In Soviet times, the hematogen was quite popular. Dark tiles with a specific taste were actively acquired by the older generation of adults for their children, now grown up. Almost every baby asked his budget sweetness from his mother earlier, when the choice of delicacies was not very large. Even doctors often prescribed tiles after illness during the recovery period, but in those days it was only possible to purchase a product in a pharmacy.
Currently, the hematogen has changed significantly. Not only the packaging and tiles began to look more attractive, but the composition also varies. Often, the hematogen includes various additional components, but the properties of the product remain the same. As before, it helps to stimulate blood formation, but it is forbidden to eat it in large quantities.
Many parents are justifiably interested in how much hematogen can be given to a child and at what dosage. It is known that the use of a large number of sweet bars can provoke side effects.
Sweet Tile Composition
The composition of the children's hematogen is natural. The main active ingredient are the components of the blood of cattle. If you carefully study the packaging, you can see that the first in the list of substances is food albumin - squeezes from the blood of calves. To produce a food supplement, it is thoroughly cleaned, defibrated and disinfected to exclude various bacteria.
The composition of the hematogen of children's modern is difficult to call hypoallergenic. Of course, now tiles usually do not contain impurities of dry blood. The component is replaced with purified hemoglobin. But at the same time, there are many other additional substances in the composition.
Many children do not refuse a healthy treat. Judging by the reviews, the hematogen tastes like chocolate or iris. However, the consistency of the tile is quite dense, but the child easily chews a treat. To improve taste sensations, additional substances are included in the hematogen, such as:
- sugar;
- honey;
- condensed milk;
- coconut flakes;
- candied fruit;
- chocolate;
- nuts
- sesame.
Of course, a treat cannot contain all substances at once. But about the presence of any can be found in the information on the package.
Hematogen value
Sometimes parents are interested in what the hematogen is useful for children. Tile is a dietary supplement, which is a very nutritious product containing:
- amino acids;
- fat soluble vitamins;
- easily digestible sugar.
However, the presence of ferrous iron is of particular value. The component is easily absorbed by the child's body. Therefore, using bars, you can prevent the development of iron deficiency anemia. In addition, sweet tiles are rich in calcium, potassium and sodium.
Hematogen: benefit and harm. Recent research
According to recent scientific studies, the use of hematogen can prevent iron deficiency in the body of a small child. But still, indications for the reception of sweet tiles are strictly regulated. Doctors strongly recommend eating hematogen only in the following conditions:
- with iron deficiency anemia or the risks of its occurrence:
- with malnutrition;
- prolonged stress;
- excessive physical exertion;
- in the presence of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by bleeding;
- during the recovery period after illness;
- with a lack of weight and height in a child.
But experts warn that if you exceed the daily dosage and prolonged use, you can cause significant harm to health. So the following symptoms may occur:
- the level of iron in the body rises, as a result, the walls of blood vessels are damaged;
- a metallic taste appears in the mouth.
Hematogen allergy may occur in children, resulting in redness, skin rash, and itching. In addition, thrombophlebitis may develop due to blood clotting. In case of an overdose, the child experiences dizziness, nausea and diarrhea. With regular use of hematogen, excess weight may appear due to an excess of complex carbohydrates in the body.
In connection with the foregoing, hematogen should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor. In this case, strictly follow the instructions for its use.
From what age can a child be given hematogen, indicated on the packaging of the tiles. A bar is allowed to be offered to children from the age of three. In this case, there must be reasonable evidence, confirmed by doctor's examinations and clinical analyzes.
Instructions for hematogen for use in children:
- Babies from 3 to 6 years old are offered three times a day for 5 grams of goodies. The maximum daily dosage is 15 grams.
- Children from 6 to 12 years old can be offered 10 grams of goodies, but twice a day. The maximum daily dosage is 20 grams.
- Teens, starting at age 12, can eat the hematogen 3 times a day for 10 grams. The daily dosage should not exceed 30 grams.
The opinion of doctors
Why children need hematogen, experts can explain. Tasty tiles are rich in fats, carbohydrates, proteins and other components necessary for the growth and development of children. It is worth noting that the tiles offered by the modern industry do not always meet the requirements. Sometimes the iron content in them is too low to cope with the symptoms of anemia. Doctors focus on the fact that the bar sold in the store is not a medicine. This is just a tasty and healthy supplement to the baby’s diet. But if the child is diagnosed with anemia, then hematogen should not be used as the only source of treatment.
Hematogen contraindications
Is it possible for children to hematogen? Of course, sometimes, observing the recommended dosage, you can offer your baby a sweet bar. However, it must be remembered that the hematogen is not just candy. It is a dietary supplement containing blood components. Therefore, there are serious contraindications for taking:
- diabetes;
- anemia, the causes of which are not iron deficiency;
- obesity;
- thrombophlebitis;
- individual intolerance to any components;
- metabolic disorders;
- varicose veins;
- age up to 3 years.
Quite often, the hematogen provokes side effects in children. Among the undesirable consequences of taking the most often distinguished:
- allergic reactions;
- nausea
- discomfort in the stomach.
Similar symptoms are associated with the presence of iron ions in the sweet bar.
Useful tips for parents
At what age can a child be given a hematogen, many caring parents are interested. Doctors advise to offer a bar during the recovery period after an illness or with other symptoms described above, only from 3 years. In this case, the following nuances must be taken into account:
- The total duration of the use of tiles should not exceed three weeks.
- For better assimilation of sweetness, hematogen plates are offered after the main meal.
- You can drink the food supplement with water, it is also allowed the use of fruit juice. However, combining the reception with dairy products is unacceptable. As a result, iron absorption is significantly impaired.
- It is not recommended to use other vitamin complexes during hematogen therapy.
From the foregoing, it can be concluded that a bar with a characteristic taste is not just a healthy treat, but a food supplement with its indications and contraindications. If in doubt, it is better to consult a pediatrician.
How to choose the right product?
Currently, hematogen can be purchased not only in a pharmacy, but also in a regular store. At the same time, a lot of products are offered that can hardly be called a useful food supplement. Manufacturers produce tiles in bright packaging that attracts the attention of the child and parents. And the famous name "Hematogen" adds credibility to the product.
But experts warn that before buying it is worth carefully familiarizing yourself with the composition of the product. High-quality hematogen should contain food albumin. Moreover, it should be in the first place among the substances. The optimal ratio of the main component is considered 4 or 5% of the total mass of the sweet bar. It is also necessary to carefully study the additional components, because it is on them that children most often experience an allergic reaction.
No wonder many parents are interested in how old hematogen can be given to a child. Starting from the age of three, you can sometimes offer your baby a treat. Due to its nutritional value and the presence of many useful components, the product helps to improve the blood condition of the child. Hematogen is not worth buying just like that. Its use should be justified by a doctor.
Sweet tiles are known to stimulate hematopoiesis. The iron included in the composition is quickly absorbed and contributes to an increase in ferritin and hemoglobin.
However, mothers and fathers should remember that the bar only benefits if the recommended dosage is observed, which the doctor can tell you. Hematogen is not used as a treatment. If a baby is diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, then he needs special medications, and sweet tiles can only become an addition to therapy.