What to do if a kitten sneezes constantly: causes and preventive measures

Cats, like humans, are characterized by various diseases that do not depend on the age of the animal. A kitten was brought in, and he began to sneeze, he had a runny nose. Perhaps this is a viral infection, so you should visit a veterinarian. Still why the kitten sneezes what to do in this case, we will consider in the article.

Sneezing process

Possible reasons

We love our animals, closely monitor their health, noting the slightest deviations from the norm. If the kitten began to sneeze, what should I do in this case? Panic ahead of time is not worth it, first we find out the possible causes that can provoke this process. It can be:

  • colds;
  • viral infections;
  • cancerous tumors, growths and polyps in the nasal cavity;
  • asthma;
  • gum disease;
  • allergic reactions.

After reading the list of possible reasons, the owner will decide that there is an urgent need to visit a veterinarian. In most cases, he will be right. The last of them should be considered in detail, so that the owner has an understanding of what to do if the kitten sneezes frequently.

Allergic irritants

It is strongly recommended that you recall the last time your pet sneezed. An air freshener was sprayed next to a cat pot? Or did one of the family members smoke on the balcony, not completely closing his door? If the owner answered yes to one of the questions, the visit to the veterinarian is canceled.

This is the list of stimuli causing a sneezing reflex in animals:

  1. Colognes and perfumes. People like the way they smell, cats are not at all happy.
  2. If mold is found in the apartment, know: she is to blame for the condition of the kitten.
  3. Sometimes kittens react sharply to pollen. The reaction is accompanied by tearing and a sneezing process.
  4. Air fresheners, as described above.
  5. Detergents and cleaners.
  6. Tobacco smoke.

What if a kitten sneezes? Verify the absence of the listed irritants by paying attention to the presence of mucous discharge from the nose of the animal. If there is clear mucus, consult a veterinarian.

Watery eyes

Oral disease

If an infectious tooth abscess occurs, the kitten may also begin to sneeze. The baby's body temperature rises, it is possible the secretion of mucus from the nasal cavity. An abscess is accompanied by a sickening smell from the mouth. The pet refuses food, because it hurts him to chew food.

It is impossible to independently help the baby, treatment in a veterinary clinic is necessary.

Infection or not?

When a kitten constantly sneezes and his eyes watery, this is a sign of an eye infection. You can alleviate his condition by wiping his eyes with infusion of chamomile. It will relieve inflammation, thereby reducing the frequency of sneezing. The proof of infection is a copious discharge from the nose of mucus stained in gray or brown-yellow.

To make an accurate diagnosis, it is recommended to take the pet to the veterinary clinic.

Sick kitten

Signs of Oncology

If a kitten sneezes, what should its owner do? Pay attention to the discharge from the nose and the general condition of the baby. When he is cheerful, playful, has an excellent appetite, and the discharge is transparent, there is no reason to worry. A depressed and lethargic state, loss of appetite, and bloody discharge may indicate the presence of cancer. It is worth immediately contacting a specialist. The longer the visit is delayed, the greater the likelihood of death.

Foreign body in the nose

Sometimes a foreign object enters the nasal cavity. What if the kitten sneezes, snorts and drools, rubs his nose with his paw? It all depends on his age and nose size. You can independently remove the foreign body using small tweezers with blunt ends, but it is better to take the baby to the veterinarian so that he helps him.

Kitten rubs an eye

Treatment of a kitten for a virus

This subsection is for guidance only, all manipulations are carried out only after an accurate diagnosis is made. Veterinarian prescribes medicines, he also explains how to use them.

Did the kitten catch a viral infection? The specialist will prescribe antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Among the first, the most common are Maksidin and Fosprenil, which kill viruses in the baby’s body. For recovery of a pet after an illness, Baksin and Gamavit are responsible.

Black and white kitten

Rinse nose

After reading the article, the owner will know what to do if the kitten sneezes. It should be prepared for the fact that in the veterinary clinic will prescribe a nasal wash with saline or chlorhexidine. Representatives of cats can not stand this procedure, resisting with all four paws and teeth. The kitten must be wrapped in a towel or blanket before proceeding. The step-by-step instruction looks like this:

  1. Warm the solution to room temperature.
  2. Put the required amount into an insulin syringe without a needle.
  3. Pinch the kitten between the knees. If there is an assistant, he puts the baby on his lap, supporting his face with his right hand.
  4. Raise the head of the pet, carefully pour the solution into the right nostril. The animal will begin to snort and sneeze. It is necessary to wait a while, giving him the opportunity to get rid of excess fluid.
  5. Carry out a similar manipulation with the left nostril.
  6. Remove the remaining solution from the face with a paper towel or soft towel.

How to instill a medicine?

What should I do if the kitten sneezes, and the veterinarian recommended that medicine be instilled into his nose? The procedure is somewhat different from the one described above, a pipette is required here.

  1. The pet is fixed as indicated in the previous subsection.
  2. The face is raised, the kitten's nose looks at the ceiling.
  3. Holding the pipette a short distance from the nose, instill the required amount of medicine.

You can not enter a pipette into the nasal cavity, this is fraught with trauma for the kitten. If the owner did everything correctly, the baby's face was raised up, then the drops will flow into the nostrils without touching them with a pipette.

Preventative measures

If a kitten sneezes what to do and how to treat it, we told. In order to avoid the occurrence of a sneezing reflex, it is recommended to observe some rules:

  1. Refrain from smoking in the apartment.
  2. Remove flowers from the house that provoke allergic reactions.
  3. Keep clean - wipe dust and clean floors in a timely manner.
  4. Do not neglect vaccinations against cat flu, leukemia, etc. Conduct them starting at the age of three months.
Little kitty


What if the kitten has a runny nose (and sneezes)? What to do? All possible activities aimed at helping the pet are described above. Mandatory visits to the veterinary office, treatment in accordance with the appointment of a specialist and preventive measures will help the baby in the shortest possible time.

Recall that self-treatment can lead to tragic consequences.

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