Family relationship. Who is a close relative

The family is a small cell in modern society. The values ​​of this institution are needed by man, because without them life becomes inferior, scarce. In order to correctly name all the numerous members of a large family, you need to understand family relationships.

family relationship

We bring to your attention material that will help to understand who is a close relative and who does not belong to them. If earlier all family ties were very much appreciated and studied, then in modern society this knowledge is a little lost. We will try to put everything on the shelves.

Why do you need to know the types of family ties?

In recent times, families were large, and several different generations of distant and close relatives could live in one house at once. People of the same kind have always been united by a kinship. They always had similar values, concerns, needs. Previously, the expression “looks like an uncle, like three drops of water”, implied that the nephew and uncle are the closest relatives. Today, family values ​​are gradually fading into the background, and now most often people know the relationship only to blood brothers and sisters, not remembering cousins ​​and second cousins.

How are connections divided?

It is customary to subdivide all family ties into three main groups:

- blood kinship, that is, closest relatives;

- Attributes - by marriage;

- unrelated ties.

Family Relations: Pages of History

Let us analyze the complex picture of the cunning interweaving of various family ties and turn to the dictionary.

Let's start with a concept like parents. By them it is customary to understand mother and father. Dad (in colloquial style: dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad) - a man in relation to his own children. Mom (mother, mother, mother, mother, mother, mother, mother) is a woman in relation to the same babies.

Children is a term that refers to daughters and sons. A son (son, son, son, son, son) is a boy, youth, man in relation to his own parents. Daughter (daughter, daughter, daughter, daughter, daughter, daughter) - a girl, girl, woman relative to her mother and father.

Extramarital children (bastards, illegitimate, fatherless, reckless, bastards) - those whose parents were not married before their birth. Bastards in the Middle Ages in Western Europe called extramarital children of state persons, for example, the duke, king. Recently, such an expression has acquired a vulgar and insulting meaning - bastards. In the 19-20 centuries, those children who were born before marriage, it was customary to call chipped. And those born from members of the royal (royal) family and people of non-royal origin were called morganatic. Such offspring did not have the right to succession, they did not recognize the presence of royal blood.

Generational Kinship

A kinship through a generation helps to understand when men and women will have a new status: grandparents.

immediate family

Grandfather (grandfather, grandfather, grandfather, grandfather, grandfather) - a man in relation to the children of his daughter or son, father of mother or father, husband of grandmother.

who is a close relative

Grandmother (grandmother, grandmother, woman, ba, grandmother) - a woman in relation to the children of her daughter or son, as well as the grandfather's wife. A grandson (granddaughter) is considered a boy, youth, man in relation to their own grandparents, in addition, this is the son of a niece or nephew. Granddaughter (or granddaughter) - a girl, girl, woman in relation to grandparents, she may be the daughter of a niece or nephew.

And here are the relatives, a list of which has been transferred through several generations. Great-grandfather (great-grandfather) is considered a man in relation to the children of a granddaughter or grandson, this is the father of a grandmother or grandfather.

family ties

Great-grandmother (great-grandmother) is a woman in relation to the children of a granddaughter or grandson, this is the grandmother of any parent (mom or dad).

The great-grandson will be a boy, youth, man in relation to great-grandmother and great-grandfather, this is the son of a granddaughter or grandson. Granddaughter consider a girl, girl, woman in relation to great-grandmother and great-grandfather, granddaughter of a son or daughter.

Generational Kinship

An ancestor is considered the oldest predecessor in this genus, in addition, any compatriot from all previous generations. An ancestor is the father of the great-great-grandmother or great-great-grandfather, most often any distant ancestor of your kind. A great-grandfather is the mother of her great-great-grandmother or great-great-grandfather, a distant ancestor.

The forefather is the forefather, that is, the ancestor - the most famous representative of the clan, the genealogy came from him. The first ancestor (the foremother, the ancestor) is the first legendary representative of the clan, with whom they began to conduct the genealogy.

The proband (proposit) is considered to be the person from whom the pedigree is being recorded. A descendant (offspring) is a person who comes from an ancestor by birth. Descendants are representatives of future generations. It is also interesting to note that there are such concepts in the genealogy as (great) qunuchka, (great) kbabka, (great) chedd, (great) qunuk, which means ancestors and descendants through k + 1 generations.

Blood relatives in the Russian genealogy are considered direct relatives only in the male line. The principle "from father to son" is downward and perfectly illustrates the irrelevance in a certain period of time of the status of men belonging to the nobility, since it was not transmitted along the female (maternal) line. All descendants and ancestors on the female (maternal) side are not directly related, that is, it becomes the last and only direct descendant in its line. There is such a thing as “misfire”, implying the absence of sons in the family. As examples of awareness of direct kinship, we can consider the rules of succession to the throne.

What is an indirect blood relationship?

If a brother and sister have one father and mother, then they are considered to be bloody, full-bodied. Brother is called a boy, youth, man in relation to other children, if their parents are the same. The eldest is considered a boy in a family having a maximum age in relation to other babies of the same dad and mother. The younger will be a boy whose age is minimal compared to the rest. The main condition is the same parents.

Crowned is a brother who was born before marriage, but is recognized by his parents as his child. A sister is a girl, girl, woman in relation to other children (child) who were born by the same parents. The eldest will be a girl (girl, woman), whose age is greater than that of the other offspring. Here, the condition also works that all children are born by the same parents. The younger is called a girl (girl, woman), born in the family of the latter. Crowned in the old days was called a sister who was born before the marriage between parents, that is, before the official wedding, but they did not refuse the baby.

types of relatives

The closest relatives are twins. Who is that called? They are considered to be the children of one mother, who was born at once by several babies in one pregnancy. There are identical twins who have one gender, as well as an amazing external resemblance. And there are heterosexual ones, which can be of different sexes. In some cases, twins are understood only as identical (identical) sisters or brothers, and heterosexuals are considered triplets, twins, given their number.

Siblings (siblings) - a term that is used to refer to sisters and brothers (in the relationship between them), which come from single parents, while they are not twins. Incomplete siblings - offspring who have one common parent (mom or dad). There is a subdivision of incomplete into several groups:

- single-blooded (single-blooded), that is, originating from different mothers, but from one dad;

- one-uterine (uterine), that is, originating from different dads and one mother.

There is a kinship between the half-sisters and brothers. Under the summary mean those whose parents are legally married to each other, while not having children in common. Perhaps, such a variant of family relations, that is, such types of relatives as a half-sister and brother, from the point of view of social, legal status, is considered a bloodless relationship. It is supposed to regard the direct generic relations between the consolidated ones as characteristic until their parents have common children, that is, their single-parent and half-blood relatives. Through the offspring, they will all be consanguineous, since the direct descendants of the stepbrothers, as well as the descendants of their single-parent, half-sisters and brothers, will be such by definition, they are related to their parents (after a generation, and directly to the sisters and brothers themselves, as well as between themselves.


blood relatives

The close family ties we have examined are just a small list of those complex weaves that are determined by the genetic characteristics of each genus.

Let us analyze the relationship between cousins. So, if we consider children in families that have created siblings, they will be cousins ​​in relation to each other. A boy (young man, man) is considered a cousin in relation to the children of his aunt or uncle, as the son of an aunt or uncle is called.

Previously, a paternal cousin, that is, uncle's son, was called stryichich, and by his mother - uyichich. A cousin is called a girl, girl, woman in relation to the children of an aunt or uncle, this is the daughter of an aunt or uncle. In ancient times it was affectionately called stryochka.

Second and fourth cousins

Let's try to figure out who is a relative in the second cousin. The children of cousins ​​and brothers in relation to each other are called second cousins. This is the name of the grandson of a sister or brother, as well as a cousin’s nephew of mom or dad, the son of a cousin aunt or uncle. A second cousin is called the granddaughter of a sister or brother of a grandmother or grandfather, and she is considered the daughter of a cousin aunt or uncle.

Not everyone knows their family ties. Who is who in the fourth generation? Siblings of common parents, cousins ​​with common grandparents, second cousins ​​with common great-grandmother and great-grandfather ... You can continue, but the essence of the relationship is obvious. From the fourth generation, they try to indicate the total number of “tribes” that exist between relatives. Such a concept as a cousin (cousin), in practice, has much greater meaning than a simple designation of a cousin or brother. In the Middle Ages, in monarchical houses of Europe, in addition to modern side-line naming, in the case of belonging to the same generation, this concept was also used to the side relatives of the past generation, if the age was approximately equal.

A similar fact was demonstrated in the historical novel by M. Druon “Cursed Kings”, where the “cousin” of Count Robert Artois refers to his fourth cousin - the English Queen Isabella. Also, this word can often be found in foreign films, although in our time in modern Russian society it doesn’t always take root, since it’s more acceptable for the subconscious of people to just be a sister (often the word “cousin” is simply omitted). However, both options are correct, therefore, it is not necessary to condemn those who ignore the word "cousin".

Neighboring generations

The kinship table shows the chain between different generations, but what are relatives in neighboring generations called? Uh - that was the name of the mother’s brother before. Stryy is the father’s sister, and stryy is his brother. Vuyna - mom’s sister. Currently, such designations are not found, they irrevocably left the Russian language, which in ancient times was much richer. In the old days, a brother’s nephew was called a brother. Maybe it was the oversaturation of words to designate their relatives that led to a significant simplification.

Today, some concepts are clearly used not for their intended purpose, since few people today understand the family ties, their Old Russian names. Sister - so in the old days they called their nephew by sister. And the name of the brother-in-law of the brother-in-law or brother’s daughter was called the tratanina. Strictly small - such a name was used in the past centuries by a cousin uncle, that is, a boy (young man, man) in relation to the children of a cousin or brother.

What were the names of children of blood relatives, as well as cousins ​​and brothers of parents? Daughter - this was the name of the aunt's nephew, and the daughters were called the niece. A second cousin is a girl in relation to the children of a second cousin or second cousin, as well as a second cousin of her mother or father.

Parents (relatives through generations), for example, sisters and brothers of grandfathers and grandmothers, are an old giant, before they used to call a cousin grandfather (older brother). There is also an old small one, that is, a cousin (younger brother). A great aunt is considered to be a cousin, that is, an aunt of mom or dad, as well as grandfather's sister. The granddaughter of a niece is the cousin or granddaughter of a brother or sister. The grand-nephew is the cousin’s granddaughter or daughter of the niece, as well as the granddaughter of a sister or brother. Want to know who is a close relative? Use the materials that we have selected for you.

After marriage, another line of kinship appears and a new status: spouse or spouse. The second is the man in relation to the woman with whom he entered into a legal marriage. The spouse is a woman who married this man. The husband's father is called the father-in-law, mother - the mother-in-law. The wife’s mother is the mother-in-law for the husband, and the father is the father-in-law. The matchmaker is the father of the young in relation to the parents of the young, and vice versa, the father of the young in relation to the parents is young. Svaty is called the mother of each spouse in relation to the parents of the second member of the family union. Deverem (schwager) is the brother of the spouse. The sister-in-law is his sister. The brother-in-law (schwager) is the brother of the wife. The son of a brother-in-law will be a brother-in-law. The sister-in-law of the spouse is the sister-in-law. Primak is a son-in-law who was adopted as a mother-in-law family or father-in-law, leading one common household with them. The son-in-law is the husband of the sister, daughter. Parents of a son are considered his daughter-in-law (daughter-in-law) by his wife. The spouse of the brother is yatrovka. It is customary to call the husband of the wife’s sister, that is, they will be men married to sisters. The brother is the wife of a cousin.

Unrelated relationship

close family ties

Unrelated relationships play an important role in the life of any person. A sweetheart is a girl with whom a man is in love. She is a hahal (over, most often not her, but all those around who are somehow trying to persuade her, sometimes using this word as a humiliation or a mockery, even though it is not one) calls the man who gives her attention and cares . The bridegroom is a young man who intends to marry a girl whom he “runs around”, inviting him to a cafe or another newfangled movie show, getting tickets for which is very difficult. A bride is considered a girl who is going to marry her young man.

Planted - those persons who during the wedding act as the parents of the bride or groom.

A cohabitant is a man who lives with a woman, has a close relationship with her, not officially registered.

A lover is a married man who has a close relationship with a woman who is immoral in terms of law. In principle, and in terms of morality, such a relationship is wrong. A woman who has an intimate relationship with a married man is considered a lover, which is also not entirely correct.

You must admit that it is not so easy to independently sort out relationships with close and distant relatives, especially if you delve into the intricacies several generations ago - into the past, remote and inaccessible to our direct gaze. But then there was no Internet to keep in touch between relatives, people could keep so many statuses in their memory that today it’s hard to imagine. After reading this article, even if you have a certain set of knowledge about close and distant relatives. You will not use it every day, however, for a change, you can contact your loved ones in a slightly different way, showing your love for knowledge of traditions. Such an appeal to people of the older generation will be especially pleasant, as they know the traditions even better and will appreciate your aspiration, giving them a sweet and generous smile.

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