There are millions of people in the world who love dogs. Some like the impressive size of the dogs, others prefer the Prague rattle, which you can easily carry in your pocket. Some people need a dog as a living toy, while others need a house guard. The Australian Shepherd is a breed that everyone likes. Even those who cannot keep these dogs at home, note their good looks, intelligence, quick wit, devotion, hard work, loyalty, obedience.
There is another official name for the Australian Shepherd - Aussie. Perhaps someone knows exactly that. In Russia, this breed is not yet very common, but in some large cities there are already nurseries where only Aussies are grown. Let's look at the features of the breed, the conditions of puppies and adult animals, the rules of nutrition and education. Perhaps after reading the article you will want to have such a loyal and faithful four-legged friend in your home.
A few words about the history of the breed
It is logical to assume that the dog the Australian Shepherd came to Europe from distant Australia. However, there is no exact information explaining the history of the origin of the breed. There are only versions.
1. At the end of the 19th century, sheep breeding began to develop rapidly in America. In search of a better life, shepherds from Australia moved to this distant country, taking their dogs with them. Americans appreciated the mind and stamina of the animals brought. Crossbreeding them with their species, they bred a new breed - the Aussi, who took hardworking and some appearance from the Australian parents, and from the American - resistance to weather conditions and resistance to the diseases common on this continent.
2. Ancestors of the Aussi are German shepherds, which helped herd cattle. At the beginning of the XIX century, these dogs with their owners arrived in Australia, and later from there went to America.
Based on these assumptions, it is generally accepted that the Australian Shepherd breed is the result of a collie, Bernese Mountain Dog and Pyrenean Shepherd crossbreeding.
3. There is another version of the origin of the Aussi breed. Some believe that it was bred on the basis of the wonderful Australian coolie dog, which was perfectly built, knew how to easily manage huge herds of animals, and was distinguished by endurance and hard work.
The AKC (American Kennel Club) officially recognized the Aussi breed only in 1991, and the FCI standard was approved 5 years later.
Breed features
The Australian Shepherd is a tireless four-legged shepherd, perfectly coping with sheep, goats, lamb. It was for these purposes that the breed was bred, which determines its main physical and intellectual abilities. Aussies can easily manage herd animals, make sure that they do not fend off the general group in the pasture and on the way home, protect them from uninvited guests - wolves, coyotes, bears. Having a peaceful appearance and relatively small size (as can be seen from the photos presented in the article), Australian Shepherds are bold and fearless. Defending their wards, they rush at the enemy, even significantly superior in size.
Of course, such abilities are required from dogs only in sheep breeding.
If you decide to purchase an Aussie to protect your home, you will not be disappointed either. Your watchman will run around the territory entrusted to him dozens of times a day, and at the slightest danger he will certainly notify you of this. It is possible that he will rush to uninvited visitors. However, with your family members, all Aussies will be as friendly, playful, affectionate, obedient as possible. They especially love children.
Representatives of the breed are loyal to pets. There have been no cases of Australian Shepherds attacking cats, chickens and other animals, which many dogs often sin. In view of all these qualities, you can safely acquire Aussi for a country house. But if you are going to keep the dog on a chain, it is better to opt for another breed. Aussies without the ability to actively move and without freedom will not live long.
These dogs are used not only for the protection of the territory, but also in operations to search for people during earthquakes, avalanches.
They are also great athletes. You can deal with them with flyball, freestyle, agility, dog-frisbee, spring and other sports.
But do not expect to use a pet of this breed as a fighting dog, as Aussies and violence are incompatible.
Breed description
If you look at the photo of the Australian Shepherd, you will easily notice that in appearance they can differ significantly in coat color and eye color.
Breeders say it’s impossible to find two identical Aussies. According to FCI standards, the Australian Shepherd breed description is as follows:
1. The head. It is always proportional to the body, without saggy skin, without too thick or long hair that falls over the eyes. The forehead is allowed round or flat, possibly on the occipital part of the tubercle. Muzzle slightly elongated. The nose is even. The teeth are strong. The bite is straight or scissor.
2. The nose. Small, its color may vary, due to the color of the coat. It can be either black or brown. In the second case, pink dots are noticeable on it.
3. Eyes. Their incision is amygdala. The look is smart. By color, they can be brown, blue, amber, green. Heterochromia is also allowed (eyes are different in color).
4. The ears. In Australian Shepherds they are small, proportional to the head, highly placed. Stopping them is not required. Ears should bend forward (not stand straight, but not hang).
5. The body is strong, muscular, slightly elongated (the distance from the neck to the back is greater than from the withers to the ground).
6. Weight, height. This breed has sex differences. Bitches are more graceful, although also strong and muscular. Their height is from 46 cm to 53 cm. Males are more powerful. Their height is from 51 cm to 58 cm. The weight of individuals of both sexes can be from 16 kg to 32 kg, which depends on growth. Due to the fact that the Aussies are somewhat smaller than many guard breeds, in particular the “Germans,” they are often called Australian Mini Shepherds.
7. Wool. In Aussi, it is thick, of medium hardness, of moderate length, and may be straight or slightly wavy. Both females and males have a dense undercoat. In Australian Shepherds, it is difficult to give a general description of the color, since there are no clear canons on this subject. It can be black, bluish (blue), brown (red), beige with red spots, gray with black spots. In addition, there are Aussies with a tiger color, with an ermine, with a golden one and with a color in which there are all combinations of these shades. Often you can find Australian shepherds with a white stripe in the center of the muzzle, with white breasts and the same paws.
8. The tail. Long or short, straight.
9. Paws. Straight, muscular, with thick elastic pads.
Who is suitable for Aussies?
Do not think that if the Australian Shepherd is miniature, it is ideal for a city apartment. These dogs already at the age of 30 days require not just care (to eat, wipe the puddle), and attention to their person. They must be played with, and later trained. If they went for a walk, they definitely need to run around freely, overcome all kinds of obstacles, catch an abandoned ball or disk. Even in the rain and blizzard, they need to give 1.5-2 hours for active classes. Otherwise, they will begin to spend their energy on damage to property in the house.
Therefore, Aussies are in no way suitable for people who are accustomed to while away their free time in front of the TV on the couch. They will not get along with those owners who believe that the dog should be kept on the chain.
Aussi is a dog for those who lead an active lifestyle, as well as for those who live in a private house and provide their four-legged watchmen with freedom.
Where to get a puppy
You can buy Aussi by an ad on the Internet, but you are unlikely to receive all the necessary documents. Considering that the prices for puppies of this breed start from 58,000-60,000 rubles, it is more reasonable to purchase them in specialized kennels of Australian shepherds. Although the Aussi is still a new breed for Russia, in some large cities they are already engaged in their professional breeding. For example, in St. Petersburg today there are 10 nurseries where you can buy purebred Aussies. Among them, “Marrandi”, “Hannimeri”, “Asteroid”, “Anservish” are especially often noted in positive reviews of dog lovers.
In Moscow, the Australian Shepherd can be bought in 21 kennels. Among the most popular: Monigi, Volga Winner, Toradora, Freital, Pink Mist, Fantasy Show.
There are nurseries where Aussi are bred in Togliatti, Yekaterinburg, Sochi, Yaroslavl, Novosibirsk.
How to choose a puppy
Of course, the main selection criterion is based on what the heart tells you. This, perhaps, will be enough if you buy an Australian Shepherd puppy in a kennel. It is unlikely that breeders, who value their reputation, will try to deceive you by slipping a sick or unclean Aussie baby.
Confidence in sellers should cause such nuances of the transaction:
- You are willingly provided with all the information about the puppy and its parents.
- All questions give comprehensive answers.
- Do not insist on the acquisition of any one puppy, but provide you with the right to choose.
When considering cute four-legged babies, you should consider that a healthy puppy should be well-fed, cheerful, playful, not shy, very active.
If you are buying an Australian Shepherd puppy planning to take part in shows, your baby should not have any flaws regarding breed standards. Remember, in Aussies, only size and weight change with age. The color, the shape of the head and ears, the setting of the paws, the body proportions remain the same as the dogs had in childhood. A puppy having such features will not suit you:
- Ears stick out or hang down completely.
- Malocclusion.
- Aggressive or timid disposition.
- On the back there are white spots between the tail and the withers.
- White color prevails on the muzzle.
How to care
In the house, the puppy immediately needs to determine the place, provide the pet with bowls for food and water, a mattress, toys. In the nursery you should be given a schedule of vaccinations. It must be observed. As a rule, the first comprehensive vaccination is given when the puppy is 8-10 weeks old. After 3 weeks, revaccination plus rabies vaccination is mandatory. The third vaccination (with a complex drug) is carried out at a time when the pet's permanent teeth grow instead of milk teeth. Next, vaccinate the dog every year, trying to carry out the procedure in the same month.
It is imperative to pay attention to the condition of the coat of the Australian Shepherd. It is required to bathe once for 30-45 days. Aussies living on the street can be hosed in the summer. In winter, they clean their wool themselves, wallowing in the snow.
Dogs kept in the house should be bathed in the bathroom. After the procedure, the hair should be dried with a hairdryer, as it will dry on its own for a very long time.
In addition to water procedures, it is necessary to comb out the pet. Do this 2 to 4 times a week. With the help of a brush, a metal comb and a furminator, dead hair and fluff are combed out at the dog, and fatty grease is distributed along the entire length of healthy hairs. Some breeders recommend an Aussie shave in the summer. This somewhat saves the animal from the heat. However, it should be noted that in dogs of this breed sweat glands are located only on the paw pads. That is, in the heat of cooling by evaporation of moisture from the skin does not occur. Aussies only cool their body with quick breathing through an open mouth. In addition, shaved Aussies can easily get sunburn.
Australian Shepherd Care also includes the following procedures:
- Claw cutting (as it grows, but at least 1 time per month).
- Regular ear cleaning. Do this every week using a wet sponge. During the procedure, you need to inspect the ears for unpleasant discharge, redness, scratches.
- Teeth cleaning. Breeders recommend at least 2 times a week to brush their teeth with a special brush and toothpaste for dogs.
- Eye wash. To do this, brew tea with chamomile. The eyes are wiped with a damp sponge.
An important role in raising a pet is played by training. Aussie training is required from the very first day, as he appeared in your house. He needs to affectionately, but persistently repeat what is possible and what is not. For example, you can’t jump onto a sofa, gnaw books, suck furniture corners. If this is not done right away, the dog can become a little tyrant.
It is advisable to train the pet with an instructor for the more serious elements of the training. Shouting or beating at a puppy is not allowed.
What to feed
Dog breeders are advised to organize adult Australian Shepherd food only with quality dry food. However, many Aussie owners prefer to give their pet natural feed. I must say that with this you will have a lot of trouble, since not all foods are suitable for animals of this breed. They can eat:
- Offal.
- Meat (beef, rabbit, horsemeat, boneless bird).
- Seasonal fruits.
- Boneless sea fish.
- Vegetables (boiled or raw).
- Cereals.
- Boiled eggs (not more than 2 times a week).
- Fat-free cottage cheese and kefir.
It is strictly forbidden to feed the Aussi with the following products:
- Sweets.
- Bakery products.
- The bones of the bird.
- Spicy food.
- Sour cream.
- Fatty meat, milk.
- Fried and smoked products.
- Legumes
The feeding schedule should be approximately as follows:
- Up to 2 months - 6 times a day.
- From 2 to 4 months - 4 times.
- From 4 to 6 months - 3 times.
- From 7 months - 2 times.
How to raise puppies
If you are planning on doing aussie breeding yourself, you need to learn a few rules. An Australian Shepherd usually has 6–9 puppies per litter. Give birth to bitches on their own. After that, they may have spotting for up to 14 days. This is a normal occurrence. Anxiety should cause discharge scarlet and copious, purulent, green, brown, with an unpleasant odor.
After giving birth, the bitch may experience mild diarrhea and a slight increase in temperature.
It is necessary to feed the young mother on the first day in moderation. The menu may include light cereals, broth. You can’t give meat, since the bitch who gave birth, as a rule, eat the afterbirth. Their combination with meat can cause significant health complications. From the second day, you can feed her the food she is used to. During lactation, the dog needs vitamins, which include calcium.
A bitch with puppies must be provided with a quiet quiet corner, spacious enough so that the mother could lie down in it without risking to crush her baby.
After walking the bitch, she definitely needs to wash her paws, and treat the nipples with a solution of "Furacilina". It is important to regularly check the dog’s mammary glands for hardening leading to the formation of mastitis.
Toddlers should be constantly in sight of their mom. She herself decides when to feed them, when to lick, and when to leave alone.
Approximately from the 45th day, lactation in bitches ends. Puppies start an independent life. However, their conversion to ordinary food begins much earlier. Like human children, they need to gradually introduce complementary foods. They begin it when the puppies turn 3 weeks old. As a feed, only one new product is always introduced, waiting until the puppy's body gets used to it.
The first item on the menu should be a balanced feed for newborn puppies. If it is not, you can do with low-fat cottage cheese and ground beef, from which you need to make small balls.
After 5-6 days, buckwheat or rice porridge can be added to the diet. After another 5-7 days, fish and vegetables are introduced.
Australian Shepherds live up to 14-15 years. They are distinguished by good health. Their weak points are ridge, paws, eyes. They are subject to autoimmune and neurological ailments. The most common Aussie diseases:
- Cataract.
- Epilepsy.
- Hearing problems.
- Hip dysplasia.
You should contact your veterinarian if your Australian Shepherd has the following symptoms:
- Refusal of food.
- Lethargy, unwillingness to play, run.
- Yellow whites of the eyes.
- Brown urine.
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea.
- Hind feet.
- Temperature.
Fleas can annoy dogs. You can understand that they appeared by the constant itching of the animal. Now there are a lot of drugs that help to cope with fleas - from shampoos to drops that need to be rubbed into the skin at the withers.
Another problem for Aussie owners is ticks. The dog can pick them up for a walk. Therefore, each time, returning home, you need to carefully examine the body of the animal, especially the ears, stomach, face. Having discovered the parasite, it should be removed in the same way that ticks are removed from the body of people. It is important not to tear off the insect, but to clamp it with tweezers and carefully remove it in a circular motion. If the tick is stuck in the place where the dog can not get his tongue, it can be lubricated with petroleum jelly. Deprived of the influx of air, he crawls out himself.
Aussies can be significantly affected by tick bites. Therefore, pets in the warm season need to be treated with such drugs as Front Line, Advantix. Apply the product in accordance with the instructions attached to it.
Those who have an Australian Shepherd leave favorable reviews about the animal. Noted advantages:
- Very smart.
- Easy to learn.
- Savvy.
- Hardworking.
- Devotees.
- Affectionate (especially with children).
- Do not require a haircut.
Wonderful guards and shepherds.
Noted disadvantages:
- May be jealous.
- Some Aussies have a complex character.
However, the owners love their pets so much that even flaws are proudly called the characteristics of the breed.