everyone has spelling problems: someone has more, someone has less, but nowadays text editors, which are popular, have a built-in tool for checking spelling and correcting errors in the text. So it is in the Microsoft Word program . This is very convenient, because when typing, you can involuntarily make a typo or forget to put a comma, and the program in this case will show you that you made a mistake and offer your options for eliminating it. In this article, we will talk about how to enable spelling in Word 2007 and how to use it. Three most important aspects of the presented operation will be analyzed in detail: inclusion, verification in automatic mode and in manual mode.

Turn on automatic spell checking

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how to enable spelling in Word

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how to enable automatic spelling in Word

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how to enable spelling in Word 2007

Now you know how to enable spelling in Word, but in the end I would like to recommend something. Spellchecking can serve as a good teacher. When composing a text, you most likely often make a mistake in the same word. Try to remember its correct spelling and continue to not be repeated. If you pay attention to the correct spelling, then over time you will forget about the tool "Spell Checker".

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