What types of shepherds are there? Types of Shepherd Dog Breeds

Today, shepherd dogs are one of the most dedicated, intelligent and easily trained dogs. However, you should not think that representatives of this species are limited only to such well-known breeds as German and Caucasian. In fact, there are a lot of them.

Types of Shepherd Dogs

Since ancient times, these dogs have been used for guard, shepherd or search services. In terms of exterior and origin, many types of shepherds are similar to each other. Most often they differ in height, coat or build.

Not all dog lovers know what types of shepherds are. At the moment, more than 40 breeds can be distinguished. It is noteworthy that many of them have nothing to do with the traditional idea of ​​shepherd dogs. The most famous species are: German, Central Asian, Caucasian, Belgian, Scottish, commander, collie.

types of shepherd dogs

Representatives of the first breed occupy a leading position in popularity around the world. Most often, German shepherds are used for service in law enforcement agencies. They have a well-developed sense of smell and intuition, which helps a lot in search activities.

The Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, as well as the Central Asian ones, from time immemorial were shepherd breeds. They differ from other species with a massive head, powerful paws, hanging ears and a rough skeleton. Due to their long coat, they are often used as hounds in the northern regions of Russia.

In the countries of the American continent, such types of sheepdog breeds are widely used as collie, bullets, commander, French Briard, Malinois, Kuvas and others. In Western Europe, the Slovak Chuvach, the lowlands and the Polish Podhalsky are popular.

German Shepherd

The original name of the breed is Deutscher Schaferhund. In some countries it is also known as Alsatian Shepherd.

types of german shepherds

The history of this breed originates in Germany, at the end of the 19th century, when the famous captain and breeder von Stefanitz was actively engaged in crossbreeding of various types of dogs. Toward the close of his life, he managed to bring out a service shepherd, which was based on the Scottish Collie gene.

The German breed was exhibited at the general show in Hanover in 1892. During World War I, these shepherd dogs showed fierce stamina, devotion and courage. Therefore, since the beginning of the 20th century, they have become in demand around the world. A few years later, well-known breeders from all over the planet began to actively crossbreed various types of sheepdog breeds with “Germans”, as a result of which by 2013 the line began to stand out of two dozen separate groups.

These dogs were brought to Russia in 1904 for army needs.

German Shepherd

The most popular and famous breed is the classic, whose representatives belong to a high line. These types of German shepherds are loyal and responsive. They are often used as guides and wanted dogs. The working lines of German Shepherd dogs are widely used in military service, as they lend themselves well to training. Their disadvantage is an overly aggressive disposition.

The eastern line was bred from dogs that did not differ in agility and obedience. But representatives of this species have an excellent physique and calm. The situation is similar with the Czech line. This is a purely working type of shepherd dog that can withstand constant heavy loads.

types of sheepdog breeds

Separate from the rest is the new and old American line. These types of German shepherds began to be popular in the 1970s in Canada. Initially, the line was drawn for speed walking, which is why dogs have an angular body shape and a slightly elongated muzzle. "Americans" are characterized by a mild character and good appetite.

Representatives of the English line look very powerful thanks to massive bones and a long body. Despite their moderate temperament, these shepherd dogs are bred purely for military purposes. However, in everyday life you can often find guide dogs among the "English". White Swiss Shepherd dogs are similar in temperament and form to the representatives of the British line . It is noteworthy that purebred dogs of this species should have black pigmentation of the eyes, nose, lips, claws and most of the skin.

One of the most interesting subspecies of the German Shepherd is a panda and a pintail. The first line was due to an unexpected mutation when crossing American breeds. As a result, the dogs began to appear peculiar black spots, like a panda. Such shepherds cost a lot of money. As for the shiloh, this is a mixture of the Sharplaninskaya line with the Alaskan malamute. Representatives of this species have up to 50 cm in the shoulders, due to which they can withstand huge loads for animals.

Of the long-haired German shepherds, one can distinguish the royal and Sarluz Wolfhound. The second were bred in Holland and contain the wolf gene.

Belgian shepherd dog

England is considered to be the birthplace of dogs of this breed. In the 8th century, British breeders crossed the dirhound with the mastiff, hence the extraordinary color. The breed was registered in Brussels at the end of the 19th century, therefore the corresponding name is Belgian Shepherd. At that time, local professor Reil was the main admirer of the new brood. It was he who identified the types of Belgian shepherd dogs, which are limited to 4 lines: Groennendel, Malinois, Lakenua and Tervuren. Each of these types is similar to each other.

types of belgian shepherd dogs

Belgian Shepherds have a strong character and patience. The head is long, slightly wide. The forehead is moderately pronounced, straight. The eyes are medium sized, mostly black. The ears are triangular in shape, set high. By build, the “Belgians” are very massive and impressive.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Many hereditary breeders are sure that the dogs of this breed were descended from Tibetan dogs, the first mention of which appeared about 3 thousand years ago. Currently, all types of Caucasian shepherd dogs can be combined in one line.

Representatives of this breed in height can reach up to 75 cm. An adult male weighs about 70 kg. Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are considered one of the largest dogs on the planet. Their fur is about 7 cm long, thick. Thanks to her, “Caucasians” can easily endure severe frosts. The color can be different: white, brown, gray and even red.

types of Caucasian shepherd dogs

The ears of such shepherds are to be stopped. Character - persistent, decisive.

Central asian shepherd dog

Representatives of this breed are also called Alabai. Central Asian Shepherd Dogs are widespread in Siberia. The ancestor of the Alabaev is considered the Tibetan mastiff.

The dogs are large in size, well-built. Wide head, strong large jaws. In height, adults reach 71 cm (with a weight of 50 kg). On the neck there is a characteristic fold of fat sticking out like a collar. Like representatives of the Caucasian breed, Alabai require stopping the ears and tail. The eyes and nose of such shepherds are dark. The coat is relatively short but thick, so dogs can withstand up to 40 degrees of frost. The color of the Central Asian shepherd can be any.

types of central asian shepherd dogs

By nature, the Alabai are very bold and unpretentious, always loyal to the owner. The species of Central Asian shepherds do not require special training, since they are mostly able to develop independently. Alabai puppies are quick-witted and restrained.

Parenting (teams)

The main tool for influencing the shepherd is the owner's voice. From the first days of life in a new house, the puppy begins to distinguish between a reproachful and gentle tone. To stimulate dogs to perform certain actions, you should use various goodies. For obedience, the puppy may receive a slice of cheese, meat or cookies, depending on his preferences.

All types of shepherd dogs from an early age instantly respond to their nicknames, so it is recommended to use them before each team. Example: “Jack! To me!"

From the first days of education, the pet should be accustomed to cleanliness and decency. Explain what you can’t do, you need to with the addition of the command "Fu".

what types of shepherds are

It is better to teach a shepherd to be near with the help of her bowl. Having lured the dog with food, you need to slowly move away from it and repeat the command “To me”.

A puppy should know its place from the first days of stay in the house. In fact, the corresponding team does not need to be explained to the pet. If he is satisfied with his place, he will gladly return to him.

Proper feeding

All types of shepherds most prefer meat. However, it is important to regularly change the pet's diet so that his body receives all the necessary trace elements.

So, the daily norm for an adult dog must include: 80 g of meat, 120 g of oat or wheat grits, 50 g of potatoes or other vegetables, 20 g of animal fat, 10 g of table salt and 5 g of fish meal. In addition, broths and vitamin supplements are allowed.

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