Infant development 2 months: basic skills, basic norms and recommendations of pediatricians

The development of a baby at 2 months occurs rather quickly, as it changes literally before our eyes. It is very important to study what a baby should be able to do at this age, so that you can compare his achievements with average statistics and evaluate his success.

In addition, it is important for young parents to know exactly how to care for the child, organize his daily regimen. From this moment, you can begin the first exercises and games with the baby for its development.

Baby care

Care and development of the child at 2 months should include adherence to the daily routine, feeding, as well as the conduct of the required hygiene procedures. Most attention during this period should be given to the fight against bloating and colic.

Problems with the baby

The cry of the baby becomes piercing, he spins and tightens his legs. In the process of feeding, it is necessary to ensure that the child does not swallow air. You need to hold it at an angle of 45 degrees. Then you need to translate it into an upright position, pressing the tummy to your chest. It helps to eliminate colic dill water, applying a warm diaper treated with a hot iron, and stroking around the intestines. Before feeding the baby, it is advisable to give him a little lie on his stomach.

Skin care implies control of irritation and diaper rash, as the baby urinates more than 6-8 times a day. A scaly crust may appear on the head. It is eliminated with the help of baby soap.

Bathing should be done daily. The baby may have a red rash on the skin. However, if you adhere to the basic rules of hygiene, then it passes on its own.

Baby food

The full development of the baby in 1-2 months and the baby's nutrition, which contributes to its normal growth, are very important. Feed the baby should be on demand. If it is not possible to breastfeed, the child needs an artificial mixture according to his age.

By the end of the second month, the weight gain should be 800 g; it grows 2.5 cm. The child’s behavior will show how full the baby is. If he is hungry and begins to cry in less than 2 hours after eating, this means that the incoming milk is not enough.

If the baby is too overexcited, then he can be distracted from food and does not focus on food. In this case, you need to consult a pediatrician and determine how best to feed the baby. Mom herself should be fully focused on the baby, regardless of whether she is breastfeeding or from a bottle. For one feeding the child eats 130-150 ml of milk. The interval between feedings is increasing and by the end of the second month it is already 3.5 hours with a long break at night.

Baby's day routine

To ensure the full development of the child in 2 months, the daily regimen must be observed. The baby's daytime sleep should be 3-4 times. It accounts for 16-18 hours a day. The daily regimen for children may vary slightly. Someone prefers to sleep more during the day, and someone gets up early in the morning and is awake for a long time. All of these differences are minor, but it is important to consider them.

Baby sleep

In order to accustom a growing baby to the correct and normal regime of the day, you need to try to bathe him and take walks with him at about the same time, without delaying the feeding process. At night, the child sleeps more time. What should be the periods of sleep and activity, as well as the intervals between feedings, largely depends on the temperament and nature of the baby.

Features of development in 2 months

The development of a baby in two months is quite active. During this period, the baby begins to gradually master, pleases others with its first smile. Gradually, she becomes more meaningful and appears when communicating with parents.

Mom more and more begins to understand the baby. Feels why he is acting up and crying. In two months, even his intonation changes, indicating requests and discontent. The interaction between the baby and mother is greatly improved.

General development indicators

At 2 months of a baby’s life, development occurs not only physical, but also mental. The baby grows on average by 3 cm. The head circumference increases by 2 cm. By the end of the month, it reaches approximately the circumference of the chest. This is an important indicator that helps to timely notice the development of hydrocephalus and increased pressure.

2 months baby

An important indicator is the weight gain of the baby. On average, it should be 800 g per month. This is an important indicator of the baby’s health. A strong increase in this indicator with artificial feeding may indicate improper preparation of the mixture.

The development of a baby in 2 months is determined by the rapid improvement of the senses. At the age of six weeks, the baby begins to focus on one subject. And by the third month, monitor the subject not only with your eyes, but also with a turn of your head. At this age, the baby begins to respond to the sound source, not only moving its arms and legs, but also trying to find it with his eyes.

At two months, the child begins to respond to smells, and if they are unpleasant, then the baby shows it with facial expressions, gestures and rapid breathing. The ability to determine the taste of food in a baby from birth. He responds to sweets with increased sucking and a pleased expression on his face, and sour, salty, or bitter ones with profuse salivation and screaming.

By the end of the second month of movement, the crumbs become more conscious. He begins to bring the handles to his nose or rub them. He raises and holds the head well in the supine position. At this age, the child tries to keep his head upright.

The development of the child in 2 months of life is associated with the improvement of his psyche. From six weeks he begins to establish emotional contact with his mother, examining her during feeding, trying to touch. During active wakefulness, the baby tries to make sounds. They do not yet carry a semantic load, however, they are an indicator of the normal development of the psyche.

Mental development

The development of a baby in 2 months is determined by the fact that there are serious changes in the emotional sphere of the baby. During this period, he increasingly uses his communicative skills. A child can catch the eyes of parents and fix it for 20-30 seconds. Visual concentration is considered the main progress of the development of the baby. In addition, at two months the baby can track objects that are moving slowly.

Child games

At this age, the baby can already determine the location of the sounding object, since its hearing organ is actively developing. In addition to additional artificial sources, he is interested in human voices. If you talk to the baby quietly and gently, he will turn his head in the direction of sound.

Significant dynamics occur in the development of the emotional sphere. The child begins to respond to the treatment of mom with a smile. He is also able to laugh spontaneously. The mental and mental development of the baby is expressed in his walk, that is, the pronunciation of individual sounds. Sometimes it is quite emotional, the baby even squeals. At 2.5 months, the development of the child is very active. Associations are already beginning to appear in him, that is, after crying, contact with mom, feeding, and help should follow.

What should be able to baby

The development of a child in 2 months of life is very rapid, as he gradually begins to grow up. The kid can look at a stationary object for a long time and follow moving objects. The child is able to hold his gaze for 15-30 seconds. All that he sees, surprises the baby. The child begins to actively explore the world, smiles.

When communicating with adults, he begins to walk, briskly moves in different directions with legs and arms. The kid holds the head well, is able to visually focus on a stationary object, while in an upright position, and turn after the object. The child listens to the sound and stares intently at the light source. Prefers to spend more time in the arms of an adult.

For the full and proper development of the baby in 2 months, Komarovsky recommends taking him in his arms. It is this situation that allows everyone to see and hear well, which contributes to normal mental development. In the second month of life, in the crying and crying of the child, one can clearly recognize the peculiarity of his requirements. Pain and hunger cause a sharp, piercing cry, and a tired baby makes a grunt.

You need to talk with a newborn from the very first days of his life. You need to tell him about everything that bothers and interests him. Intonation should be affectionate, good-natured. You can actively gesticulate and express emotions with facial expressions, since all this will contribute to the normal development of the child’s speech.

Many parents are interested, with the development of the child at 2 months, what should be able to baby. According to the norms, at this age, he:

  • holds head well upright;
  • smiles;
  • holds the head in the supine position;
  • focuses on the subject;
  • expresses his emotions.

The kid makes arbitrary movements of the limbs. He tries to reach for the rattle, grab and hold it. The child gradually gets used to the regimen of the day and the actions that occur throughout the day.

Games and activities

Baby development in 2 months

In order for the mental, physical and emotional development of the child in 1-2 months to proceed correctly and quickly, you need to help him a little bit. Various exercises aimed at consolidating the acquired skills will bring great benefits to the baby, and will allow him to become even closer to him.

To develop fingers, it is possible for a child to alternately put small objects made of different materials into pens, in particular, such as:

  • metal;
  • fur;
  • wood;
  • paper;
  • the cloth.

Any exercise with fingers positively affects the development of speech and will help to avoid future activities with a speech therapist. For the development of hearing and vision, you need to take a bright rattle, shake it on the side of the baby. He will begin to listen, trying to determine where the sound is coming from. Then he begins to turn his head around in search of its source. You can bring the rattle to the crib and move it from edge to edge, allowing the child to follow the toy.

Such games need to be held two to three times daily, making sure that the baby does not overwork. If he begins to be capricious and shows his displeasure, then the exercises need to be temporarily stopped and wait until the child is again in a good mood.

The development of a child at 2.5 months will be more active if you sing lullabies for the night. This should be done at the same time. The song should be pleasant, calm. Thus, she will develop the baby’s hearing and will form the habit of falling asleep under a lullaby. After several such procedures, the child will begin to respond to a familiar song with a smile.

Another way to develop crumbs is a theater with finger puppets. This helps to improve the baby's visual skills. Initially, the mother simply puts a toy on her finger and shows the child. Then he begins to drive the crumbs in front of her eyes.

The squeaker will help the baby learn how to feel the movement of its handles. To do this, put the toy in the palm of the baby. Over time, he will learn how to compress it to get a sound.

Massage and gymnastics

The development of a baby in 2-3 months also includes special gymnastics and massage. It is best to do this in the morning, but not before bedtime and not immediately after feeding. These procedures also include taking an air bath, that is, hardening and skin contact with the skin.

Massage includes stroking, rubbing. In addition, you can roll on the tummy, back, arms and legs of the baby various objects, for example, nuts, pencils, balls, as well as fabric rollers.

Baby massage

You can also massage with cereals. To do this, pour a little cereal on a sheet spread out on a changing table and put the baby on it with a back or tummy. The child begins to fidget, thereby receiving completely new tactile sensations. It is necessary to carefully monitor the baby's reaction so that he does not feel pain and discomfort, and also so that he does not pull the cereal in his mouth.

You can also stroke the baby's body with shreds of various materials and fur pompons. When conducting such a massage, emphasis should be placed on a variety of materials.

Pediatrician Examination and Vaccinations

Many parents are interested in what a child can do at 2 months. The development of the physical and mental activity of the crumbs should occur simultaneously. At this age, you should plan to visit the children's clinic. The doctor examines the baby, measures its height and weight, the circumference of the chest and head. A small and large fontanel is also examined. In two months, you need to be vaccinated against viral hepatitis B and pneumococcal infection.

Medical examination

If previously the examination was not conducted by narrow specialists, then you need to visit them in two months.

Expert Advice

A baby at this age can attract attention with crying. However, adults are far from always able to understand exactly what he lacks. Although loud sounds, too bright light, cold, energetic touch can annoy him.

It’s really difficult to understand the baby, which is why pediatricians recommend watching him closely so as not to miss the moment when he is hungry, wet, tired. Gradually, the mother will learn to correctly recognize his screams and provide the required assistance to her child. If the baby cries very much and it is impossible to calm him down, then this may indicate that his stomach hurts. In this case, you need to take the baby in your arms and attach it to yourself. It is proved that the mother's touch and her smell soothe the child.

In the room, you need to remove excess lighting, shake the baby in your arms. When talking with the baby, you should connect facial expressions, open your eyes wide, raise eyebrows, move your lips. Thus, the child will understand sign language, and all these movements will be very useful for him.

If you have any problems with the baby, you should immediately contact a pediatrician in order to notice possible developmental disorders in time.

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