Exercises for pregnant women: 3 trimester

I want to note right away that all women in position are prohibited from doing the same set of gymnastic exercises. Specialists divide them by trimester, which necessarily takes into account the physiological characteristics of the expectant mother, the process of pregnancy, the nature and intensity of the loads. In order to keep my body in good shape and to have a good shape for nine months, excellent health, and after that it’s easy to have a delivery, I want to offer exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester.

So, during this period, a woman approaches childbirth, the tummy becomes more and more, but it becomes more difficult to perform physical exercises during pregnancy. Therefore, a special gymnastic ball called fitball comes to the rescue, which is designed for convenient, effective, interesting and independent performance of physical exercises. Trainers distinguish three types of exercises on this ball, where special attention is paid to the chest, arms, and buttocks with hips.

Where to start exercises for pregnant women 3 trimester? To begin with, we need not very heavy dumbbells about 1 kilogram. Sit on the ball and take turns bending your arms 10 times each. After that, move to the floor, take the Turkish position, stretch out your arms, clasping the ball with your palms, and begin to squeeze it rhythmically. Thanks to these exercises, the pectoral muscles and arms are perfectly strengthened.

Exercises for pregnant women 3 trimester designed for the hips and buttocks. It is necessary to lie on the floor and put one foot on the ball, after which they either make circular revolutions, or swing it back and forth for 1 or 2 minutes. Then you need to sit on the gym ball and spread your legs slightly wider than the pelvis in order to reduce the load. Hands should be extended at chest level, and begin to rotate the pelvis 10 times: first to the right side, and then to the left. If you feel uncomfortable with this exercise, then put your hands on the ball for greater convenience.

Dear ladies, do not forget that exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester must be performed carefully, without sudden movements, and first you need to discuss this with your doctor. It should be remembered that gymnastics at this time can cause uterine tone. In the event that you feel an unpleasant or severe pain or a pulse increases, you must urgently refuse to perform gymnastic exercises. You need to know that you can not engage in physical activity with sufficiently pronounced toxicosis, chronic diseases, polyhydramnios, as well as in the presence of spotting.

Then what exercises can be done pregnant? In this case, it is best to do breathing exercises that will help to cope with severe pain and reduce it to a minimum. First, let's work on the diaphragm, for this, put the left palm on the stomach, and the right on the chest. In this position, you should take a deep breath and exhale. You need to make sure that only your stomach rises when you inhale, but your chest must remain motionless. You only need to breathe through your nose.

Next, we’ll take care of chest breathing. Place your palms on your ribs so that your elbows look in different directions. When breathing, make sure that the elbows glide in different directions, but the chest and abdomen remain motionless. After that, do the following exercise with one hand on the chest and the other on the stomach. You need to breathe so that when you inhale, your chest rises and your stomach is motionless. It should be noted that this set of exercises must be done for about thirty minutes and monitor your breathing, you can not hold it, because as a result, the child may experience hypoxia.

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