Sleep in the life of a newborn baby is of great importance, and the arrangement of a baby's berth is very important. The crib should not only be beautiful, spacious and comfortable, but first and foremost safe. It is here that the baby of the first years of his life spends most of his time, and you need to think over all the details of this little "house" before the baby was born.
A beautiful element or an important component?
Often a spacious crib is complemented by a canopy. And this is not just a tribute to fashion, as many people think! In fact, the point is completely different. Also, contrary to the popular belief that this accessory is suitable only for girls, you can hang the canopy over the boy’s bed, because the choice of colors and shades of fabric at this curtain is very diverse. Everything will depend on the imagination of relatives! The canopy can be bought already with the crib, purchased separately or made independently. Of course, you can do without it, but is it only necessary?
The value of the canopy
A canopy for a crib for newborns is not only a fashionable design subject. It performs many more different functions, which are much more important than decorative:
- By visually restricting space, it acts as a kind of protection, since the new world with its diversity often causes concern for kids.
- If the thing is done efficiently, the child’s sleep and wakefulness will not be disturbed by annoying insects, and adults will not spend time looking for insect repellents and their bites.
- The canopy for the crib for newborns is a kind of barrier to dust, causing allergic reactions.
- The fabric of this accessory will stand in the way of wind and drafts, create a soft microclimate inside.
- The canopy slightly muffles noise and scatters bright light, thereby protecting the child from unnecessary irritants.
- The kid, feeling protected, will not be afraid to fall asleep alone. The child will grow up confident and independent.
Why do we need bumpers on a crib
Often cribs are equipped with soft sides. They are a cover of dense soft fabric, in which the filler is placed. This means that the baby is not injured when falling, or when he rolls over in the crib, between the rods his hand or foot will not be able to get, which is also dangerous. In a bed with sides, the child feels comfortable, as it is protected from drafts, all the toys with him and you can still concentrate on looking at the patterns on the fabric.
What should be the sides on the crib
It is desirable that the protection or sides in the crib for the newborn were made in pastel colors. The fabric for lining needs natural, preferably coarse calico. The filler must be hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly.
In addition, the protection and canopy in the crib should be easy to wash.
How to make a canopy with your own hands
If you decide to make the canopies on the crib for newborns with your own hands, you will need our tips. First of all, you need to accurately imagine how your canopy will look. Today, most parents are aware before birth what gender they will have a baby. Based on this, you can choose a color. If you have a little princess, then the crib can be designed as a castle in the air. The canopy for the crib for newborns can be decorated with butterflies, bows, lace, etc. The little hero can be surrounded by cute animals or cars. If you do not know the gender of the unborn child, it is better to choose neutral colors (yellow, green, lilac), and after the appearance of the crumbs in the light, make original jewelry.
Take care of the materials in advance
To implement this idea, you must:
- Decide on the fabric in advance: it must be natural. Curtain textiles will look great. The required fabric length is from two to three meters, a width of at least 1.5 meters.
- Choose jewelry on the canopy, for this fit frills, lace, bows and more.
- Arm yourself with a satin ribbon, you will need it for edging the edges.
- Assemble the canopy frame and test for strength.
Getting to work
You need a canopy pattern for a crib for newborns. You can use the finished one.
When the fabric is cut, you should sew the edges with a satin ribbon using a typewriter or needle.
In the middle of the canopy edges it is worth decorating with lace or fabric of a different color shade. Now you need to sew on your chosen jewelry (stripes, lace, flowers and more).
You can fasten the front edges of the canopy with a beautiful bow.
When not to do without dad
Now the installation and fastening of the frame comes to the fore.
Use a holder for this, which can be purchased at a children's store or made independently from a wide cross-section wire. If you chose the second option, you need to bend the wire to get the letter "P", then place it in a metal tube and attach it well with screws or screws to the crib.
And now the most long-awaited and crucial moment! After fixing the holder, carefully put the fabric base on it so that the assemblies are evenly distributed.
Final touch: spread the fabric, and the crib for the newborn will instantly change.
So with your own hands you can create a canopy for a crib for newborns!
Kids are so agile and unpredictable! They do not cease to amaze us. The sides and canopies in the crib for newborns are designed to protect and make the baby stay comfortable in it.