Eyebrow Stencil: Pros and Cons

eyebrow stencil

What people just do not come up with to seem even more attractive. Mascara, blush, foundation, pencils for eyes and lips - this is not a complete list of cosmetics that every woman has. However, not all women are able to use cosmetics correctly. It is for them that they invent various devices designed to make life easier. So self-adhesive lipstick, eye shadow pads and a stencil of the shape of eyebrows were born. The latter will be discussed in this article.

What is an eyebrow stencil? It can be of two types: in the form of a plastic figure (with a guide for the nose and two guides above the eyes with slots in the shape of eyebrows) or a plastic flat stencil. Most often they are used exactly flat, as they are usually sold in a kit consisting of 4-6 different options. Of these, one is selected that most closely matches the type of face and the natural curve of the eyebrows.

eyebrow shape stencil

How to use an eyebrow stencil? The procedure is quite simple: powder eyebrows, apply a stencil and blend special shadows on top. After that, the hair that remained unpainted must be removed, and the eyebrows themselves should be combed.

How much does an eyebrow stencil cost? This question is easy to answer: a bulk stencil costs about $ 1.5 (one form), a set of four flat stencils - 300-350 rubles. Often a special brush, comb and several shades of different shades are included in the kit. However, you can do it yourself and make your own eyebrow stencil: print a picture of the desired shape, transfer it to hard plastic and cut a hole. If you do not want to bother with the printout, you can simply attach transparent plastic to the monitor and circle the picture.

eyebrow stencil print

Now let's talk about the advantages of this invention. First of all, these are beautiful and well-groomed eyebrows in a matter of minutes. A huge selection can be noted - the stencil for eyebrows can be selected for any type of face and for any appearance. There is also the opportunity to experiment: you can play a little with the shape, thickness and curvature of the eyebrow. Of course, such experiments are not carried out in a matter of minutes - after each option, you will have to wait until the eyebrows return to their natural look. However, only in this way you can find your ideal option.

Now add a small fly in the ointment. It is very difficult to find a stencil for eyebrows that would suit a particular woman. After all, the shape and natural curve of the eyebrows are different for everyone: if you try to draw eyebrows that deviate from their natural position, the face will appear unnatural and caricature. Therefore, if you do not have a spectacular “break” initially, there is no point in trying to make it using a stencil. Another nuance: eyebrows in people are asymmetrical, and in some this is more pronounced. Visually, this is invisible, but drawing the eyebrows on one stencil will not work.

In conclusion, we can say that a stencil for eyebrows is a useful invention, but you should not rely solely on it. Rather, it can be advised to beginners who have not yet reached a hand or have not found their ideal option.

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