Dachshunds are one of the most beloved breeds of dog owners. These doggies are quite small, which is important in urban apartments, and besides, it greatly facilitates the process of transporting the animal during travel. These dogs are not aggressive, neat and playful; they get along easily with children of any age; there is not much wool on them, so leaving and cleaning them is not difficult. And everyone who first decided to have such a pet for himself, is primarily interested in how to feed a dachshund so as not to harm her, so that she would please the family for many years with her lively character and spontaneity.
What your pet can't do without
Many dog owners prefer packaged or loose ready-made food. They can be understood: it is believed that all the necessary substances are harmoniously combined in it. However, no less than animal lovers are prone to natural feeding, because in this case you know for sure that you are feeding the dog fresh and high-quality food. This is especially important when deciding what to feed a nursing dachshund, since the health of newborn puppies also depends on its diet.
However, for all dogs, regardless of gender, age and health, there is a strictly defined set of products from which the menu should consist. Be sure to have meat - dogs are still predators. And no pork and lamb - they are too fat. But the sea fish will be very useful. Sometimes it is necessary to "serve" and offal - liver, scar, heart, lungs. All meat should be at least scalded boiling water. Before feeding a nursing dachshund (as well as elderly, pregnant or sick pets), it is better to cook meat in general. Vegetables should supplement the diet, they must be given raw. Different representatives of the canine tribe like different vegetables - those who want zucchini and wholesome salad, so if you want your friend to be eagerly fed with vitamins while brushing his teeth, find out what kind of vegetable or fruit he likes. Porridge can be changed daily; Avoid only Hercules: there is no consensus on whether it suits dachshunds or not, and it’s not worth the risk. Cottage cheese or kefir will not be superfluous.
What can not be in any case
It is important to know not only how, but also how to feed a dachshund. Potato and all spicy, spicy, sweet, smoked, salted and leguminous foods are strictly prohibited. Do not give the dog tubular bones - they are crushed into sharp fragments that can injure the intestines or stomach. Do not mix prepared foods in a bowl. Do not put the dachshund hot or cold, immediately from the refrigerator. If you were treated with something as a reward - consider the volume in the next feeding, otherwise feed the animal. And remember - it’s better to “praise” your pet with a pinch of raisins, a special dog cracker or a piece of cheese. Candy or smoked meats is not for him!
If the dog has become a mother
Sometimes the owners of the females deliberately take them for mating, and sometimes this process happens in addition to the desire of the owners. In any case, after some time you have to worry about what to feed the nursing dachshund. As with women, in nursing dogs the menu should be different from what they were offered before. First of all, milk must be introduced into it. If in the normal state the dogs cannot absorb it, then when feeding puppies from milk, lactation even rises. The amount of meat will have to be increased, since the dog feeds not only himself, but also the children, and this requires a lot of strength, the main source of which is proteins. "Sour milk" remains in the diet as before, but now you have to cook vegetables (of course, if they are subject to this process; you can just scald the same salad). After deciding what to feed the nursing dachshund, ask your veterinarian what vitamins he will advise. Those that the body receives from vegetables will not be enough for everyone. And a little mom will have to give food a little, but much more often - so the dachshund will be better absorbed, and her stomach will not stretch.
Beginning of feeding
It is possible to give puppies food other than mother’s milk from the moment they quite confidently stand on their paws. You can start with baby food (naturally, meat, and in no case take infant formula). How to feed a dachshund puppy up to a month more? Liquid gruel, semolina or rice, boiled in milk (it is well absorbed by small puppies) will be appropriate. In parallel, you can give low-fat kefir and soft unsweetened cottage cheese; low-fat meat - for starters - boil, pass through a blender or meat grinder and dilute with broth. It is necessary to feed babies 5 times a day, between mother's feedings.
When the kids grow up
Here the kids turned one month old. The list of things to feed the dachshund puppy is supplemented with buckwheat and vegetables or chicken soup with finely grated or boiled carrots and well-cooked rice. Some babies readily gnaw raw whole carrots - they can be given as a toy and a dental simulator. If you are going to feed puppies with ready-made food in the future, you can train them to him a little from a month old. However, most veterinarians and experienced dog breeders are advised to feed dachshund puppies with natural food up to six months; if you want to transfer them to food, it will be possible later and without much difficulty.