"Brev" - a stroller familiar to many

When buying something for the baby, I want to choose the best. Many are led by this thought and spend unthinkable money on shod, dressed, feed the child and provide him with everything necessary. On the other hand, reasonable parents do not forget that many things will not be used for very long, therefore they are looking for the optimal balance between price and quality. European, and now already Russian consumers, the Brevi brand is well known. A stroller, highchair, playpen are far from a complete list of goods manufactured by the company's factories. Let's try to figure out what this manufacturer of children's products is so fond of for consumers.

Strollers "Brev": continuation of the story

stroller logs

Today, many believe that "Brevi" is one of the European leaders in the production of strollers, mistakenly believing that the company is only engaged in their production. The history of the brand began back in 1953, when the brothers, whose last name gave it the name, opened the production of cribs and high chairs. The business began to grow rapidly, and the list of manufactured goods began to grow rapidly. At the same time, the company went beyond Italy. Several enterprises were launched producing products under the Brev brand. The stroller, and not just one, but eight models at once, added to the assortment only in 2003. By that time, the company had a good reputation in the European market, which provided great opportunities for promoting a new product line. The company's management did not stop there: they managed to establish the production of breathing monitors and other products for babies. Thus, the brand’s history spans sixty years. She remained a family company, because today she is managed by the same Brevi family.

A stroller recognized by many

Remembering that the company has been producing strollers for only a dozen years, it’s worth recognizing the talents of managers from the Brevi family. The lineup includes a variety of models: 2 (3) in 1, walking sticks, walking, and even for twins.

baby carriage logs

A hit of sales in Russia was the “Breed Grillo” stroller. It is positioned as a stroll, but at the same time successfully competes with compact cane models due to its low weight.

The model meets all European requirements. It is lightweight, maneuverable, folds comfortably. For the comfort of the baby, everything is also thought out:

  • a back that can take one of three positions;
  • comfortable berth;
  • seat belts;
  • large hood protecting from wind and sun;
  • Cape on the legs.

Mom will be able to adjust the height of the handle to fit her height. The upholstery is practically completed: it can be removed and washed. Few strollers boast such a design feature. A shopping basket is also a required attribute of "Logs."

The stroller, however, also has disadvantages.

grill logs

Some reviews of parents with experience in operating the Grillo indicate that the design of the brakes is unreliable, they quickly fail. The second drawback is the lack of a bumper partition, which is really not very convenient. Well, the third - the inability to use the basket if the stroller is unfolded in the "for sleep" position. In fairness, it is worth noting that this minus can be found in many similar models of other brands.

Well, part of the shortcomings, although it is difficult to call them such, are manifested exclusively when operating in Russian conditions. So we can say that these are features of the design, which is not very adapted to severe loads. Double wheels do not drive in the snow, and the stroller cannot be called warm, so, rather, this vehicle is designed for use in the warm season. On the other hand, this is quite expected, because the manufacturer is located in sunny Italy, where weather conditions like ours are rare.

Thus, even despite the disadvantages, the strollers manufactured under the Brev brand are worthy of attention, and they look pretty good in their price segment.

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