Residents of large cities are well aware of how difficult it is for a dog in a big city. For the toilet, you need to get from the huge human anthill to the area for dog walking. In this case, the site may be far from home. City traffic jam will get any dog.
Loyal favorites deserve a good relationship. Dog breeders had to come up with diapers for pets.
Why diapers are needed
It may seem strange that diapers or diapers are put on the dog. With careful study, we come to the conclusion - otherwise it is impossible.
- Dogs usually have excellent health, but also sometimes get sick. If the disease is accompanied by surgery, the rehabilitation period can take a long time. The poor animal is in great discomfort because it cannot get to the toilet on the street. Pampers come in handy.
- If the disease is associated with urination and the dog suffers from incontinence, then diapers simply cannot be dispensed with.
- Travel enthusiasts are familiar with the problems of constant traffic jams. For several hours it is impossible to get out of the car. If this is the road to the cottage before the weekend, and you need to go outside the city during rush hours, feel free to prepare to spend half the day in the car. Not everyone can stand it. I don’t want to torture my beloved animal.
- A more piquant case is when a male begins to tag everything. The owner will definitely remember about diapers.
- The same situation is observed when a bitch begins to estrus. Pampers for dog girls can come in handy.
In a word, there is a problem - it is necessary to solve it. We will put diapers on the dog.
Hygiene rules
The rules for wearing diapers for dogs are very simple:
- To make your pet comfortable, you need to carefully select the right size and carefully put it on.
- Make sure that there is no diaper rash on the skin. Wash the dog in a timely manner, you can treat it with baby powder or use a cream. Veterinary pharmacies sell specialized creams for dogs. Do not wear diapers continuously.
- Change your portable toilet in a timely manner.
- If an allergic reaction occurs, it is worth changing the manufacturer.
In general, the product can be very useful.
Variety of options
If there is a need for diapers for dogs, then the manufacturer will not miss the chance to market a new product. The entire line of necessary goods was instantly filled:
- Standard diapers, they are diapers.
- Pampers for dog boys or hygienic belts.
- Overalls for full wearing comfort.
- Hygienic panties.
Sizes range from the smallest XXS for toy terrier to the largest 2XL that can fit the German Shepherd. Unfortunately, larger dogs need an individual approach. If necessary, diapers will have to do it yourself.
How to choose the right diapers
The choice of diapers for dogs should be given special attention. Do not forget that this is an animal, and it is difficult for a dog to adapt to new conditions of life. We need to try to make the dog as comfortable as possible. There are simply no single recommendations - only careful observation and the technology of enumerating various options. At the first stage, do not immediately purchase a large quantity of goods. Experiment, look for the best option.
Test method
The variety of dog breeds, their intraspecific differences make it very difficult to standardize many specialized types of products. Each manufacturer of dog diapers produces a line of products in accordance with their internal specifications. This makes selection very difficult. There is only one thing left - to select by trial and error, buying products from various manufacturers and watching the dog how good it is.
Of course, the line of sizes in any case meets the generally accepted requirements. This simplifies the initial choice. It is enough to know the size of the waist and the weight of your ward, and then experiment.
Gender difference
Four-legged girls are content with diapers of the usual form in the form of panties. They do not constrain movement, and the dog is quite comfortable. Male dogs are another matter. They are uncomfortable in panties, especially if you have a healthy and mobile dog.
Manufacturers specially produce diapers for dogs-boys in the form of belts. Such products perfectly absorb all the stool, but are especially convenient when the dog is trying to mark everything around. Her movements are not constrained, her body breathes well, and there is no harm to surrounding objects.
For sick dogs, it is still better to use the standard version. It is less comfortable for the dog, but more hygienic. Even if your pet is sick, do not keep him constantly in diapers. Let the dog’s body relax and enjoy freedom.
We are accustomed to hygiene panties
Although the dog is an obedient animal, but still it is not accustomed to walking in shorts. Even for dogs of small breeds, diapers may seem like an unnecessary attribute, let alone large dogs. Accustoming the animal to a new lifestyle, it is worth to be patient.
The first fitting can take place calmly. Your pet will perceive this as a game and will give you the opportunity to dress yourself. But after a while he will feel discomfort and try to get rid of unnecessary things. The most important thing is that you cannot scold him at this time. Try to start an exciting game with the dog so that she temporarily forgets that she is wearing an extraneous thing. If the reception helps poorly, do not torment the dog and after 15-20 minutes remove the diaper. Repeat the procedure the next day and so on until the dog gets used to it.
In a situation where the pupil is persistent and continues to try to get rid of unnecessary panties, just put on a jumpsuit on top and continue to patiently insist on your own.
Do it yourself attribute
Pampers for small dogs to purchase in the store is not difficult. What if your dog weighs well over 30 kg and belongs, for example, to the Great Dane or Mastiff breed? Of course, it is impossible to imagine a healthy dog of this size in panties. Yes, they do not need.
But if your pet is sick or already old, you can be smart and make diapers for large dogs with your own hands. Take human diapers of the right size. Trim the side gum. Separate the Velcro and secure it with a stapler on top and bottom.
For a big bitch, it's even easier. For dogs-girls, diapers can be selected ordinary, baby, without any changes. Note: Velcro can be bought at the store. This completes the manufacturing procedure. When fastening Velcro to diaper tissue, make sure that when the dog is on the dog, the sharp ends of the staples look up.
The use of modern accessories for keeping dogs in urban conditions greatly facilitates the life of the owners. Try to keep track of new products coming to pet stores and veterinary pharmacies.