In childhood, no one suspected that children's riddles about animals that our parents often made us up were not just fun or games - in this way they tried to teach us one very important thing - to think. Ordinary poetic puzzles already teach our children to think correctly, compare facts and relate them to one or another subject. Riddles about pets expand knowledge about nature, it will come in handy at school in history and biology classes, and indeed all sorts of riddles will one way or another later help in schoolwork. In general, the importance of these short poetic tasks is difficult to overestimate.
Puzzles about pets
1. It looks like a cloud,
The fluffy itself, horns like a bagel,
Grazing on the field and eating grass only,
That’s why it’s round in shape.
Keep him in the villages
Walking in the company of lambs
And how does fear feel
So immediately "zabechet-zabechet." (Lamb)
2. I am white as snow
There are hooves, but I'm not a horse,
Running is not attractive to me,
Although I'm homework too.
I walk on the green grass
I bleat sometimes, I voice
I chew and chew without touching anyone
And if you get angry, I’m awake! (Cow)
3. He has a penny,
But he is not rich, but a mess!
Pink barrel, tail-hook,
Fat son at mom!
Squeals, groans, kicks
This bristly barrel
And when they feed him, he really likes
After all, he used to eat a lot from the cradle! (Little pig)
4. The business self, however,
I’m interested in everything at once,
Where did it go, where did it come from?
"Where to where? Where to where?"
But how do I lay a testicle
How to bring chickens
I'm becoming a mom
For my guys. (Hen)
These riddles about animals (there will be no difficulties with the answers for children) are suitable for kids who are just learning and with the help of their parents will know the world, and for preschoolers and schoolchildren. Each of them will once again train their logic and learn to think correctly.
Mysteries about forest animals
1. Very fast such
Flashes between the trees
Jumping gallop! In the hollow he’s doing,
Mushrooms, nuts everyone chews.
She's like a red-haired circus performer
Rides like a ball
You will not notice, jump, lope!
What kind of animal is this? (Squirrel)
2. Build dams in winter and summer,
Sharpen the teeth on the bark
Little brown animals
They’ll quickly assemble a house.
They didn’t have teeth, but saw
Not tails, but oars.
But life in their forest is so fun
After all, everything is harmonious, easy and simple! (Beavers)
3. This beast, like a needle bed,
Runs through the woods and pricks.
Nobody wants to be friends with him
After all, everyone is afraid of being wounded.
He loves apples, mushrooms.
And wears them on the back. (Hedgehog)
4. In winter, it is like snow,
In the summer - like a thicket
Jumps, jumps, jump-jump,
Of foxes often flees.
It feeds on bark
Stirs his ears
Modestly hiding in a hole,
Who is he? Guess for yourself! (Hare)
Riddles about forest animals - this is exactly the kind of riddles that are especially loved by preschoolers. Older children prefer puzzles about characters from books and cartoons.
Riddles about exotic animals
1. He sees far, far away
The long neck helps him
He eats the lush bamboo branches,
Gracefully bending his neck.
Clumsy he: blue and long tongue,
There are even horns on my head
Spotted he, but not a cheetah and not a bull,
Walks on thin legs. (Giraffe)
2. She lives in Africa, where there are no seas,
And she wears a vest
Only in the zoo will you see horses
So similar to this one.
Not a horse, but exactly the same
Not a sailor, but also a strip,
What is this horse in the lineup,
Which was so surprised Andrei? (Zebra)
3. He is handsome in appearance and looks like a cat,
He with a tiger and a lion is one species.
He is a predator, like all fanged animals.
Quick and agile, try the words!
His skin is spotted, his legs are fast,
Who is hiding in the bushes?
Try to find! (Leopard, cheetah)
4. He is truly huge
And neither the bull nor the cow,
He is gray, but no, not a wolf,
High from the ceiling!
The nose is a pipe, but what about the ears?
They look like two plates.
He is very strong, however,
But not a tiger or a horse. (Elephant)
Children's riddles about animals are a favorite pastime of many preschoolers and even schoolchildren. What can I say, sometimes adults themselves are not averse to guessing poetic problems and again plunge into childhood!
How to diversify activities with a child?
Whatever you say, every child loves to jump, play, and generally does not sit still ten minutes. Need an activity that requires focus? Riddles about animals will help. The answers you can do this: print a lot of pictures with animals, cut them into pieces and mix, let your child not say, but collect the clue. He will be even more interested if you hide some parts. Let him move in search of details from the mosaic!
Many parents are very upset when their baby cannot guess one riddle or another, start cursing and getting angry, but you need to remember that he is still very small and is just starting to learn the world. Children's riddles about animals give him another extra chance to learn a better world of nature, so do not worry, just make the puzzle easier. Not all kids grab everything on the fly.
Children's riddles about animals have been and remain the most beloved among kids, they are always happy to pass the time for solving, still not suspecting that at this time they develop memory, logic, and proper thinking.