How To Understand That Chicken Is Sick: Tips For Beginners

Domestic chickens, subject to all the necessary conditions for proper maintenance and feeding, are rarely ill. The maximum that can happen in the yard is that the bird will be injured or hurt if the flight is unsuccessful. However, it is not always possible to achieve the ideal result for poultry rearing. Moreover, no one is safe from the occurrence of infection, which can penetrate through food, water, from other birds and animals. How to identify chicken diseases and their symptoms in time, let's figure it out together.

Where is the danger?  

Most often, as practice shows, among diseases of domestic chickens there are those associated with malnutrition (writes the source ) This can be various vitamin deficiencies, a lack of minerals and the subsequent loss of feathers, problems with oviposition, exhaustion, gout, and various inflammatory processes. Such ailments do not occur sharply and suddenly, but often develop gradually and for a long time. In this case, it is important to immediately notice the onset of the problem and to improve or change the diet of chickens in time.

the chicken is sick

Fortunately, today there are developed and affordable feeding systems for birds of different directions with an accurate calculation of the amount and composition of feed. Therefore, providing the right diet for chickens is not so difficult. It is only important to find a reliable and good supplier.

It is completely different if a bird catches an infection or a virus. Here, as they say, it’s already lucky, because often without the correct and timely treatment, the bird dies. The cunning and danger of these diseases lies in the fact that in the early stages they are often asymptomatic, it is difficult to understand that the chicken is sick. Therefore, having reached the peak of its development, they quickly destroy the body. In this case, it is important not so much the treatment as the correct prophylaxis, but this is often a special vaccination.

chickens disease

How to recognize a disease?

It is important for each kurovod, both a beginner and an experienced one, to notice in time the worsening of the state of the bird. To do this, you should know and be able to distinguish between symptoms that indicate that the chicken is sick. The first of them, and perhaps the most important, will be the general depressed state of the chicken, lethargy and drowsiness. If the bird often sits in one place, while the other relatives run or eat, hangs its head, closes its eyelids, looks depressed - this is the first bell “something is wrong.” You should immediately put such a chicken separately and observe other symptoms:

  • loss of feather elasticity, non-seasonal molting, baldness, joint inflammation, decreased egg production, weight loss, chickens peck eggs, tear feathers, cannibalism - signs of lack of nutrients or vitamins;
  • diarrhea, weight loss, thirst, loss or increased appetite - helminthiasis;
  • peeling of the skin, loss of feathers, the appearance of wounds and damage to the skin, itching - the presence of skin parasites or gnawing;
  • diarrhea, depression, scallop pallor, shortness of breath, mucous membrane discharge, fever, decreased or complete cessation of egg production are the first signs of infectious diseases;
  • inflammation of the joints, tightening of soft tissues, loss of activity, holding the limbs - bruise or fracture.

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