During the second pregnancy, most women feel much stronger and more confident. But it is important to know that since the birth of the first-born, your body has undergone many changes: vitamin depletion of the body, a load on the reproductive system, weight fluctuations, frequent back pain, and others. In addition, the signs of childbirth in multiparous mothers are completely different.
So the second pregnancy can be radically different from the first. Therefore, it will be very useful to prepare yourself for this difference and once again go the "hard way". Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to ensure that everything goes well and soon you see the smile of your second baby.
How to prepare yourself for the birth of the next child?
It will seem to you that the second pregnancy is much faster, because you will constantly be busy with household chores and raising the first-born. It will be difficult for you to find the time to take care of yourself. But there are pluses: the list of purchases of children's things will be much shorter, and yet you will not worry about how to care for your child in the early days.
Of course, your health remains an important issue. Once again, you need to remember a few "rules" of pregnancy. Namely:
- every day (up to 12-15 weeks of pregnancy) take 400 micrograms of folic acid, which will help protect the child from problems with the nervous system and diseases of the spine;
- eat healthy foods (vegetables, fruits, fish, milk, cottage cheese, meat, nuts, cereals, whole grain bread) to make sure that you and your baby get enough nutrients;
- limit caffeine intake to 200 mg per day - two cups of green tea or 2 cups of instant coffee;
- do physical exercises every day, after coordinating them with your doctor; they will help you to be energetic and stay in good shape;
- take time to get close to your child: stroke your tummy, listen to classical music, talk to him.
Changes in the body
Of course, your second pregnancy will be a little different than the first. Here are some examples:
- You will feel the fetal movements much faster, but these sensations will also be magical.
- Joints may hurt more. Consult with a specialist on how to relieve tension in the back and pelvis.
- If during the first pregnancy you did not experience nausea, then most likely you can avoid these unpleasant sensations this time too. Conversely, if you have suffered from vomiting, then you will not get away from them again.
- Problems such as varicose veins, hemorrhoids, or frequent urination can recur. But this time you will already know how to deal with them.
- Unfortunately, if you have suffered from diseases such as gestational diabetes, obstetric cholestasis or preeclampsia, then they may appear this time.
The main plus of the second pregnancy is your awareness and experience. That is, in the event of any disease, you will know what medicines to take and how to behave so as not to harm the child. In any case, do not forget to consult your gynecologist.
Second pregnancy: first signs of childbirth
When your second pregnancy comes to an end, you, of course, will remember the first birth. This is absolutely natural, and besides, it is very interesting to know whether this will be the same this time.
The signs of childbirth during the second pregnancy can radically differ from those associated with your first experience. For example, you may feel that this time the stomach is lowering more slowly. However, contractions can occur more strongly, and the cervix will also open faster.
If you have not had a cesarean section, then it will be easier for the child to go through the birth canal. The fact is that the muscles of the pelvic floor and the walls of your vagina were already strained earlier. The active period of labor (when the cervix opens from 4 to 10 cm, and the intervals between contractions become less and less) will last no more than 5 hours. This is less compared to the first time this phase takes 8 hours. And the process of giving birth to a child will not take more than two hours this time.
Let's take a closer look at the signs of childbirth during the second pregnancy.
Belly lowering
It should be noted that not all pregnant women feel this before giving birth. However, if this happens, you will feel much better: you will breathe easier, shortness of breath will go away and even heartburn will no longer bother.
But sleep, unfortunately, will become a little worse: it will be difficult for you to find a comfortable sleeping position. Remember that in multiparous women, the stomach drops just a few days before the birth.
How does a mucus plug go?
In fact, the so-called mucous plug may not come off at all, or it will do so directly 2 to 3 days before the actual start of labor. Nevertheless, due to the fact that women who are pregnant a second time, the cervix opens much faster, they will begin to give birth within a few hours after the cork of mucus has passed.
A mucus plug is a jelly-like clot, transparent or brown, that comes directly from the vagina. Sometimes it contains particles of blood. It is important to remember that he does not always leave before childbirth: this can happen in the process of the birth of the baby. So a woman may not even realize that the cork has come out.
Acute abdominal pain
When you become a mom a second time, it will be easier for you to distinguish true contractions from training (Braxton Hicks) that occur only once during the day, without any change in frequency. Usually they appear at the 26th week of pregnancy, but may occur later. Such criteria as the intensity of contractions will help to recognize them.
You can be absolutely sure that you will start giving birth when contractions become regular and frequent, and the intervals between them are reduced.
Child behavior
There are still signs of childbirth during the second pregnancy - this is the condition and movement of the fetus. As a rule, a few days before birth, the baby’s activity is significantly reduced, and he sends the mother only some “lazy” signals.
And very soon this lull will be replaced by excessively fast movements of the child, informing the mother that her baby no longer wants to "sit in his stomach."
Weight loss
During pregnancy, of course, all women closely monitor their weight. But on the eve of the baby’s birth, you can notice a real loss of several kilograms. Unpleasant edema can go away with them.
In addition, the expectant mother may have a disturbed appetite and digestive upset. Do not be alarmed by aching pain in the lower back.
This unpleasant symptom also sometimes disturbs a woman who is giving birth again. In addition, she can notice a sharp breakdown in normal stools: as a rule, expectant mothers often run to the toilet. And that means only one thing, that the birth is about to begin.
In addition to severe diarrhea, nausea and vomiting may occur.
Surge of activity
Sometimes, before birth, it is not clear why a pregnant woman with a huge belly feels an extraordinary surge of vitality in herself. She begins to solve unfinished business at a fast pace: carry out spring cleaning, move furniture herself, and prepare a nursery.
Expectant mother seems to soar with happiness! And there are really many reasons for this, because soon everything will begin.
Active labor
As a rule, contractions in most women begin with the discharge of water, that is, with the spontaneous rupture of the amniotic membranes.
Watch the frequency of contractions. Initially, you can experience contractions after 10 - 15 minutes. But over time, this period will be reduced to 2 to 3 minutes.
Urination may occur more often due to increased fetal pressure on the bladder.
When the above signs of childbirth are noted in multiparous, the cervix undergoes structural and functional changes. If it opens up to 10 cm, it means that you are ready to give birth.
Obstetrician help
A nurse who will be with you all the time will be able to determine how the cork is moving and how much your cervix has expanded. Your obstetrician will tell you what stage you are at: the first - the cervix will open 1 - 3 cm, the second - from 4 to 7 cm, the third - 8 - 10 cm.
The specialist on call will also be able to tell you how your baby is located and where his head is. Water, contractions, sensations - all this you can and should discuss with your doctor.
Cesarean section
If your firstborn appeared by Caesarean section, then this time you will have a chance to give birth on your own. An obstetrician-gynecologist will help you determine if you have similar symptoms (for example, preeclampsia) that may be an indication for surgery.
While your pregnancy is going well, a specialist will set you up for vaginal delivery. According to statistics, three out of four women do not have a cesarean section for the second time.
Premature birth
If during the first pregnancy your baby was born prematurely, this does not mean that this time everything will go the same. There are four out of five chances that the fetus will be full-term. However, changes can occur, and they will be related to your condition.
Scientists have proven that early birth can happen again if:
- the first time the baby was born between 20 and 31 weeks;
- you prematurely gave birth more than two times.
If the contractions during the second pregnancy really begin ahead of schedule, you will already know what to do. The main thing is to get to the hospital on time.
Baby weight
It is believed that second children are born much larger than the first. But this is not always the case. However, if your first-born was born with a weight of 4.5 kg or more, then most likely this time you will have a hero.
To get information about the size and weight of your unborn baby, the gynecologist will constantly measure your stomach, as well as prescribe an ultrasound. This procedure will help you get an accurate picture of the fetus.
Now we can conclude: the signs of childbirth during the second pregnancy, of course, can differ significantly from those that were during the first. But in most cases they are repeated. Therefore, you will already know what to prepare for. And your obstetrician will help to identify violations in time, prevent them and take care of the safety of the baby and mother. Therefore, do not be afraid to give birth a second time. After all, every woman wants to again feel the joy of motherhood and see the first smile of her baby.