Until how many months the child spits up after eating: norms and recommendations

Many young mothers are interested in how many months a baby spits up. This process is a natural reaction of the body to ingested food. And he should not be afraid. Only in some cases, regurgitation can be the result of any disease. Therefore, you should pay attention to useful information that can only be found regarding children's regurgitation. It will help you figure out if there is any real reason for concern in a particular case. It is possible that the process that is observed in the baby is quite natural. Even if spitting up appears to parents to be frequent and plentiful.

Natural process

The first thing you should pay attention to is that the process being studied is natural. Almost all children burp. And this phenomenon should not cause panic in parents. Therefore, many are interested in how long the baby spits up. After all, when the established norms are violated, it is believed that it is time to consult a doctor for help.

how many months the baby spits up

To begin with, one should take into account: regurgitation in infants, as well as toxicosis in pregnant women, is an individual phenomenon. Most often it takes place. But not necessarily this phenomenon will affect your child. Someone spits up, someone doesn't. It is more important to pay attention to the volume of spewed liquid, as well as the general condition of the baby.

Not spitting up

It has already been said that the process under study is an individual feature, but it manifests itself in many children. Therefore, it is generally accepted that belching in a child is the norm. Some parents start to panic if the baby does not do this after eating.

Do not worry. If the baby does not burp, this is not such a bad thing. Means, food is well digested. There is no reason to panic. It is possible that sooner or later the process will arise in one or another baby. Therefore, it is important to know when a child stops spitting up after eating. After all, often regurgitation and vomiting can be confused.

Abrupt start

But before this it is worth paying attention to one feature. It has already been said that the absence of regurgitation is not so bad. Moreover, a newborn can first digest food well, then begin to spew some food eaten after eating.

This is not a reason to panic. Sharp or rare regurgitation is the norm for newborns. It has already been repeatedly said that this question is individual. The main thing is that the baby feels good after the process. And gained weight, did not lose it.

Therefore, a sharp onset of regurgitation should not cause panic. Instead, it is recommended to observe the baby, do everything so that the baby does not choke after regurgitation. If there are no ailments, you should not go to the doctor.

how many months the baby spits up after eating

Many or few

How many months does a baby spit up? This question is also individual. But there are generally accepted norms. Usually, children stop burping at about the same age.

Before discussing this point, it is recommended that you first look at the volume of spewed liquid. The norm is about 3 milliliters. The small amount of fluid that escaped during the regurgitation is not at all a reason for panic.

Much more concern should be the abundant regurgitation. Especially if it occurs after each feeding. Now you can find a huge variety of methods for evaluating regurgitation. Depending on the result, the degree of danger is determined. In any case, only a small amount of spewed food is considered normal.

By month

How many months does the baby spit up? In general, this question is individual. But, as already mentioned, some generally accepted norms still apply. At what point should a panic be raised if the baby spits up?

how long the child spits up after eating

Most children face a problem being studied in the first months of life. For the baby, this is absolutely normal - the digestive tract only forms and adapts to life outside the female body. Therefore, up to a certain point of regurgitation are considered the norm. Especially mild.

When does the baby stop spitting up after eating? Up to 4 months, babies usually spew food once a day. This is a normal occurrence. After this period, it is recommended to look at the child. If the regurgitation does not stop, and even eating is done on demand (breastfeeding), then it is likely that the baby has problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Medical assistance may be required.

No panic

In general, adjusting the child’s health to some generally accepted framework is not entirely correct. All children are different, everyone has their own characteristics. There are kids who, in principle, do not burp. This is a normal phenomenon, it is very pleasing to parents. And some constantly, after each feeding, spew out a small amount of food eaten.

In order not to panic once again, one interesting fact should be taken into account. It helps to answer how many months the baby spits up after eating. The thing is that during the first year of life this phenomenon is considered the norm. Especially when it comes to premature babies. They regurgitate usually last longer. But they do not bring any discomfort. This is the main condition - the child should feel good after belching food.

when the child stops spitting up after eating

Reasons for the appearance

The next point to consider is that regurgitation after eating can occur for various reasons. Again, the absence of this phenomenon is not something dangerous. Rather, the opposite.

Among the most common cases, the following causes of regurgitation are distinguished:

  1. In babies, regurgitation is observed due to an unformed gastrointestinal tract system. Therefore, after eating part of the eaten can crawl out. This phenomenon does not bring discomfort.
  2. Also, premature babies are exposed to this phenomenon. In such infants, the body has not yet fully formed. Therefore, do not be surprised.
  3. Overeating is another factor that leads to regurgitation. By the way, even after the first year of life, if the baby overeats, he will spew part of what was eaten after eating. This is not a reason for panic, but after 12 months of age, the baby is best shown to the doctor.
    how many months the baby spits up

  4. Intake in the intestines. If it is not properly applied to the chest or sucking is too intense, the baby can inhale a lot of air during swallowing. Its accumulation leads to belching.
  5. If we are talking about complementary foods or artificial feeding, then the cause of regurgitation may be the individual intolerance of a particular food.
  6. Immaturity and disorders of the central nervous system. This is another reason why parents wonder how many months the baby spits up. Therefore, after the first year of life, the baby, in the presence of regurgitation, is shown to the doctor.

Perhaps these are all the reasons why the problem under study arises. For the first year and a half of the baby’s life, she must pass. In any case, a small amount of spewed liquid, which does not bring discomfort to the child, should not cause panic.

To make it easier

There are several recommendations that will help the baby burp or, conversely, avoid this phenomenon. Then you won’t have to think about how many months the baby spits up after eating. After all, this problem does not affect parents and babies.

After feeding, it is recommended to hold the newborn in a column. In this position, you will have to stay 20-40 minutes. This is the period indicated by doctors. The child will burp excess fluid, after which the newborn can be put to bed.

how many months the baby spits up milk

Proper attachment to the chest or bottle is another key to success. In the first case, the baby should sponge all around the areola, and mom should hold the baby’s head so that air does not enter the mouth. In the second, just a good bottle and nipples on it are enough.

Spreading on the tummy before and after feeding also helps a lot. In this case, the regurgitation may be empty - without fluid. The child simply burps the air accumulated in the stomach.

Vomiting or spitting up

It is important to distinguish regurgitation from vomiting. The first phenomenon is most often observed in the first 12 months of the baby's life. And the second - at any time. How to distinguish regurgitation from vomiting? How long does the baby spit up after eating? It’s hard to answer. But here it is necessary to distinguish vomiting from vomiting. This can be done by paying attention to several points:

  1. When does a child spew food? Regurgitation usually occurs after eating, vomiting - at any time.
  2. Vomiting can occur several times a day. Also, the liquid often has a yellowish tint.
    how many months the baby spits up after eating

  3. Spitting up, unlike vomiting, in almost 100% of cases come without a baby's well-being. If the child has burped and at the same time has discomfort, it is most likely vomiting.

With regurgitation, it is enough to watch so that the newborn does not choke. But vomiting requires immediate medical attention and treatment. Therefore, it is recommended to look closely at the spewed liquid. She will help to understand whether there are reasons for a panic. How many months does a baby spit up milk? Until about 12. But even after this phenomenon can be observed. All individually.

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