"Timmeyta is ...": the origin of the word, negative subtext

In the era of e-sports and the popularization of computer games, you can meet the word "teammate", as well as its original form in English, namely teammate, everywhere. For the average layman, such a term sounds unfamiliar, especially when it comes to value judgments regarding the quality of those same teammates. Where did this term come from and why has it gained popularity among e-sportsmen?

Origin of the word

teammates is

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what does teammate mean

If you evaluate the term on the basis of the main source of promotion of games among users, namely streams on sites such as Twitch, you might get the impression that teammate is literally an insult. As mentioned above, when playing a team a significant contribution to achieving victory is precisely its teamwork. In the absence of communications, it is difficult for the team to advance, according to the previously created plan. Therefore, the player quite often uses insulting epithets in relation to his teammates, including: “my teammates are noobs”, “team not very”, “teamplay disgusting” and other similar variations. Noobs or "crayfish" in this case means the level of experience of the players, which, according to the author of the statement, is extremely low. Meanwhilethe cause of the defeat of the team may not be the lack of experience, but the teamwork of opponents.

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teammates in DotA

It is noteworthy that the term remains extremely popular exclusively in the gaming and near-game areas. So, for example, “tima” often slips in the speech of the person who prefers to spend time at the games. In ordinary sports, the word “team” is still popular without any Englishisms. Ultimately, "tima" represents a form of cooperation that is necessary to achieve the goal in the party and the use of extremely negative epithets in relation to it can be justified only in cases where the fact of loss actually occurred as a result of the deliberate return of the initiative. In all other cases, it is worth remembering that games are just a way of entertainment.

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