In our article we will talk about the Basque Shepherd. A description of the breed and its representatives will be made in detail below. In addition, we will tell you how to keep and feed such a dog.
Note that the Basque shepherd is a shepherd breed of dog. It arose in northern Spain in the city of Basque. Such dogs are quite popular in works where it is required to protect any object. The progenitors of these dogs were from central Europe. The breed was officially recognized by the Kennel Federation in 1995.
Basque Shepherd Dog. Description and characteristics of the breed
To understand what such a dog is, you should familiarize yourself with its characteristics. The Basque Shepherd has developed musculature, a square body. This dog is proportionately folded. Her muzzle is slightly shorter than her forehead, and her head is elongated.
Oval eyes of representatives of the breed are chestnut and amber. There may also be a dark border on the end. The ears are triangular in shape high. The paws of the representatives of the breed are long, proportional to the body, have an oval shape.
The tail of such dogs resembles a saber. When the animal is calm, it usually hangs. With a manifestation of joy, the dog begins to move it and lifts it. The coat of the representatives of the breed is of medium length, red-fawn. On the paws of the muzzle and head are usually coarser and shorter hair.
The average weight of the representatives of the breed is 20-25 kg, and the height at the withers is 50-55 cm. To understand what the representative of such a breed looks like, you should study the photographs presented in the article in detail.
Character Features
Now let's talk about the nature of the Basque Shepherd. Representatives of this breed are distinguished by obedience and quick wit. The training process brings only pleasure, as it is easy to train a dog, it quickly remembers the commands.
This shepherd has a pronounced watchdog instinct. For this reason, representatives of the breed in ancient times were used in shepherd's service. Nowadays, such dogs are often taken by those involved in the protection of objects.
Representatives of the breed show a friendly disposition. They are very loyal to the owner. Therefore, such a dog should have only one owner, to whom she will faithfully serve.
Content Rules. What should the owner pay attention to?
Of course, like representatives of other large breeds, it is desirable to keep this dog in a private house. Then in the summertime in the evening she can be let go for a night walk in the yard. In the afternoon, she can walk around her needs, that is, when she wants. But even if you keep a dog in a private house, you still need to communicate with her, pay attention to her, and walk. Of course, also do not forget about training. Such a dog, they are extremely necessary.
If you plan to keep the dog in the apartment, then be prepared for the fact that he will need to walk enough time. A dog like the Basque Shepherd will be a great companion in various sporting activities.
If you are a farmer and you have a herd of cattle, then a representative of the breed will help you to manage it competently. In addition, in this role, the dog will feel comfortable, because this is his main purpose.
Shepherd Health
Representatives of this breed are distinguished by good health, strong immunity. But in adulthood, such dogs can sometimes have vision problems. Like all dogs, the Basque Shepherd Dog needs timely vaccination by age.
How to feed the breed?
This dog needs to be fed well. In her diet should be different types of meat, different cereals. Plus sometimes (for example, during growth or molting) you need to give the dog vitamins. You can feed such a dog and ready-made feed of premium and super-premium class.
Care for the representatives of the breed
As mentioned earlier, the hair of representatives of the breed is of medium length. Therefore, you need to comb these dogs. A similar procedure should be carried out with a special comb, which can be purchased at a pet store.
Is it possible to take such a shepherd in a family with children?
Such a dog gets along well in families with children. With kids, the shepherd quickly finds a common language. Aggression towards children will never show, but it is necessary that the child does not offend the dog either. The dog gets along well with other animals.