Dogs, like humans, can be sick and injured. Due to mechanical damage or malfunctioning of the body systems, an abscess in dogs can develop that requires treatment. Timely detection and treatment of the disease will help to avoid complications, which means that the animal will suffer less.
The concept of abscess
An abscess in dogs is an inflammatory process that occurs in the skin, which is accompanied by the formation and accumulation of purulent formations due to tissue necrosis (decay). A bag with pus, particles of necrotic tissue and pathogenic microflora forms under the skin. Around the tissue bag, the walls become inflamed and abscess walls begin to form, which consists of a surface layer formed by fibrous connective tissue and an inner, pyogenic layer of granulation tissue. If no action is taken, the bag will grow and disturb the animal. In addition to the fact that abscesses are painful, they negatively affect the overall health of the pet.
The disease can be localized on any part of the body due to mechanical damage: bruises, injuries and injections. And if there is a malfunction in the secretory organs, then an abscess of the gland in the dog may develop.
With inflammation of the paraanal gland, the excretory canal is blocked, and the secret accumulates inside. Not finding a way out, the liquid overflows the gland, and the wall and skin break. This is the abscess of the paraanal gland in the dog, which resembles an ulcer.
Causes of the abscess
The appearance of an abscess is associated with the penetration of pathogens into the tissues through wounds and abrasions. Also, such a reaction can provoke toxic substances that fall under the skin. Often an abscess in dogs is formed when a purulent process begins in hematomas and lymphoextravases, as well as during the transfer of microorganisms from the foci of suppuration by the blood stream.
This ailment is quite common among tetrapods. According to statistics, every second dog suffers from an abscess, but the reasons for its occurrence are different:
- injections
- abrasions, scratches, injuries, bruises;
- wound contamination;
- lack of hygiene procedures or lack thereof;
- microbes and bacteria;
- improper care.
Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine the nature of the abscess and establish the degree and form of the disease.
Types and forms of abscesses
In veterinary medicine, several criteria are distinguished by which it is customary to classify abscesses.
The morphological composition of purulent formations and bacteria that provoke the process:
Clinical manifestations:
- hot, or spicy;
- cold, or chronic.
Place of defeat:
- superficial, which develops in the skin and subcutaneous tissues;
- deep, which can be subfasial, intramuscular, intramuscular, subperiosteal, bone, subperitoneal, abscess of organs and glands, depending on the location.
With a benign abscess, thick, creamy purulent clusters are formed, with a high content of leukocytes, without microbes or with their small presence. A benign abscess can form if malovirulent staphylococci penetrate the tissue or when irritating substances are introduced under the skin. Often such an abscess forms after an injection in a dog.
With a malignant abscess, purulent formations are watery and liquid, with a high concentration of pathogens and a low production of leukocytes. The causative agents of the malignant process are purulent-putrefactive and anaerobic microbes. Such an abscess in dogs is more painful and will not go away on its own. It can develop into a more complex form and affect adjacent tissues. Such formations require surgical intervention, in other words, they are removed through surgery.
With a hot abscess, a pronounced inflammatory process is observed, which is characterized by an acute course and rapid formation of an abscess, which often opens spontaneously, that is, breaks through, and pus flows out.
With a cold abscess, the main signs of inflammation are weak, and pus accumulates slowly, which makes it difficult to diagnose timely. Such abscesses are characteristic of old and emaciated dogs that move little. An abscess is formed in the presence of low-virulent microorganisms.
How to recognize a disease
An abscess in a dog, the photo of which is presented in this article, can be determined visually if the symptoms are severe, but in some cases can not do without special examinations. With various inflammatory processes, the symptoms are different.
Symptoms of benign abscess:
- swelling with clear edges;
- redness;
- pain when touched.
Symptoms of malignancy:
- the formation of a soft tubercle;
- increased body temperature of the animal;
- severe pain when pressed.
An abscess of the dog’s paraanal glands gives not only external symptoms, but also affects the general condition of the pet’s body. Observed:
- lethargy;
- sullenness;
- increase in body temperature;
- lack of appetite;
- apathy and indifference to walks;
- the anal passage area becomes inflamed;
- purulent ulcers form;
- soreness of adjacent tissues is observed.
Do not try to clean the wound yourself, so as not to harm the animal. You should immediately contact a specialist.
If the symptoms do not indicate a specific variety of abscess, and the condition of the pet worsens, then you should immediately contact a veterinarian. Timely diagnosis and proper treatment will help to avoid complications.
Diagnostic Methods
Abscesses have much in common with hematomas, hernias and tumors, but the symptoms and contents of the formations are different. Therefore, in order to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment, the doctor conducts an examination and prescribes a series of examinations:
- the course of the disease is being studied;
- the abscess is inspected and palpated;
- perform a puncture to study the contents;
- compare the temperature of the affected area and healthy tissues.
If necessary, they can prescribe an MRI or ultrasound scan. This is especially true of internal entities.
How to treat a disease
Treatment of the disease is carried out by various methods. The veterinarian should prescribe a course of general and local therapy or recommend surgical intervention.
If a benign abscess in a dog is diagnosed, medication is carried out, which consists of:
- absorbable ointments that treat an unexploded formation;
- antiseptic solutions for treating wounds with spontaneous dissection of the abscess ;
- antiseptic ointments that are superimposed on the channels of the wounds.
Rinse the affected area with a syringe so as not to give the pet unnecessary inconvenience.
When diagnosing a malignant abscess, an operation to remove a purulent bag is prescribed. Manipulation should be carried out as quickly as possible until the disease has spread to adjacent tissues. In the postoperative period, general and local therapy and a course of antibiotics are performed.
With the defeat of the paraanal glands, treatment should be carried out in a clinic. After examining and determining the extent of the problem, medication will be prescribed in combination with warm compresses. In more serious cases, the veterinarian independently opens and processes the abscess. Often, additional drainage is required to remove pus. After treatment with strong antibiotics is prescribed to suppress the pathogenic microflora, using rectal suppositories and local treatments.
Preventive actions
Observing a number of simple rules, you can protect your pet from the disease and prevent the formation of purulent cones. These include:
- maintaining good hygiene;
- regular inspections of the animal for damage;
- treatment of even minor wounds;
- ensuring proper animal care;
- regular veterinary examinations.
Abscesses cannot be ignored to prevent complications. An abscess can form in a short time and grows rapidly, affecting and destroying healthy tissues, as well as intensive reproduction of microbes that can infect the entire animal organism.