Dog breed diver: photo, description, description

Good-natured, faithful, calm dog of rather large dimensions - Newfoundland. The second name for this breed of dog is a diver. They are considered one of the largest in the world. But with their impressive dimensions they do not show aggression. And at the same time, they can guard the house. The diver called the dog not for fun. In some countries, these animals still serve in coastal rescue teams.

For centuries

dog breed diver photo

When exactly the breed appeared on the islands of Newfoundland, it is not known for certain. Two thousand years ago, Indians lived on the west coast of the island. And some sources claim that these tribes had similar dogs.

The ancestors of the divers' dogs were Molossoid breeds, distinguished by their endurance, working qualities, strength and courage. The first records of Newfoundlands date back to 1639. In the seventeenth century they began to "mix" dogs coming from Europe. Already in the eighteenth century, the Newfies began to be exported to the Old World. The British took up the cultural selection of this breed. It was finally approved after participating in the 1860 exhibition in Birmingham. The Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union adopted the Newfoundlands under Stalin. Later they began to appear in cities. It was at that time that the popular name of the breed, the dog diver, spread and firmly entrenched in the vastness of the Union.

Newfoundlands with their appearance and character inspired poets, writers and artists. The famous British artist Landsir painted a picture where you can see white in the black spots of Newfoundland. And he called this painting "A worthy member of human society."

Despite all the positive qualities, the breed is going through hard times. Newfews are getting less and less, mostly breed enthusiasts.


dog breed diver

Like all molosses, Newfoundland is a fairly large dog. Growth at the withers of males reaches a maximum of 74 cm, in females - from 63 to 69 cm. With this growth in dogs of the breed, the diver corresponds to the dimensions and weight, which is 60-68 kg for males, 45-54 kg for males. The dog is proportionately folded, has a powerful skeleton. The head is round, large, with a wide muzzle. Many compare newfs with bears. In addition to their impressive size, this similarity is attached to them by small ears that fit snugly to the head.

The coat is long, thick, coarse, with a developed undercoat that does not get wet in the water. If combed with a brush in the wrong direction, it should return to its original position. Short hair only on the head.

Newfoundlands come in four colors. The calling card, as indicated in the description of the dogs of divers, is the coal-black color of the coat. There are also dark brown representatives, black with a touch of mahogany and brown. Small white marks on the fingers, tip of the tail and chest are allowed. The undercoat is often gray or brown. There are newfoundlands in black and white at the same time, these are also called landseers. At exhibitions they are evaluated separately.


Newfoundlands love children

Among the advantages of Newfoundlands is their outstanding character. They can be safely called loving, with a large margin of patience and calm. Mind and obedience, as well as a willingness to protect the family, are always included in the diver’s dog characteristic. In addition, Newfoundland is ready to take on any business that the owner will entrust him.

Newfoundlands are also called non-barking. It is enough to look at the photos of dogs of the diver breed to make sure that one appearance is enough to dare outsiders. They are also very loyal dogs, which can cause inconvenience during long breakups. Moreover, they can miss not only the person, but also the animals living in the family. With such a pet, you can safely get other dogs, they can easily get along. Newfoundlands are so calm that cats sleep on them, curled up in a ball. But still, with the advent of new pets, you need to give your dog time to socialize.

They are smart and excellent at learning. But their sensitive nature does not tolerate rude, "tarpaulin" treatment. Training methods with gross voice enhancement and punishment cannot be applied to them. Despite their calm and patience, they have self-esteem. They can be independent if they are treated inappropriately.

In a family with children, they serve as real nannies. They will suffer all attacks from the youngest children. With older people, they will be the best partners in outdoor games and long walks. Also, these animals have proven themselves as accompanying, observers for the safety of children.

They are very fond of water. You can find many photos of dogs divers who demonstrate animal skills: dogs participate in swims on the river or sea, as well as in rescue operations on the shore.


What a dog diver looks like, you can understand by looking at the photos attached to the article. It can be assumed that these animals are simply full of health and strength. But, like many large dogs, Newfoundlands tend to develop hip dysplasia. Also, according to the description of the breed, the dog diver is prone to bloating due to inversion of the intestines. Heat stroke due to oversight of the hosts is also not uncommon. It is necessary to ensure that the dogs do not overheat in the summer. Representatives of the breed have eye diseases: cataracts, eyelid inversion.


Dog diver with owner

Newfoundland needs room, like any large dog. There is even a comic saying that there is not much newfew, there is not enough space. An ideal home for a diver would be a private house with a large courtyard, where he can lie down freely, wherever he wishes. His coat is warm and has a natural lubricant, which makes it moisture resistant, which gives him the opportunity to literally come out of the water dry. Just shake yourself. And at the same time, in the summer, a thick fur coat becomes a heavy burden for the dog. Care must be taken to ensure that the dog does not stay in the hot sun for a long time.

It is contraindicated to keep Newfoundland on a chain or in a tight aviary. Such a balanced smart dog does not deserve such a fate. The unobtrusiveness and delicacy of Newfoundland makes his stay in the house almost invisible, he is not able to get under his feet, annoying with his annoying presence. And at the same time, he needs a society of family members. Newf is a good listener, he can pour out his soul and in the expression of large open eyes to catch participation and response to changes in timbre and intonation in the voice.

Newfoundland content is not cheap. One meal results in a round sum. More spending on care, payment of veterinary clinic bills are added. The family should have the necessary funds so that the cost coverage is not a heavy burden on the budget.

Maintenance in the apartment

Newfoundland - a family dog

In the past, this breed was widespread in the USSR, and in Moscow in particular, where the problem with housing was felt quite acutely. And the experience of our fathers and grandfathers showed that Newfoundland can be kept in an apartment. Fans of the breed claim that Newfs often require less space than some popular small breeds. They just need to provide a nook where the dog will be where to stretch to the full height. So he can lie, not hitting anyone, until they call to walk. And with age, he will go out for a walk without enthusiasm. True, you need to be prepared for very frequent cleaning in the apartment. Newfoundland molts all year round, and no matter how combed out, wool will be found everywhere.


Newfoundlands love to swim

As already noted, in Newfoundlands, abundant molting occurs throughout the year. They need careful and regular care so that the thick undercoat does not form tangles.

According to the recommendations of the breeders, four times a week is the minimum number of combing procedures with a stiff brush. Completely newfords drop undercoat in spring and autumn. Wool in this period as if inflated. To an untrained person, the volume of discharged wool can stun. Moreover, it is dirt and water repellent. It is often impossible to bathe a diver. It is recommended to use dry shampoo, and then in cases of severe need. Otherwise, the quality and health of the coat deteriorates.

Newfoundlands are big sloths, they will gladly run around if asked, but they don’t take the initiative in games. Paired with a groovy dog, the newf, of course, runs, but alone with himself, he would rather prefer to fall off to take a nap. He is a convenient companion for jogging or for long walks in the park or forest, and preferably along the shore of the reservoir, where the pet can swim. Such walks are necessary, as these large lodges are prone to overeating and obesity.


Newfoundland can be fed with dry mixes, where the necessary balance of vitamins, proteins and minerals is already selected. But this is not a standard. Newfoundlands are big meat lovers. It is not recommended to give them a lot of pork or chicken. At least because chicken producers use a large number of various preparations for feeding chickens, which can cause an allergy in a dog. Ideally, the bowl should be 60% full of beef and offal, the remaining 40% are cereals, mineral and vitamin supplements, vegetables.

Puppies cost

Newfoundland Puppies

Newfoundland puppies are quite expensive, especially if they represent potential winners at shows and are suitable for breeding. There are no more than five nurseries in Moscow and the region where puppies can be obtained by appointment at a reasonable price (starting from 14 thousand rubles). Champion puppies will not cost less than 50 thousand rubles.


In addition to always climbing hair, drooling drool can be attributed to the disadvantages of the breed. The owners of the Newfs practically do not part with a specially designated cloth or towel for wiping the brills. If this is not done, it is difficult to catch the moment when the dog shakes his head and saliva will fly around the room. This liquid dries up, and it’s quite difficult to wash off traces of the presence of a large pet.

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