From the first days after the birth of a child, parents face many problems. Restless behavior, poor nutrition, unnatural lethargy of a baby at a particular age - all this is a serious cause for excitement. Bad sleep is no exception. Therefore, you need to find out why the child does not sleep well at night.
The causes of poor sleep in a child
Most newborns spend most of their sleep time in the active stage. This is not a good dream, they can be awakened by the slightest rustle, a slight noise. In this half-dormant state, the baby can stay all night. Until the child reaches 2 years of age for parents, the question of why the child does not sleep well at night remains unresolved. Sometimes troubled night behavior depends on external factors:
- Adverse environmental conditions.
- Improper baby care.
- Unnormal diet.
- Incorrectly formed day mode.
- Nervousness during the day.
The effort, the endless patience of the parents will help to eliminate problems and adjust the regime of the day, which relatively improves the situation and leads to normal, calm night behavior of the child. It should also be borne in mind that with growth, active sleep decreases, thereby increasing the proportion of deep sleep. In this phase, even the loudest sounds are not able to wake the child. Regardless of age (10 days, 6 months, etc.), the baby in the daytime should not cry a lot, stay in one diaper for a long time, eat without a regimen. From this, the baby falls into a nervous state that affects the night's sleep.
Moms very carefully monitor the behavior of the child in the daytime, fulfill all the recommendations of the pediatrician, strictly follow the established regime. Anyway, at night the baby "gives a tour." Why is the child’s bad dream? Everything is very simple: he just did not spend all his energy in a day.
Troubled sleep of a month old baby
A month-old baby sleeps 18-20 hours a day. Frequent and long sleep is necessary to produce growth hormone and achieve maturity. Active growth of the baby falls precisely during sleep. The process slows down if the sleep is irregular. At the age of one month, children easily fall asleep after bathing, feeding, and often fall into sleep with breasts in their mouths. The kid can rest for a long time. If he woke up before falling asleep, then something was bothering him. Why does the child sleep poorly at night at the age of 1 month? The reasons are as follows:
- Very loud noise.
- Brightly lit room.
- Air temperature (too hot or cold).
- Air condition (in the children's room the air should be exceptionally fresh).
- Unsuitable diapers for this baby.
It should also be borne in mind that babies, going to bed, get used to the environment that is set by parents day and night. If the baby, laying down to sleep during the day, is shaking in his arms, he will certainly require the same actions at night, expressing this by crying. Even at the age of 1 month, the child distinguishes day from night, maternal hugs - from the cradle.
The effect of physical condition on a child’s sleep
A baby up to 1 month usually behaves calmly, without violating the regime of wakefulness and sleep. Everything follows the established rule of behavior for newborn children: he woke up, ate, stood with the help of his mother as a soldier, fell asleep. But something went wrong.
The kid began to act up, cry endlessly, and, worst of all, he had a disturbed night's sleep. One of the problems why a month-old baby does not sleep well at night is his physical condition. A newborn baby slowly mastered with the outside world.
Adaptation of the baby is a very complex process that parents must take into account when caring for the baby. He gradually gets used to living conditions, nutrition. Often babies are anxious, feeling discomfort on the body from the clothes. If the children's nightwear is made of synthetics, the child will begin to sweat, he will be bothered by itching, and accordingly, his sleep will be disturbed.
Parents who are not able to understand the irritability of the baby themselves often turn to the pediatrician with the question of why their child does not sleep well at night at 1 month. To correctly answer the question, the baby undergoes a medical examination. As a result, the true cause of his restless sleep is revealed. This may be a violation of the function of the gastrointestinal tract, colic in the abdomen, gas. After the procedures prescribed by the pediatrician, the baby’s behavior changes significantly for the better, he sleeps calmer day and night.
Causes of Shuddering in a Dream
Often there are times when a monthly baby in a dream behaves uneasy. Being in the developmental stage, the body of the newborn is gradually formed and adapts to everything new. This process does not bypass the nervous system. The baby sees objects, hears sounds, in his own way shows a reaction to them. The formation of reflexes, neural ligaments begins, which is often the cause of overexcitation of the newborn. If you put him to sleep in such an agitated state, in the stage of superficial sleep he will begin to flinch periodically. As a result, the child sleeps poorly at night and often wakes up.
Sleep 4 month old baby
The baby is 4 months old. This is a difficult period in the life of an infant. In fact, the duration of his sleep in the daytime should be at least 4-6 hours. At night, the duration is 10-12 hours.
At 4 months, the baby begins to develop, and the time of activity is continuously increasing. His behavior goes step by step into the adult stage. It was at this time that nighttime sleep and the baby’s behavior in the daytime worsened, even if he had been calm before, slept well.
Improved coordination of movements, the formation of the nervous system, activity are experiencing a new stage in development, when the baby is trying to make unfamiliar, complex physical movements for him, with different eyes he looks at the things around him. His acquaintance with the new world can be both day and night.
Many children like to play at night, they absolutely do not want to sleep. Given the above facts, you can understand why a baby at 4 months old does not sleep well at night. During this period, it is not recommended to put him to sleep on a schedule, it is better to provide him with freedom of action. So he will behave more adequately.
What should be a baby’s dream at 9 months?
The set sleep time of a 9 month old baby is 2 hours in the daytime, 10-12 hours at night. This is already quite a serious age, when the baby becomes relatively calm, follows the established regimen of the day.
Infant sleep disturbance may be related to health. Sometimes children wake up in the middle of the night, for a long time they cannot fall asleep, thereby reducing the time of night sleep, which leads to lack of sleep. The mode of the day is violated, since the baby is trying to sleep off due to daytime.
To identify the causes of abnormal night sleep, you need to contact a pediatrician. Surveys will establish why a 9-month-old baby sleeps poorly at night. Do not worry if the baby cries in a dream. These are the consequences of children's experiences, an active day. From time to time, the baby may flinch, which should also not disturb parents. His nervous system for a long time passes from a state of wakefulness to sleep.
At the age of 9 months, the baby intensively develops the nervous system, and character is formed. Since the baby is emotionally stressed during the day, having difficulty realizing what is happening around him, he instinctively experiences the same thing at night, in a dream. There is no time for deep sleep.
The effect of nutrition
One of the most important signs of insomnia is malnutrition. When a child does not sleep well at night, for some reason it does not occur to parents that he is simply hungry. Apparently, because there are more serious reasons that caring mothers think about in the first place.
However, hunger can cause the baby to lose sleep. After 6 months, the baby is in the stage of active development and requires a fairly saturated diet. Mothers who breastfeed babies up to one year old should take into account that one cannot saturate a baby with light breast-feeding. At this age, he can already be given vegetable dishes (mashed potatoes, stews, soups). Many parents are introducing new nutritious foods into their baby’s mode.
Why does the child sleep poorly both at night and in the afternoon? The main thing is to develop a correct diet, do not feed the baby 15 minutes before going to bed (anyway, what time of day). The stomach begins to intensively work on the digestion of food, which affects the poor sleep of the baby day and night.
1 year old baby sleep
Leading pediatricians believe that at the age of 1 year, sleep plays an important role in the development of the baby, has a special effect on his health. 12 months is the age when the baby's nervous system is fully formed, the behavior is balanced. The nightly rest of a one-year-old baby is 12 hours. In the afternoon he sleeps no more than 2 hours. After an active day spent in games, he should sleep peacefully all night, but the baby does not sleep. Why it happens?
Causes of a one year old baby's sleep disturbance
Why does a 1 year old baby sleep poorly at night? There are many reasons that contribute to disturbing the nightly rest of children:
- The usual moods, reluctance to sleep.
- The stale air in the baby's room.
- Nasal congestion, which makes breathing difficult.
- Wet diapers.
- Teething.
- Nightmares.
Naughty children always fall asleep for a long time, sleep poorly. They do not want to sleep in their crib, give them a parental bed. They do not fall asleep without their favorite toy. This is an ordinary whim.
The baby's room should be regularly ventilated. Before going to bed, you must check the diaper.
The problem is teething. The baby is tormented by itching in the gums, pains in the tummy, especially they worsen at night. Here are the main answers to the question why a child does not sleep well at night in a year. What other reasons are there?
The psychological barrier that affects the baby’s sleep
Over the year, the baby has grown, behavior has changed, it has become more independent in many of its manifestations, but it also needs a mother, as well as at 2 months. Having excluded all the above causes of concern, the mother does not understand why the child often wakes up at night, sleeps poorly. The psychological barrier that the baby himself cannot overcome is very often the cause of a hectic night.
At this age, children often have nightmares - dreams that are unusual for the children's brain. In a difficult period, it is simply necessary for the baby to be near him, not to leave him alone at night. Parents continuously need to be in close contact with their child. Fears are a temporary phenomenon. The main thing is to be patient and survive this time with the baby.
What is the reason for a two-year-old's poor sleep
As a rule, children are regulated to sleep at 2 years old, they rest for 10-11 hours at night, sleep relatively calmly if they are not bothered by some reasons related to physiology and psychology.
Why does a 2 year old baby sleep poorly at night?
Physiological reasons:
- Inconvenient bed (down pillow or blanket, soft, bending mattress). The blanket should be light while warm.
- Inconvenient nightwear. Pajamas or a nightgown should not cause discomfort. Pajamas for the baby need to choose free so that it does not hamper movement during sleep. No synthetics. The child needs to sleep only in nightwear made from cotton fabric.
- Bright lighting. In the kid’s room, you can install a soft, soothing light coming from the night light so that it is comfortable and not scared.
- Loud noise, loud music (even in the next room). But even complete silence also does not need to teach the baby.
- Air temperature in the children's room. It should be no more than 18-20 ° C.
- Physical overwork. During the day, the child is very tired, in the evening whims begin, he is difficult to fall asleep.
- Overeating or, conversely, hunger. The last meal should be no later than 19.00.
- Physical pains, colds, disturbing the baby. The external behavior of the child always suggests that he is worried.
It is not difficult to cope with physiological reasons. At the age of two, they do not pose a serious problem. Anxiety is caused by a psychological factor haunting babies aged 1 to 3 years.
What makes a baby lie in a bed with eyes wide open for a long time? Why does the child cry and sleep poorly at night, if he is not concerned about external factors, is he healthy, active during the day? The kid is disturbed by nightmares, childhood fears - this is mainly his imagination, hidden in the subconscious, in order to appear in a dream. He sees them during a deep sleep, cannot wake up, begins to rush about on a bed, cry. It is necessary to carefully wake him up, calm him down, and try to put him to bed again. In no case should you remind the kid of a nightly adventure.
Starting from the birth of a baby, parents need to concentrate all their efforts, make every effort to create a beloved child noble soil for full development, in which sleep takes first place. Therefore, if you can’t cope with sleep problems on your own, you must definitely contact qualified specialists.