Deworming is ... Deworming of pets

Each pet owner needs to know what deworming is. This necessary measure is connected with the health and well-being of not only pets, but also of humans. But what kind of procedure is this, how often should it be addressed, and what subtleties should be taken into account when conducting this treatment process?

What is deworming

deworming is

This procedure is familiar to many since childhood, since it is carried out not only for animals, but also for humans. Deworming is a complex of actions aimed at the destruction or expulsion of parasitic worms from the body . Helminth, or another, more common name, worm, can be of different types, some of them parasitize only in the body of the animal, others are equally dangerous for both the pet and the owner. This type of procedure is usually divided into two: preventive and therapeutic. To prevent the disease, each host can independently perform deworming. But it is better to entrust the treatment procedure to the veterinarian; they have a developed action plan that spares the pet.

How does infection happen?

Deworming is an important measure not only for the animal, but also for humans. Statistics show that every second resident is infected with helminths every year. There are three main types that can parasitize in human organs. These are nematodes, or round worms, cestodes, or tape helminths, and flat worms. No wonder we have been told since childhood that it is important to constantly wash our hands. Infection occurs when in contact with an animal, but not only. Larvae are found on public objects, such as handrails, railings, pens, money, etc. The pet itself becomes infected mainly through food, feces of other animals, and waste; puppies - from the mother.

therapeutic deworming

Why is it important to deworm?

Often, pet owners are confident that there are no worms in the body of his animal, as they were not seen in the feces. But facts show that approximately 80% of well-groomed domestic animals are infected with these parasites. At first, the disease does not produce any visible signs, and if some symptoms appear, they are usually confused with other ailments, but not with the activity of helminths. It is quite difficult to find out by the appearance of parasites, because the immune system has been trying to deal with this problem for a long time. The struggle comes to an end and the signs become apparent only when the body weakens and the helminths increase in number. By this time, the behavior of the pet changes, inflammatory processes occur or the coat becomes not the same as before. Young animals slow down growth. In these cases, urgent deworming is required, this can save the life of the animal. It is necessary to carry out the procedure in a veterinary clinic. But to prevent a problem and find out about it in advance is possible if you pass tests in a clinic.

The subtleties of preventive deworming

after deworming

This type of procedure is carried out in two cases. Sometimes an infected beast is kept in the community of other pets. In this case, the patient is treated and at the same time, preventive deworming of animals in contact with the carrier is organized.

Another view is the planned procedure, which is performed every spring and autumn. But prevention can be carried out more often if the animal goes hunting, eats raw foods (meat and fish), is inclined to pick up waste and lick the feces of other animals. In these circumstances, a disease warning is organized once a quarter. Two weeks after deworming, regular vaccinations are carried out.

If the female is pregnant or nursing, prevention is not done. The procedure is performed two weeks before the planned mating. If this treatment has not been carried out, you should wait for the birth, after which, after three weeks, deworming is done for the already grown offspring and mother.

Suitable drugs

human deworming

It is worth remembering that human deworming is different from that carried out by animals, therefore it is not allowed to give your pet tablets intended for people. It is also important to avoid buying medicine in tents, markets and other unreliable places, as it is likely to get a fake and harm the pet. For this , a special drug is purchased in veterinary pharmacies, shops or clinics. It can be drops at the withers, suspensions or tablets. For example, you can use drugs "Kanikvantel", "Drontal", "Cestal" and others. In addition, drugs are produced that have a complex effect immediately on ectoparasites and on helminths, such as “Inspector” or “Stronghold” medicines.


But with independent treatment, you should be very careful, because for animals of each species there must be not only different dosages. Typically, the preparations themselves are specifically designed for dogs, rodents, and cats. Even for puppies and already adult dogs, there should be different approaches to deworming. Always take into account the mass of the animal, and before the procedure, it must be weighed. Prevention is carried out on the specified date once during the first morning feeding. Strictly control the dosage! If the animal has fleas, after deworming, they can provoke re-infection. Therefore, it is extremely important to get rid of these ectoparasites.

Therapeutic deworming at home

deworming of animals

If helminths are detected (this can be determined by passing an analysis of feces), the procedure is repeated twice. But each time the drug is given clearly according to the instructions, taking into account the exact weight of the animal. The first morning intake of the drug will kill adult parasites, while the larvae will remain intact, they will mature on the tenth day. Therefore, after 14 days, the medicine is given again, observing the dosage. Sometimes this procedure may not change the situation, and parasites still remain in the body. In this case, it is better to ask the help of a specialist. It should be noted that if worms can be seen with the naked eye in the feces of an animal, it is better not to self-medicate, but immediately turn to a veterinarian. If the pet is sick with parasitic worms, a person will most likely need deworming.

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