Albino hamster: content features, life expectancy

These cute fluffy creatures have been with us for decades. An albino hamster is not a breed, but a color due to genetic changes. Unusual animals are found among representatives of different breeds. Who is an albino hamster, are there any features in caring for it - this and much more will be considered in our article.


An albino hamster is a white rodent. Such a coloration in nature is not advantageous, since it becomes almost impossible to hide from predators. In addition to white coat, hamsters have red eyes. Albinos are found in the following forms:

  • Siberian hamster - rodent up to 10 cm long, weighing up to 50 grams;
  • Dzungarian hamster - a tiny animal no more than 6 cm long, weighing up to 50 grams;
  • Campbell's hamster - no more than 10 cm in length, weighs up to 50 grams;
  • Syrian hamster - no more than 15 cm, weighing up to 250 grams.

Life expectancy is directly related to the care of the animal and depends on the breed. Siberian live up to three years, dzhungariki - up to four, Campbell - no more than two years. Syrian white hamster at home lives 2-3 years.

albino hamster content features

Home equipment

Features of the content of the albino hamster are similar to the conditions for ordinary species of these rodents. Hamsters tolerate a secluded lifestyle, so they do not need companions. In addition, in nature they fight for their territory, and therefore they are extremely negative towards their neighbors. This character trait should be considered when buying a rodent.

For the animal you need to purchase a spacious cage. The larger its size, the more comfortable it will feel. The minimum size is 30 x 50 cm. The rods must be metal, because hamsters quickly bite through plastic structures. The larger the animal, the larger the house he will need. It is great if it contains a large number of labyrinths and holes, which the rodent really likes.

albino hamsters how many live

What should be present in the cell?

An albino hamster will feel comfortable if in his house there is:

  • Litter. Sawdust is poured onto the bottom of the cell. It is preferable to use aspen, others can be dangerous for the rodent's respiratory system. You can tear clean white paper yourself. Do not use newspapers because of the dangers of printing ink.
  • A small house for shelter and sleep.
  • Feeding trough and drinking bowl.
  • Restroom. To prevent the pet from staining the cage, install a special tray.
  • Mineral or chalk stone. It is necessary for the hamster to grind his teeth.
  • A running wheel and a swing to keep the pet in shape and not bored.
  • Wooden driftwood.
    albino hamster

How to care for coat?

The white hamster looks beautiful, but its fur needs care, and more thoroughly than that of individuals of a different color. Rodents can not bathe! For hygiene purposes, you need to purchase special sand at a pet store. Hamsters are happy to use it to clean their hair.

Sand for rodents should not contain talc. It is poured into a bird bath with a thickness of 2-3 cm. It is good if the container is transparent, and you can observe the rodent swimming. If at first the animal does not show interest in the new entertainment, just wait - after some time the hamster will definitely start swimming.

Sand baths are organized 1-2 times a week, lasting no more than half an hour. It is important to ensure that the sand remains clean. After bathing it is sieved.

To preserve the whiteness of the coat, experts do not recommend containing albinos along with individuals of the usual color.

white dzungarian hamster

Claws and teeth

Hamsters must grind their teeth throughout their lives, otherwise they will grow and bring a lot of discomfort to the animal. To do this, periodically feed the rodent with solid food.

To trim the claws use small nail scissors. The nail file will not work, it can scare the animal. The claws of white hamsters are light, so they should be cut in good light, so as not to miss and injure the animal. If you accidentally injure yourself, wash the cage thoroughly so that the rodent does not catch the infection.

Common diseases

Albinos are prone to certain diseases:

  • Cutaneous - dermatophytosis and lichen. The skin of hamsters is tender, it must be hidden from direct sunlight. Due to the lack of pigment, albinos often suffer from papillomas and malignant tumors.
  • The special structure of the eye causes some pathologies. This is due to sensitivity to sunlight. Direct rays can burn the cornea and lead to blindness of the animal.
  • The lack of pigment leads to frequent stresses - this should be taken into account.


In the albino hamster cage, it is important to maintain cleanliness. Well, if there is an opportunity to change the litter twice a week. Water needs to be replaced in the morning and evening.

You can wash the cage with baking soda or tooth powder. Use smelling detergents for this purpose is not worth it. The toilet is cleaned daily.

Judging by the reviews of the owners of rodents, among all albinos, it is the white Dzungarian hamster that has the least unpleasant odor from the cage. This is most likely due to the miniature size of the animal.

So that the animal does not interfere with cleaning, it is placed in a jar.


How to feed a hamster? He is given:

  • carrot;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • beets;
  • bananas
  • peas;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • hard pears;
  • raspberries;
  • boiled fish;
  • chicken's meat;
  • cottage cheese;
  • eggs
  • greens.

In pet stores, ready-made feed mixtures enriched with vitamins are sold. The rodent is fed twice a day - morning and evening.

white hamster

What can not be fed albinos?

Hamsters are not allowed to give:

  • cabbage;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • garlic;
  • chocolate and sweets;
  • bread;
  • citrus;
  • Exotic fruits;
  • mushrooms;
  • fried, spicy, salty foods.

What to look for when keeping?

We have already examined how many albino hamsters live - it all depends on the species. But the correctness of the actions of the owner can significantly affect the life span of the animal.

It is important to consider the following:

  • the rodent's daily routine should not be changed;
  • screams and noise near the hamster are undesirable;
  • bathing without emergency the animal is not worth it;
  • cubs can not be picked up;
  • to place a young hamster with a mature individual is not worth it;
  • before cleaning the hamster must be jailed in advance, because rodents are very sensitive to the invasion of their house.
Syrian hamster white

It is interesting

Some interesting facts are associated with albinos:

  • White hamsters were bred in the laboratory. The first individuals were aggressive and had serious health problems. As a result of long selection work, it was possible to obtain peace-loving albinos with good health.
  • The growth of teeth in rodents does not stop throughout life.
  • Hamsters swim beautifully.
  • In nature, they cannot get water for themselves, so they get it from fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Hamsters are very cowardly; when moving, they adhere to the walls.
  • After the fertilization process, the male leaves the female.

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