How to increase the size of a photo: instructions and a guide for beginners

Working with photographs is a procedure that requires certain knowledge, skills and experience. Some operations can be done only by an advanced user, and some can be done even by an inexperienced user. Quite often, people think about how to increase the size of a photo or reduce a picture. There are many ways to do this. Much depends on the graphics editor used. Below we will consider the simplest and most effective ways to resize images in Windows.

What to work with

How to increase the size of the photo? There is no definite answer to this question. It all depends on which graphics editor will be used in a particular case.

We will try to clarify the situation using the following utilities as an example:

  • 0lik Editor;
  • Paint;
  • "Photoshop";
  • Picture Manager.

These are the most common graphic editors. Even a schoolboy is able to work with them.

Paint Tools

How to increase photo size through Paint? In order to cope with the task, you have to use the built-in application options.

Paint - how to increase the size of the photo

Instructions for adjusting the image size have the following interpretation:

  1. Right-click on the desired document and select the line "Open with" -Paint.
  2. Click on the "Resize" button. It is located on the right side of the Selection tool.
  3. Specify picture parameters. You can use "percentages" or pixels.
  4. Confirm corrections.

The final step is to save the result. In this way, users can resize graphic documents up or down.

Picture manager

How to increase the size of the photo? The second method is working with the application "Manager Manager". The utility is an "office" program, so it is familiar to many.

How to adjust photo size in Picure Manager

In order to resize the image through the mentioned software, it is required:

  1. Open a picture in Picture Manager.
  2. On the toolbar (it is located at the top of the dialog box), find the button "Change drawings ...". Click on it with the left mouse button.
  3. A small menu will appear on the right side of the application. Here you have to click on the "Resize" hyperlink.
  4. Specify the width and height of the resulting file. You can do this automatically or by choosing ready-made proportions.
  5. Click “OK” at the bottom of the function menu.
  6. Save the received file.

A similar technique is found more and more often, but when it is used, sometimes the quality of images deteriorates greatly. This happens with a strong increase in pictures.

Work in Photoshop

Therefore, it is worth considering a more universal and professional, from the point of view of adjusting graphic documents, tool. This is an application called Adobe Photoshop. Here you can not only change the size of images, but also improve image quality.

Enlarge photo size in Photoshop

To increase the size of photos in Photoshop, you need:

  1. Open this or that photo through "Adobe".
  2. Select the "Image" option on the toolbar (line at the top of the application).
  3. Go to the "Image Size" section. To quickly open the settings, you can hold Ctrl + Alt + I on the keyboard.
  4. Indicate the size of the photo. Here you can increase the size of the photo for the passport or reduce the graphic file. It is enough to work a little with the units of the document.
  5. Save changes.

A similar solution is suitable for all users. The main thing is not to confuse the "Image Size" option with the "Canvas Size" operation. In the second case, a white blank area (canvas) will be added to the picture or the image will be cropped according to the specified sizes.

"Nolik Editor"

The last technique that we will consider is working with images online. To increase the size of the photo without installing any graphic editor on the computer, you can use the site 0ik Editor. This is an online photoshop.

Resize photos in "Nolik Editor"

In our case, we must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Open "Noughty Editor" using your browser.
  2. Upload a photo to the application.
  3. Select the "Image" option.
  4. Click on the line that says "Image Size".
  5. Specify the parameters of the final document.
  6. Click on "OK."

As you can see, the procedure in “Nolik” is the same as in the case of “Photoshop”. After saving the picture to the computer, you can be content with the result.

Several at once

We figured out how to increase the size of the photo. If desired, through "Photoshop" you can adjust the size of several images at once.

Resize multiple photos at once in Photoshop

This requires:

  1. Go to Photoshop. You do not need to open files to be edited.
  2. Look in the "File" - "Scripts".
  3. Select "Image Processor".
  4. Specify documents whose size you want to change.
  5. Choose a location for saving files.
  6. Check the box next to "Resize."
  7. Enter these or those values ​​of width and height.
  8. Confirm the procedure.

After a few minutes, the edited graphic files will appear in the indicated location. It is very comfortable!

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