Gel "Kamistad" for children: instructions and description

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Little children in the house are laughter, happiness and joy. But in the first year of life, without exception, such an event awaits the appearance of the first teeth. Despite the fact that these teeth are dairy, they cause a lot of trouble for both parents and the babies themselves. Quite often, if not to say that in most cases, teething is not only an unpleasant, but even a painful process. Possible refusal of food, fever, tearfulness. New sensations cause obvious discomfort in the baby. In such cases, the mother can alleviate the suffering of crumbs, because now in the drug market you can find a large number of ointments and gels that can soothe inflamed gums and reduce pain.

kamistad for children Price

Solution to all problems

One of such means is Kamistad gel for children. Its instruction says that the medicine can be used by adults and children older than 3 months. However, recently the manufacturer indicates that this drug is not recommended for children under 12 years old, so before buying, you should carefully study the instructions. This is due to the fact that the composition of the gel has been changed, and now, according to the new EU rules, the drug is not indicated for young children. It contains a large amount of lidocaine, which has adverse reactions.

If the parents are concerned about the condition of the child, they want to facilitate the process of teething, they should consult a pediatrician. He may prescribe another drug, in which there is a smaller amount of lidocaine.

Among the huge number of effective drugs, one can still single out the Kamistad medication for children. Reviews of happy mothers, whose children he helped, can be found in almost any magazine for parents or on forums. This effective tool has become a salvation for many mothers, exhausted by the night cries and daytime vagaries of their children.

What should I look for if the doctor prescribed Kamistad for children? The instructions for the drug should be carefully studied, in addition, it is quite detailed. In it you can learn not only about the dosage, but also about the indications. It is not only an analgesic, but also an anti-inflammatory. The drug is able to relieve symptoms and eliminate the cause of pain. This tool is suitable not only for children, but also for adults for the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis, cheilitis, as well as to relieve unpleasant sensations associated with wearing braces.

kamistad for children instruction

Underwater rocks

Many parents safely use Kamistad gel for children. The instruction states that among the side effects, only a burning sensation is possible at the places of application of the gel. It does not say a word about contraindications and side effects of lidocaine, which is part of the drug and is the main component. But among the side effects, there is not only a burning sensation, but also disorders of the nervous system and possible anaphylactic reactions. So, despite its apparent safety, the drug "Kamistad" for children, the instruction of which does not reflect the whole picture, can cause an undesirable reaction. Therefore, before using this medication, be sure to consult a doctor.

For those who nevertheless chose the drug "Kamistad" for children among a large number of all kinds of gels, the price will be more than pleasant - about 150 rubles.

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