Graduation in kindergarten for the baby is the first important stage in his life. He takes a small step into the world of adults. Now begins a new, interesting and long life, connected first with the school, and then with the institute and work. For a child, graduation in kindergarten is a special day that he will remember for a long time. He and his parents are preparing for this event in advance.
The upcoming changes in the lives of children also frighten them, like everyone else, so graduation in kindergarten will help to reduce the stressful situation slightly, which will be a pleasant end to a large and significant stage in the childβs life. Thanks to this event, he will be able to meet future changes with joy and expectation of pleasant moments.
It is interesting that the holiday is usually held in late April - early May, after which the child continues to attend preschool. This is a necessary measure, since parents have taken away many children to summer cottages since May, so it is almost impossible to collect them in summer in full force. Nevertheless, the graduation in kindergarten is a certain starting point for the child in adulthood. After this event, children begin to equate themselves with adults, as the first serious stage has ended in their life.
This holiday can be organized both by the parents themselves and together with the teachers. Usually it goes through several stages. Graduation begins with the official part, where beloved teachers, nannies, and all garden staff will say parting words to the kids. Parents should also prepare a thank you note. She can be said by several representatives of the parent committee.
Next, the guys will show the numbers that they have prepared. They rehearsed for a very long time, specially prepared, so it is necessary to support them at this moment with kind words and applause. For a child, as for any other person, speaking to the public is associated with very great excitement. Before graduation itself, it is better to rehearse the house number several times. Each kindergarten graduate prepares for this event with special care, so parents are required to support him and in no case laugh at him.
After all the congratulations, the most pleasant and long-awaited part of the holiday begins - tea drinking with sweets. Confectionery can be prepared both in the dining room of the kindergarten, and independently or ordered in a bakery. It already depends on the funds that parents are willing to allocate for the celebration. Whatever sweets are served for tea, the table needs to be decorated with something. It can be applications, toys, sweets and more.
For each girl, the graduation dress in kindergarten, to which she so carefully chose, looks like a ball from a fairy tale. The outfit for this event is no less important for the child than everything that happens around him on this day. Girls present themselves as fairy princesses and want to receive a dress matching the image. Boys are usually dressed in suits. Today, children's fashion allows the child to avoid commonplace jackets and trousers, replacing them with trendy pants and sweaters. No matter what parents choose for their child, it is important that the outfit, in addition to its beauty, also allows the child to have fun without fear of spoiling him.
Preparing graduation in kindergarten is best done together with other parents and carers. You can create a scenario of the event yourself or call for help in that matter specialists from the services organizing the holidays. From there, it will be possible to invite actors if they are necessary for the graduation. For this day, both parents and children prepare in advance and are very worried before it comes. This holiday should remain in the memory of the child for a long time, as a new step in his long and interesting life.