In a global network, scammers and hackers daily try to steal personal information. In the past, phishing was considered the most popular abduction method. An attacker replaces the original site, and data from the user falls into his hands (passwords, card numbers, private messages, etc.). To solve this problem, we created a secure HTTPS connection. Therefore, site administrators often care about how to create and configure a secure https connection.
What is HTTPS and why is it needed
Before transferring a site to an HTTPS connection, you should understand what it is and how it works. HTTPS is a protected version of the HTTP protocol (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), it transfers the necessary data for the operation of the pages (browser name, screen resolution, availability of cookies, etc.).
HTTP , . , HTTP, ().
, , , . , SSL .
HTTPS . , , . , .
HTTPS SSL . , (IP , , E-mail . .). (GoDaddy, Comodo . .). , , . .
, https. SSL . :
EV . :
- SGC ( ).
- Wildcard ( ).
- SAN ( ).
- IDN ( www).
DV SSL . .
, https. . .htaccess . , Apache -.
SSL . , , . :
- SSL .
- .
- .
- redirect 301 .
- Hosts robots.txt.
beget, , . , https , .htaccess, .
, https , . SSL . . 2 :
. (, . .). :
- Godaddy.
- Hostland.
- Symantec.
- Comodo.
- GlobalSign.
- Thawte.
, SSL . . :
- CSR ;
- (admin@[ ]);
- ( EV OV ).
CSR ( , , , , ). 2 ( CSR ), . SSL .
«SSL » . CSR , . SSL .
. . : //
HTTP . , WEB- , . PhpMyAdmin.
. robots.txt Host: HTTP HTTPS. :
.htacess , :
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https
RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301,NE]
. , . , , 24 .
"" Google. HTTPS. , :
- sitemap.xml;
- URL;
- ;
- Disawov Tool .
. , .
https WordPress
WordPress, https ( , . .). , :
- easy HTTPS Redirection;
, SSL . , ->. URL HTTPS . , . robots.txt.
, https . . , .