IP helper service: tasks and functions, management methods, tips

. , . Iphlpsvc . , IP , -. , .


IP Helper Service

IP Helper 6to4, ISATAP, Port Proxy IP-HTTPS, - . IPv6.

IP Windows. , , . IP Helper . , . IP Helper Windows Vista Microsoft Windows.

IP Helper , , MIB. IP MIB . «» «» IP Helper. - .


Service Errors in EventLog

IP , EventLog, Windows 10 , , Iphlpsvc - . , IP Helper Win 10:

  1. NetIO Legacy.
  2. .
  3. (RPC).
  4. TCP / IP.
  5. IP Windows 10.
  6. WinHTTP.

, IP- .


  1. DHCP- - .
  2. DNS- - .
  3. - .
  4. - .
  5. RP - .
  6. TCP / IP Netbios helper - .
  7. IPsec - .
  8. - .
  9. - .


Safely Disable Iphlpsvc

Microsoft , IP- iphlpsvcs.exe , . , . , . , .

, IPv6, , . , , - , , .

, IP ?

IP . , , , , , .

IP Helper, , , , . IP iphlpsvc:

  1. «» « ».
  2. « » .
  3. , , , «», «».


Windows, IP Windows 7. , .

, . . , , Microsoft , .

, , , IPv6.

The system is functioning correctly.


  1. «», ncpa.cpl Enter. .
  2. , «» , IPv6.
  3. , .


Starting and using Services.msc

. services.msc, . Services.msc Windows. . , , .


  1. «» Windows 7 Windows, .
  2. Windows 10 , .
  3. services.msc. Win 7 « », Windows 10 services.msc .
  4. , .
  5. IP , « IP» .
  6. , 4 .
  7. «» « ».
  8. 4 , «».
  9. - « », , .
  10. «».
  11. «» , « ».
  12. , , , IP Assistant .

Enabling a service through the registry

, IP. Windows. . . , , , , - . , - . , . .

IP- :

  1. .
  2. Regedit . .
  3. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ services \ iphlpsvc .
  4. Start File .
  5. - 2, - 3, - 4, - 2.
  6. 2 «» «», .


Cmd start and stop method

, IP . CMD - CLI. CLI cmd.exe. , . CMD Command Shell – Windows Command Processor.

Windows 7 10. IP .


  1. «» .
  2. as cmd cmd , « ».
  3. , « » .
  4. , "".
  5. IP, : net stop iphlpsvc.
  6. . : : , , ( ).

, IP Helper net stop iphlpsvc


Microsft, Msconfig, Microsoft, Windows 98 Windows. , , Windows. Msconfig IP-.


  1. «».
  2. services.msc.
  3. Win 7 « », Win 10 - .
  4. msconfig Enter. Microsft.
  5. , IP Windows 10.
  6. 5 «», «», «», «» «».
  7. «» IP Assistant.
  8. IP Helper, IP Helper .
  9. , .
  10. , IP- MSconfig Microsoft.

IP Windows 7/10

IP Helper . HomeGroup IPv6, IPHLPSVC. Iphlpsvc.dll - . . IP Helper , , , .

IP Assistant Windows 7/10


  1. .
  2. Enter: sc config iphlpsvc start = auto sc start iphlpsvc.
  3. .
  4. iphlpsvc iphlpsvc.dll \ System32.
  5. , , Win 7.

IP Assistant

, IP Windows 10, . - , . .


  1. «» « ».
  2. « ».
  3. « » «».
  4. , , , .
  5. «» «».
  6. , - .


, No 126 iphlpsvc.dll, IP. 126:

  1. : HKLM \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \% ServiceName% \ Parameters.
  2. DLL- ServiceDLL.
  3. , ServiceDLL, , .
  4. , HKLM \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ ServiceName \ Parameters \ serviceDLL .
  5. , .

Iphlpsvc (IP Helper Service) plays a very important role with respect to connecting IPv6 over an IPv4 network. However, as indicated above, not everyone may need the benefits of the proposed compound. In addition, he is not exempt from some problems that may lead to its closure. One of the main disadvantages of the service is that it consumes a lot of memory. Therefore, the user can disable it or configure manual start to enable the service only if necessary.

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