How much does cat sterilization cost and what is the price of

Acquiring a mustachioed and striped darling, it would be nice to immediately think about whether you plan to receive offspring from her in the future. If the answer is no and the animal does not represent breeding value, then sterilization of the cat will be the best solution. This surgical intervention has many advantages, such as saving you from worries about what to do with kittens, the absence of fluctuations in hormonal balance and in accordance with it the behavior of your pet. The animal also significantly reduces the risk of neoplasms of the mammary glands and genitals.

how much does cat sterilization cost

Deficiencies, like any manipulation, of course, also exist. They are mainly associated with the influence of anesthesia, the presence of a rehabilitation period and the possible occurrence of problems with the urinary system. But if you follow all the instructions of the veterinarian, then everything will go smoothly. It will not be amiss to mention that in order to prevent the breeding of street animals, sterilization of cats is also an excellent option . The age of the animal at which the operation can be performed is always of interest to its owners. Veterinarians recommend doing this from the age of six months. The most optimal are 8-9 months.

How much does a cat sterilization cost ? This will depend on many factors. Of course, the prices in the capital and, say, in Novosibirsk are still different from the region in which you live. In addition, not only which particular clinic you choose, but also whether it is public or private, plays an important role. Traditionally, the first prices are significantly lower.

And finally, how much a cat sterilization costs will also depend on surgical access. There are two of them: in the midline of the abdomen and lateral laparoscopic, which is more gentle. The price of the latter will be higher.

cat sterilization

Asking the question in the clinic: “How much does a cat sterilize?” - you will receive the amount in return. However, remember, this is the cost of surgery from the incision to suturing. Your pet will need a preliminary clinical examination to make sure that the animal is healthy, blood tests, and possibly other studies. You should also weigh the cat, make preparations for anesthesia and, finally, anesthesia itself. During the operation, it may be necessary to install intravenous catheters, infusion of solutions, monitoring the performance of vital organ systems, resuscitation with intubation, oxygen therapy. You should not assume that all this is a wrapping up of the total cost for the operation. These additional services are the key to a successful, quick and least traumatic intervention.

sterilization cats age

How much does cat sterilization cost depending on the type of operation? The fact is that the volume of the operation to remove the sex glands varies, of course, the price will directly depend on this. Removing only the ovaries - ovariectomy, ovaries and uterus - ovariogysterectomy. The latter option is recommended in order to prevent future diseases such as endometritis and pyometra (filling the uterus with pus). It is more expensive and takes a little longer.

After surgery, you will need some things, the cost of which should also be considered when planning sterilization. Antiseptic fluids will be needed to treat the sutures, which ones, the doctor will say. A postoperative blanket is also required so that the cat does not lick the wound. After some time, you will need to visit the clinic to remove the stitches.

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