Judging by the reviews, the series of computer games "Stalker" is very popular among many gamers. In 2009, a new part entered the gaming market - “Stalker. Call of Pripyat ”, which was also very liked by fans of horror. Often during the passage of this shooter, even experienced players can have difficulties. For example, very often they ask the question how to use in “Stalker. Call of Pripyat cheat for money? To facilitate the process of completing some tasks, the game developer has provided special cheat codes. Read more about how to apply in Stalker. Call of Pripyat ”cheat for money, you will learn from this article.
Why does the main character need money?
According to experts, this problem is faced by gamers mainly in cases where they are testing a game or mod, shooting a video or checking various options for passing all the storylines. At the same time, the main character needs a lot of money for which he can buy the necessary weapons and how to equip himself. It may seem to a beginner that this task is rather difficult. However, experienced players are aware of various modifications and technical tricks.
Where to begin?
If you have a need for an unlimited amount of money, you should adjust the game configuration. To do this, make several changes to the file "character_desk_general.xml". To enter this file, go to the folder in which you have the game. There should be several more folders, namely gamedata, configs and gameply. If there are no folders listed above, then you will have to create them.
Second step
To activate in "Stalker. Call of Pripyat, cheat for money, use the Notepad program. You can also use Notepad ++ for this purpose. It is there that you need to make all the changes. After you open the character_desk_general file, you will see several lines, namely: money min = 100, max = 100 and infinitive = 0.
In the min and max parameters, you specify the minimum and maximum amount of money. If you want the money to never end, then you should pay attention to the third parameter. You need to make a change in the parameter infinitive = 0. Instead of zero, put the number 1. After this, the game money will always be in unlimited quantities.
After making new parameters, you need to restart the shooter, since the changes only take effect at the beginning of a new game. In addition to an unlimited amount of money, with the help of already other codes, the player can choose all types of weapons and ammunition for them, minimize energy consumption and even get immortality. There is also a suicide cheat. At the request of the gamer can temporarily get the opportunity to fly to rise above various locations and take screenshots.