The animated series about the adventures of the Twilight Sparkle pony unicorn “My Little Pony” has won the hearts of millions of small viewers around the world. And even if you have never watched this animated film on TV, you must have seen charming colorful horses on children's t-shirts or on store shelves. The full name of the animated series in translation is: "My little pony: friendship is a miracle." The plot is simple - a unicorn named Sparkle lives with his friends in an amazing fairytale world and finds himself in various interesting stories. The adventures of the heroes are watched not only by children, but also by adults around the world. How could the toy industry ignore such spectator love? The main characters of the cartoon have long been one of the most sold out characters around the world. "My Little Pony" - toys that have conquered the world.
Only the American company Hasbro has exclusive rights to manufacture these stellar horses. This is a serious company on a global scale, which has been producing children's goods of the highest quality for decades. Buying "My Little Pony" toys for your children, you can be sure of their quality and safety. Hasbro has all the necessary certificates and meets international production requirements. Think about whether to buy "My Little Pony" sets without marking this company - unfortunately, counterfeits of not the best quality are found on the shelves of our country.
Young customers have plenty to choose from - miniature and large ponies of all colors, interactive figures and play sets are on sale. Each year, the manufacturer pleases fans of the series, releasing new models of horses. "My Little Pony" - toys that amaze with their variety. This year, Hasbro launches their series dedicated to the wedding of the cartoon characters - in Equestria (the fabulous country of the ponies) Shining Armor marries Princess Cadance.
Why are toys released under the brand name "My Little Pony" so interesting to girls all over the world? Most likely, due to the fact that the child, playing, recreates the plot of the cartoon - conversations and actions of the characters, their amazing abilities. Girls’s accessories are also interesting for accessories - small combs, pony hair clips that can be used to braid braids on the mane and tail.
However, there is a significant minus: "My Little Pony" - the toys are quite expensive. For example, the image of the character of Princess Celestia measuring 30 centimeters with a comb and a pair of hairpins in the kit costs one and a half thousand rubles. The doll does not move, does not sing - in a word, it does not have any remarkable properties that explain such a cost. However, the children's loyal love for the colorful cartoon makes these toys so desirable! Little girls want to have a fabulous girlfriend from the TV. Therefore, the manufacturer sets its price based on the promotion of the brand.
You can find the heroes of “My Little Pony” in Russian chain stores and hypermarkets: Real, Auchan, Hippopotamus, Children, Academy, Bubble Gum, Vinnie, Yakimanka, Smik "," Lukomorye "," Daughters and sons "," Children's World "," Healthy Baby "," Metro Ship-R ". Please note that prices may vary, as stores set them in accordance with their pricing policy.