What is "Crack", how to use it, and what does it threaten?

As you can easily guess, the vast majority of software is being developed for the most popular Windows operating system. What is important for this article, a huge part of the programs and games are distributed under a paid license, that is, they must be bought for real money. It’s clear that many people don’t like this alignment, and “Kreki” come to the rescue. What is "Crack" and whether it can be used, we will consider in this article. Also, in the end, tips will be given on how to protect your computer from penetration of virus software into the system.

What is Crack

It is imperative to define the very concept of "crack". In a nutshell, this is special software written, as the people say, by hackers, for installing paid programs and games on a computer for free. That is, if you do not want to pay, for example, for a game, you can easily download the “hacked” version from the Internet, which along with the game files carries “Crack”.

what is crack

What is “Crack”, as if we figured it out, now in a nutshell let's figure out how it works. And this process is quite simple. After installing the files of the game itself, you need to run "Crack" and follow all the instructions that are written there. Sometimes it will be necessary to generate a special key, and sometimes it will be necessary to indicate the directory in which the game was installed, so that the “cracker” will independently replace the necessary files.

Can I use Crack

What is “Crack”, and how does it work, we figured it out, but the question remains: if a game or program costs money, and you install and use it for free, will you be punished for it? To put it bluntly, yes, you will be punished, and not somehow, but according to the law, but let's delve into the topic. You can’t use hacked software, but the chance that they will figure you out is very small, rather even void. This can only be feared by legal entities under whose management entire companies of pirated software.

what is crack

What are the dangers?

Despite all of the above, legal liability is just the tip of the iceberg. Most often, the danger of using hacked games lies in the banal penetration of viruses into the system. After all, you don’t know with what intentions a person developed “Crack” to give a simple user the opportunity to run expensive software on a computer or to penetrate his system through virus programs that are included in “Crack” itself.

And in fact, this is a card game, no one can give you a guarantee, is the downloaded "cracker" safe or is fraught with a threat.

How to respond to antivirus software

We have long understood what Crack is, and what danger it can carry, however, how to protect yourself from the malicious qualities of this software? Well, from the right, roughly speaking, nothing, but the probability is extremely low. Another thing is to find ways to check the "Crack" for the presence of viruses in it.

crack game

Most have already guessed that there is such an opportunity, and it consists in the use of antivirus software. Yes, in fact, if you launched Crack, and your antivirus issued a warning about the danger, you should immediately close and remove the suspicious program. Based on this, you should not believe the instructions for using "Cracks" that are written on their download sites, because they often indicate that you must disable the antivirus before use.


We found out that when using “Crack” a game or program becomes free, but most of the attention should be paid to the fact that this threatens to catch a virus, which can significantly harm the computer as a whole. That is why one hundred times think before installing applications using the "Crack", nevertheless, it is better to fork out and purchase a license than to pay the same, or even a lot of money for computer repair.

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