A crust on the head of a newborn: is it worth worrying and how to remove it?

Many mothers and fathers, having brought a charming bundle from the maternity hospital and seeing their baby for the first time, may notice that there is some kind of crust on the head of a newborn. In some children, it may appear later - after weeks or even months. This phenomenon is quite frequent and not at all dangerous. Attentive daily care of the baby's scalp will soon bear fruit - the crust will disappear.

crust on the head of a newborn

The unpleasant appearance of the child and the slow growth of hair are the two main problems that the crust on the head of a newborn causes. Usually it is yellow and can be quite dense and thick, but also in the form of flakes on the skin.

In the first months of life, this phenomenon is called a "lullaby." She can remind herself of up to one and a half to two years. The reason is the increased work of the sebaceous glands. Less commonly, factors affecting the appearance of a crust on a baby’s head can be:

  • improper care (frequent shampooing);
  • predisposition to allergies;
  • incorrectly selected cosmetic product (soap, lotion, oil, cream, etc.);
  • improper nutrition of the baby or mother (if the baby is breastfeeding);
  • the baby's head sweats in a hat, etc.

The crust on the head of a newborn is usually located on the top of the head, but can also appear in the frontal part or in the fontanel. The main thing is to start a timely fight, otherwise the crusts are layered, and their dense layer interferes with the growth of delicate baby hair.

how to remove crusts on the head

Many parents, wondering how to remove the crusts on the head of the crumbs, begin to actively lather them when bathing the child. Do not abuse it, and especially do not wash the head often with special shampoo. This will only make you worse. The crusts will shrink and become reminiscent of sticking together translucent dandruff, which is much more difficult to remove, and besides, it can spread throughout the head. Start fighting the crust by the rules!

Three steps to a beautiful head

First, we warn young mothers - the crust on the head of a newborn should not be scraped off with either nails or any devices! In no case! An infection can penetrate the wounds and cracks that may remain after such manipulations.

  • The first step is to soften the crust. About an hour before bathing, generously lubricate the baby's scalp with oil - it can be baby or vegetable. Liquid petroleum jelly is also suitable. Put on a cap from above - it will warm the baby’s head and prevent the oil from getting dirty around. Before bathing, massage the baby's head with a soft brush - you will see how some crusts begin to flake off the skin with flakes.
    the baby has crusts on his head

  • The second step is swimming. Lather baby's head with special shampoo and rinse. Do not soap more than once. Blot your head with a soft towel. Do not blow dry!
  • Step Three - Combing. Most crusts should leave the baby’s head when bathing. The remaining flakes in the hair should be combed out with a special children's comb with blunt teeth or a brush with synthetic soft nap. Do not be afraid to actively comb hair in the fontanel area!

If the crust still remains after the first bath, repeat the procedure after one to two days and, if necessary, once a month for prevention.

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