Bacteria in the urine during pregnancy: is it dangerous and what to do?

During pregnancy, the expectant mother does a lot of different tests. However, most often she gives urine for examination. This is a very informative analysis that can tell a lot about the condition of the kidneys and other organs of a woman.

All body systems work in enhanced mode. However, the genitourinary system is under special stress. The situation is complicated by the fact that during pregnancy, immunity decreases and the level of hormones changes. This leads to an increase in the likelihood of inflammation several times. At risk are those who have previously had diseases of the urinary system, but especially women in whom they have a chronic course.

When a urine test is done during pregnancy, the number of leukocytes, red blood cells, mucus, protein, bacteria, cylinders, epithelium is determined. Specific gravity, reaction, color and transparency are also established. These indicators make it possible to judge the work of the bladder and kidneys, and also to exclude the presence of inflammation in them and other pathological processes.

To avoid getting the wrong result, the analysis should be taken correctly. Be sure to use a sterile jar, it is better to buy it in a pharmacy. Hold the genitals toilet and insert a cotton swab into the vagina to prevent the secretions from getting into the analysis. Collect in the urine collection container only its average portion. Deliver the analysis to the laboratory within two hours.

Often bacteria are found in the urine during pregnancy due to its improper collection. Therefore, obstetrician-gynecologists, if available in the analysis, suggest first retaking it according to the rules.

In addition, vaginal dysbiosis during pregnancy, which is quite common during this period, can lead to this result. Especially if, against the background of the presence of a small number of bacteria in the urine, there are no white blood cells and protein, which indicate the presence of inflammation in the urethra, bladder and kidneys.

If bacteria are recovered in the urine during pregnancy again, pregnancy is indicated with an antibioticogram. This analysis allows you to determine what kind of microorganisms are, their number and an effective drug against them. It is done for about a week.

It is possible that the doctor will first try to do without antibiotics and prescribe natural drugs and diuretic herbs, especially before the 20th week of pregnancy. Very popular among obstetrician-gynecologists are canefron, ciston and cranberry juice. In addition, a diet is prescribed, salted, pickled, spicy, spicy foods are excluded from the diet, and heavy drinking is also recommended.

If after treatment, bacteria in the urine during pregnancy are again detected, then a course of antibiotics cannot be avoided. This is not to be afraid, today there are drugs harmless to the fetus.

Great danger lies in wait for those who will ignore the appointment of a doctor and engage in self-medication. This can lead to premature birth and miscarriage.

After treatment, control tests are prescribed. If they are normal, then everything is fine and further urine is given on schedule. If bacteria are present, treatment will have to be continued.

In addition, pain and pain at the end of urination, turbidity, unpleasant odor and reddish color of the urine may indicate inflammation in the urinary system . The presence of these symptoms is an occasion to immediately consult a doctor.

Thus, bacteria in the urine during pregnancy are common and you do not need to worry about it. It is necessary to clearly comply with all the recommendations of the obstetrician-gynecologist and not self-medicate. It is very important for making the correct diagnosis to give urine according to all the rules in order to exclude the ingress of vaginal discharge.

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