For parents, the question of how to dress a newborn in the fall is very important. Indeed, for a little man, both hypothermia and excess heat are dangerous. But with the right approach, you can achieve a "middle ground."
How to dress a newborn in autumn: general information
The first step is to learn that a baby who is not even a month old has a minimal fat layer. Therefore, it will freeze somewhat faster than a baby who is two or three months old. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the newborn is still unable to move, like older children. But, on the other hand, a stroller is like another layer of “clothes”.
Of course, you should focus on the air temperature in the street and on your own feelings. So, if mom puts on a turtleneck and a light windbreaker, you should not pull on a couple of woolen romper pants and a fur jacket!
How to dress a newborn in the fall, depending on whether you walk with a stroller or a sling / "kangaroo"
It seems to some parents that in a sling or “kangaroo” the baby is colder than in a stroller. This is not true! On the contrary, you warm the child with the warmth of your body. But here it is also important what the sling is made of. There are both summer models made of thin materials, and those that are designed for the cold season. If you have a thin version - it will be purged. Remember this.
So, the general rule will be this: dress the newborn only a little warmer than you yourself are dressed.
Remember that the clothes of the child should be multi-layered. At a temperature near zero on the Celsius scale, the list of children's uniforms can look like this: a disposable diaper, a cotton body with long sleeves, cotton pants and socks. In addition, a blouse made of knitwear, a fleece jumpsuit, a thin bonnet, a knitted hat, a scarf and mittens (warm). If you are afraid that the baby will be cold - it is better to bring a blanket or blanket!
To understand whether the child is comfortable enough, you can simply touch his nose - if it is cold, then it does not hurt to warm the baby. Well, if the nose is clearly wet from perspiration, then the baby should not be dressed so warmly.
Again, it is clear that one should not specifically ask about how to dress a newborn in November or October. First of all, common sense! After all, it is not uncommon - warm November or, on the contrary, excessively cool October.
It is possible that you will have to listen to a lot of "valuable" recommendations from friends and grandmothers sitting near the entrance. You can listen to them. But rushing to do everything that you are advised, obviously should not. For recommendations can be very contradictory!
How to dress a newborn in autumn at home?
It is also worth being guided by common sense. If you understand that the temperature is outside and the heating is already on in the house, the baby may well be dressed in cotton romper and blouse. No bonnet needed. But if the apartment is cold, then you should not ask yourself how to dress a newborn in October. In the case when the thermometer column shows about 17 degrees, you should put on a cotton suit for the baby, and woolen clothes on top, you will need a hat!