Fish oil for dogs - use, benefit and harm

Each owner, who loves his tailed barking friend, wishes him good health and many years to come.

In addition to proper nutrition and active walks, the pet's well-being can be supported by vitamins and nutritional supplements. These include fish oil for dogs.

What is fish oil

Fish oil is an active nutritional supplement derived from certain types of fish. More often it is salmon, trout, less often cod. Fat is isolated from carcasses and from the liver. In turn, fish get it from algae, which are rich in natural fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids, as well as docosahexaenoic and eicosapantaenoic acids, are especially valuable to fish oil.

For many years, this tool has been used in veterinary medicine as a preventive supplement, and even as the main drug.

Veterinarians recommend using fish oil for dogs and other pets. It is more important for the development and growth of puppies and for adult dogs.

fish oil for dogs

The benefits and harms of fish oil

Fish oil is well absorbed in animals. An increase in Omega-3 levels can be noticed after a week of use. After the course of treatment, fat is removed from the body within a month.

What effect does fish oil have on dogs? The benefits and harms of it are scientifically studied. In general, the drug is considered an indispensable source of polysaturated omega-3 acid.

Product Use:

  1. Positive effect on the correct formation of the skeleton of the dog and maintaining the integrity and strength of the bones.
  2. Maintains a healthy look and condition of the coat.
  3. It is an excellent immunomodulator.

And in general, it has a beneficial effect on all systems of the animal’s body:

  • Cardiovascular.
  • Nervous.
  • Muscle.
  • Visual, auditory, olfactory organs.

There is no obvious harm to the dog’s body with fish oil. It is one of the safest supplements. Of course, subject to proper use according to the instructions. The only side effects of the intake may be dandruff and the smell of fish from the animal’s mouth.

fish oil for dogs benefit

Fish oil for dogs: instructions for use

Release form:

  1. In the form of a solution (oil) in bottles from 50 to 500 ml.
  2. In oily gelatin capsules. Packaged in blisters.

Pharmacology should also be considered.

Fish oil contains polyunsaturated acids. Vitamins A, D, E. And additional organic compounds of iodine, sulfur, phosphorus and bromine.

Quickly absorbed and absorbed in cell membranes. With a course application, blood viscosity decreases and, thereby, the risk of thrombosis is reduced. Microcirculation improves. Mineral metabolism is accelerated . Fish oil for dogs affects the proper development and growth of the animal.


  • Prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Rickets.
  • Thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system.
  • Diseases of the organs of vision.
  • Increased immunity.
  • Allergic skin diseases.
  • Inflammatory diseases.


  • Individual intolerance.
  • Planned operations or existing wound surfaces.
  • Calcium Oversaturation

fish oil for dogs benefit and harm

The use of fish oil for dogs

When using fish oil for dogs, the benefits of which are unequivocal, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules of administration. The result depends on it.

It is best to choose fish oil in capsules for adult dogs and in the form of oil for puppies. Desirable is the absence of additional flavors and fragrances.

You can start the administration of the drug from the first days of the puppy's life. With one or two drops, gradually increasing the dosage to two teaspoons (about six months of age).

Usually fish oil for dogs is taken according to the scheme: two weeks of the drug + one week break.

You can apply the supplement constantly throughout the year, but it is especially important to take it in the autumn-winter period and after a disease during a weakening of immunity.

Puppies fish oil is introduced with food, adult dogs can be administered as an independent tool. Or, if the dog is on a natural diet, it is also added to food.

fish oil for dogs instructions for use

Timely and correct introduction of fish oil to the dog’s diet guarantees a full and active life of the beloved pet. Including a healthy, well-groomed appearance, a balanced state and the absence of unnecessary stress. Of course, we are talking about the complex intake of the drug together with all other necessary measures for the prevention and treatment of the animal.

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