An unpretentious and hardy hunter, wary of strangers. Used for burrowing fox, badger, raccoon dog. The yagd terrier is indispensable in the search and supply of a black bird from the water and work on ungulates.
History and standard
The breed is still quite young - she is not even 100 years old. The ancestors of these dogs were German and English Fox Terriers. At the beginning of the last century, a group of enthusiastic hunters decided to create the perfect normal breed of dogs.
At the beginning of the experiment, German purebred black and light English Fox Terriers were mixed. Black and tan puppies were born. At the next stage, the selection was led by Dr. Herbert Luckner.
As a result of serious breeding work and successful crossbreeding with Old English terriers and Welsh terriers in 1925, a black and tan terrier was born, which had a powerful hunting instinct and excellent working qualities. The dog was distinguished by courage, pressure, fighting character. At the same time, she was surprisingly balanced and faithful. The breed was called the yagd terrier (German yagd terrier).
In 1926, Germany's first club of lovers of these animals was registered. The breed was officially recognized in 1981. At the same time, an international standard was developed.
A small muscular dog with a slightly elongated format, a dry and strong physique, a tight bones and an elongated head.
Growth of an adult is not more than 40 cm (males) and 38 cm (females). Weight - from 8 to 11 kg.
The yagd terrier (whose photo you see in our article) has a thick, even and rather coarse coat, with a dense undercoat. There are two varieties of animals - smooth and wire-haired.
These varieties differ only in the quality of the hair, and therefore are considered one breed. The wire-haired individuals have longer hair on the ears and paws, in addition, they have a beard.
The standard allows three colors: dark brown, black and gray-black with tan. A few years ago, the standard allowed a brown-tan color, but today these animals are not allowed for breeding. Despite this, puppies with such a fur coat are born from time to time. Animals have a strong skeleton, powerful muscles.
Wool and care
Regardless of the type of dog’s coat, it perfectly protects the animal from the weather. Smooth-haired yagd terrier has a short, even and close-fitting coat. In a wire-haired animal, it is longer, but it also fits snugly against the body. Another subspecies should be distinguished - coarse-haired yagd terrier. Characterization of the breed refers to it in full. Excluding wool. It has two layers. The upper one is very dense and in its structure resembles a wire. Very dense and short undercoat - this is the second layer. On the muzzle, the hair is longer, it creates eyebrows and beard that are characteristic of this breed.
The dog terrier needs regular combing (at least once a week).
This is a completely fearless and determined dog. Nature rewarded her with an aggressive attitude towards predators and burrows. The yagd terrier, whose photo so far can only be found in special cynological publications, has a rather complex character. He is notable for his adherence and will; his temper is rather severe. Dogs are very wary of strangers, but at the same time they are not shy and do not show unjustified aggression. They love their work (hunting) very much and get real pleasure from it.
The Jagdterrier, whose breed characteristic positions him as a very harsh creature, is attached to his master with his whole soul, becomes infinitely loyal to him. They defiantly ignore the rest of the family.
The dog-terrier can be very stubborn, but it is always mobile, full of life, extremely energetic, outgoing with the owner.
Yagdterrier, reviews of which are quite controversial, can get along with children. This happens only if they do not offend the animal and do not bother with excessive attention. Since this dog has a strong hunting instinct, relations with other pets somehow do not add up. From this it follows that these animals need socialization, and at an early age, and systematic training. In the absence of education and proper control, they are prone to vagrancy.
Jagd terriers are real hunters. They are distinguished by a delicate flair and boundless courage. This is a difficult dog, requiring strict education. It is not suitable for a novice dog breeder.
Not only outstanding hunting characteristics is famous for the yagd terrier. The characteristics of the breed testify to its magnificent watchdog instincts.
The yagd terrier, whose price is quite high, is naturally endowed with good health. Of course, injuries on the hunt or during sports cannot be ruled out. But representatives of any other breed are not immune from this. In addition, the dog can get an infectious disease. For their prevention, it is necessary to follow the vaccination schedule.
Fortunately, these animals are practically not susceptible to genetic diseases that lead to a certain hereditary predisposition. This makes sure that with proper care your pet will live for a long time.
Maintenance and care
The yagd terrier (reviews of dog breeders convince us of this) does not require complicated care. As already mentioned, once a week it is necessary to comb the dog’s coat so that it does not get confused and has a beautiful and healthy appearance.
The animal should be bathed as it becomes contaminated, and also after being in an open water body. In addition, you must regularly clean the ears and teeth of the animal. In the event that the claws do not grind on their own, they should be cut.
The Jagdterrier needs significant daily physical activity. He feels more comfortable in a large yard, where the dog could run as much as she needs. When kept in an apartment, the animal becomes restless and very restless. In addition to freedom of movement, the yagd terrier needs attention and love.
Favorite work"
Do not forget that this is primarily a hunting dog. It works great in burrows on a badger, fox, raccoon, easily "raises" the beast, works great in water, on a wild boar, on a blood trail.
With proper training, the yagd terrier executes all the commands except the rack and the apportioning of heavy game. Often these dogs are bred as pets, but this is only advisable if the owner is active, likes to travel, and relax in nature.
Hunting in holes
Mostly these dogs are used by hunters for hunting burrowing animals. Experienced yagd terriers crush, and then pull the prey from the hole. When hunting goes on a badger, it is necessary to open a hole. And at this time, the dog of the beast barks and does not give him the opportunity to dig.
Often the yagd terrier weighs two, or even three times less than the beast, but boldly attacks it.
Wild boar hunting
Hunters are very pleased with the work of these dogs in a wild boar. Thanks to the anger in relation to the beast, these dogs receive higher marks than other breeds, for example huskies. It should be borne in mind that with significant snow cover their capabilities are significantly reduced.
Training of a yagd terrier
This strong and hardy dog needs a dominant owner. However, it is better to refuse hard training methods. Training should be firm, consistent and fair.
The training is simple and very smart. Characterization of the breed allows us to conclude that these animals strive to fulfill all the requirements of the owner. They quite easily adapt to any conditions, change their place of residence without any problems, and feel comfortable in long trips.
From all that has been said, it becomes clear that the energy from these dogs is in full swing. They need significant physical exertion. A jagdterrier should not be kept in a city apartment. It will be difficult for him to live with a lazy and sedentary master.
Yagd terriers are omnivorous, but if you want to sharpen his already developed hunting instinct, feed him raw meat. The diet can be any, but an adult dog should receive food twice a day. It is preferable to do this in the morning and in the evening, and puppies of a yagd terrier receive food from five times a day. Gradually, by the year, the number of feeds is reduced to two.
Dog selection
Puppies of a yagd terrier are always similar to their parents, therefore, choosing a baby, try to get to know them. Living conditions are important, not only babies, but also adult dogs.
Ask the breeder about the characteristics of the puppy's psyche, the state of his health. You must find out what vaccinations he was given. If you need a good companion for hunting, then you should pay attention to the animals, whose parents won at exhibitions and various competitions.
Puppies should be well-fed, energetic and very active. If the puppy is too lean for up to a year, this may mean that it may have worms. In a thin baby, a skeleton may form incorrectly, which is quite difficult to restore.
Pay attention to the behavior of the little yagd terrier. If he starts to resist, actively break out of your hands, turn around, playfully attack, then you can be sure that you will grow up an excellent hunter.
Owner reviews
According to people who have such a four-legged friend, with proper upbringing, he becomes a faithful and devoted companion, an excellent hunter. The Jagdterrier, whose price ranges from 8 to 20 thousand rubles, is a faithful and loyal creature. But remember: in the absence of socialization it can be dangerous for other pets.