Nazivin is a vasoconstrictor drug. It helps to reduce swelling of the nasal membrane and upper respiratory tract. Nazivin is used in cases where the nose practically does not breathe. A huge number of people use this drug, since other medicines often do not help in such a situation. However, you can not always take Nazivin and not everyone.
According to the instructions, taking Nazivin during pregnancy is only possible if the benefit to the mother is much greater than the risk to the baby or fetus. That is why it is necessary first to carefully evaluate this ratio. Doctors do not recommend taking Nazivin during pregnancy and during lactation. In addition, experts often tell a lot of horror stories about what effect this drug has on a baby, in paints describe the injuries that await a child if a pregnant woman applies these drops.
Nazivin is dangerous because it contains oxymetazoline. There is an opinion that the future mother is in danger, because her body can react in a special way to this drug. Are there drops for pregnant women that are an alternative to Nazivin? There are many recommendations in this regard. For example, there are permissible and more gentle drops that a gynecologist can advise mom. Most often, this is Pinosol or an ointment called Eva-Menol.
Sea vodka, which is sold in pharmacies, helps with a cold. This is the so-called Aqua Maris. From this drug a woman will not get any harm, he just rinses his nose very well. In pharmacies, you can also buy Protargol. By the way, he is often prescribed to small children suffering from a runny nose. It is important to remember that Protargol has its healing properties for no more than a month. In addition, after a two-week period, its effectiveness is reduced by eighty percent. That is why this drug should be purchased only in freshly prepared form. If a woman does not suffer from any allergies, she can try essential oils. For example, you can breathe peach or eucalyptus oil.
If none of these remedies help, it’s better to get Nazivin anyway. A pregnant woman must necessarily breathe well, because this affects the development of her baby. Of course, experts say the opposite. However, suffering from rhinitis for nine months is dangerous for the health of both mother and child. Nasivin should not be taken more than once or twice a day during pregnancy. A woman should limit the use of such a drug. You can use these drops at night, when the nose breathes worse, as this prevents the woman from sleeping and resting. In addition, preferable baby Nazivin during pregnancy. It is prescribed to children up to a year. Children's Nazivin is more gentle. In no case should a woman exceed the dosage indicated in the instructions for the drug.
In any case, the expectant mother should think carefully before taking this medication. Our grandmothers used folk remedies that eliminated the common cold problem and did not have any effect on the child. These funds did not cause affection. As for Nazivin, many people claim that this drug causes a very strong attachment. As a result of prolonged use, a person simply can’t breathe normally through his nose unless a few drops of Nazivin are dripped. Caution in this matter will not be superfluous.
A stuffy nose is really a problem for a pregnant woman. She begins to get nervous, very tired. A runny nose interferes with normal breathing. If its symptoms occur, a woman should definitely consult her gynecologist. Only he is able to prescribe a good and safe drug.