The appearance of the first teeth is an important event in the life of the baby and new parents. As a rule, starting from 5-6 months of the baby’s life, mothers and fathers begin to expect the appearance of signs of tooth growth. However, it often happens that time passes, but an important event does not happen.
What should parents do if the child has no teeth at 8 months old? Should I start to sound the alarm and run for help to a specialist in a medical institution for research? Is missing teeth at 8 months a serious pathology? Or is it just a feature of the child's body? It is very important for each parent to find answers to the questions posed in order to be sure that the baby is developing correctly.
What time do the first teeth appear
The first teeth with normal development begin to appear in babies aged 6-8 months. In some babies, this phenomenon begins to appear in 3-4 months. First, the lower and upper incisors grow. Closer to two years, fangs begin to grow.
Is it worth it to worry if a baby of 8 months has no teeth
Very often there are situations when, by the specified time, the teeth do not appear. The child is 8 months old, no teeth. What to do in this case, young mom and dad? Parents should not start to sound the alarm if the baby at 8 months old has no teeth and any signs of their appearance. It is strictly forbidden to give an infant medications or dietary supplements without the appointment of a pediatrician.
If the newly-made mothers and fathers are worried due to the lack of teeth in their crumbs, it is best to contact a specialist in a medical institution for qualified assistance and for examination and examination.
Parents should talk with other relatives in order to find out at what age their first teeth began to appear. It is possible that the late appearance of solid formations in the oral cavity is due to genetic characteristics.
In addition, mothers and fathers need to periodically conduct examinations of the baby's mouth in order to detect signs of teething. As a rule, the process proceeds in several stages. The baby's gums may periodically swell. If such a phenomenon is observed, the parents of the crumbs should calm down.
Why does a baby of 8 months have no teeth? Causes
The reasons why a baby may experience a delay in the appearance of teeth are many. It is worth listing the most common.
1. Rickets. The occurrence of this disease can provoke a significant delay in teething. If the baby has been diagnosed with rickets, the parents of the baby need to contact a medical institution to conduct the necessary examination, as well as to donate blood for the presence of vitamin D in the body of the baby.
2. The presence of disorders in the endocrine system of the body.
3. The absence of ears of teeth due to diseases transferred by the mother during the period of bearing the child may cause the eight-month-old child to have no teeth and there will be severe violations in the order of their appearance.
The formation of the dental apparatus is also affected by the diet that the expectant mother adhered to, and lifestyle. The course of pregnancy is one of the factors that pediatric pediatricians consider when determining the cause of the delay in the appearance of the first teeth.
The delay in the appearance of solid formations in the infant's oral cavity may be due to genetic characteristics. If the close relatives: parents, sisters, brothers, grandparents - had their first teeth quite late, then the delay phenomenon is quite explainable.
How many teeth should an eight-month baby have
The correct, i.e. normal, development of the baby's masticatory apparatus implies the presence in the infant of the rudiments of 20 milk teeth and 16 molars. By the eighth month of life, the crumbs in the baby's mouth can have from two to four teeth. In some cases, the number of solid formations can reach six or even eight.
Teething is characterized by their pairwise appearance on the left and right sides of the jaw. Solid formations begin to appear in a certain sequence. However, here, some deviations from the norm are possible, due to the characteristic features of the child's body or genetic features.
Signs of the appearance of the first teeth
The process of the appearance of the first teeth in a baby in most cases has a number of distinctive features and is accompanied by many symptoms.
1. An increase in temperature can be observed from 1 to 3 days. In some babies, this phenomenon accompanies the process of teething for up to five days. The thermometer mark can reach 39 degrees. To lower body temperature, pediatricians prescribe various antipyretics to the baby.
2. Malaise, weakness can also accompany an important process. Typically, this phenomenon is due to an increase in temperature, as well as discomfort in the gums.
3. Poor appetite due to the presence of pain in the gums. Doctors during teething recommend giving the baby as much fluid as possible and food of a similar consistency.
4. Sleep disturbance.
5. Increased salivation.
6. Cough, runny nose. Coughing is the result of increased salivation.
7. A constant desire to gnaw on various objects and suck a finger. During teething, a small child practically does not release his hands from the oral cavity.
It is very easy to confuse the above symptoms with signs of an emerging viral disease or a cold. That is why it is very important when you find one of the symptoms (especially when the temperature rises), consult a doctor immediately. The pediatrician will establish the true cause of the ailment and prescribe treatment. Self-medication is strictly prohibited. This can be harmful to the baby’s health.
How to help baby
If the child does not have teeth at 8 months old, Komarovsky, a pediatric doctor whose opinions are heard by millions of mothers and fathers, is recommended not to fall into despair. In his opinion, the task of parents is to help their crumbs survive the difficult period of teething of their first teeth. It is important for newly minted mothers and fathers to give the baby as much fluid as possible. The most suitable drinks are fruit drinks and compote, which will not only perfectly quench the thirst of the child, but will also strengthen the body's defenses. Indeed, during teething, immunity is very vulnerable.
To distract the baby, parents need to play with him fun, but not too tiring games, as well as spend more time outdoors. To reduce itching, you can give the crumbs hard vegetables or fruits or use a special teether, which can be purchased at any pharmacy and in children's goods stores.
Prevention of Teething Disorders in Babies
Doctors recommend women to prepare for the desired pregnancy in advance. Expectant mother needs to carefully monitor the health of her teeth and the condition of the oral cavity as a whole. It is useful to take vitamin complexes, as well as eat foods that are rich in calcium as often as possible.
It is recommended to get rid of bad habits and carefully monitor your health. It will be useful to regularly check the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
After the birth of the long-awaited baby, you need to monitor his full nutrition, often walk in the fresh air, conduct hardening procedures and regular hygiene.
The first teeth begin to appear in infants aged 6 to 8 months. However, if the long-awaited event did not happen at the indicated time interval, the parents of the baby should not fall into despair and sound the alarm. If the baby is almost 8 months old and has no teeth, it is necessary, first of all, to analyze the situation and try to find the reason for the delay in their eruption. It is possible that this phenomenon is due to genetic characteristics.
In addition, many experts in the field of child development argue that you need to start worrying only if the child’s age is close to one year and no teeth have appeared. In all other cases, you just need to carefully monitor the baby, observe his behavior.