Cesarean section after pregnancy, of course, stress for many women. Moreover, the aplomb in society about the “abnormality” of such births has not yet been removed, and moms themselves are looked at with some regret. You can argue on this issue for as long as you want, but often women, having become pregnant a second time, try to maximize the possibility of natural birth. Is it safe to give birth herself if pregnancy occurs after cesarean section?
Cesarean section surgery is a heavy blow to gynecology. But this is not a sentence to forever abandon the opportunity to give birth on their own. In order for the subsequent pregnancy to end with natural delivery, you need to know some points that will help to avoid the scenario of the first birth.
So, before planning a pregnancy after a cesarean, the body first of all needs to be given a rest. The reproductive system must fully recover, establish a hormonal background. This will take about two years. If there are no serious circumstances, then this period must be sustained so that the subsequent pregnancy proceeds normally, without complications. Women need to consider - the first birth by cesarean is fraught with a much greater loss of blood, therefore, the body creates a deficit of vital substances for the baby's development. A lack of iron in the pregnant body threatens to delay intrauterine development of the fetus, the threat of miscarriage or premature birth, weakness of labor. In this case, it is better not to take risks, but to give yourself the opportunity to gain new strength and energy.
In addition to anemia, it is worth paying attention to the condition of the uterus itself. What condition is it after the operation, what is the scar? The scar on the uterus should be complete so that there are no tears during repeated pregnancy. During its planning, it is necessary to do a hysteroscopy to determine the condition of the postoperative scar. After all, the growing fetus will again stretch the uterus, the muscles of which may simply not be able to withstand such a load. Usually a biopsy of the tissue from which the scar is formed is taken. If recovery occurred due to muscle tissue, then such a scar during subsequent births can stretch and there will be no ruptures. If it is thin, formed from connective tissue, then perforation of the uterine wall may occur and death of both mother and baby will occur.
Usually, the second pregnancy after cesarean is especially closely observed by doctors, so even with conception before the prescribed two years, you should not be afraid. Normal delivery of a healthy baby is possible, since such factors as the general state of the mother’s health, her emotional state, size and location of the fetus in the uterus, scarring of the uterus, and much more are of great importance during gestation.
Pregnancy after a cesarean section should not scare a woman - after a natural birth, the body recovers faster, and the risk of complications is much less. Most often, a pregnancy after cesarean section ends with a planned birth. A woman is observed in a hospital, the necessary tests are performed. If the baby is developed normally, and the gestational age approaches the expected date of birth, then by stimulation the process accelerates, and she gives birth to the baby in a natural way.
If there are obstacles to natural delivery from other systems and organs, then pregnancy after cesarean section will end only in the second operation. There is nothing serious about this, but this measure is aimed at preserving the health and life of the mother and child.
Therefore, do not be afraid to become pregnant after a cesarean. Be optimistic and determined.